Sister Zhuo coaxed Xuanxuan while eating.

Fortunately, the little guy has always disliked crying, and was held and coaxed by Sister Zhuo for a while, then stopped, especially when he saw Bai Chen, the little guy couldn’t help but show a happy smile.

The adults were eating, and Brother Qiao squatted next to Meng Meng and Xixi’s stroller, acting as ‘bodyguards’.

Mengmeng likes Brother Scoop very much, and his little hand gently grasps Brother Scoop’s head, and Brother Scoop also enjoys approaching Mengmeng with a look of enjoyment.

On the first day of the new year, during the day, Wang Yueru, Da Mimi, Reba, and Tong Liya played mahjong.

Bai Chen and Sister Zhuo took care of the three little guys, and the atmosphere was happy.

At night, Bai Chen planned to go to the movies.

Today’s premiere of “Loyal Dog Hachiko”, Brother Qiao’s ‘debut’ ah, moreover, this movie is worth watching.

Originally, Bai Chen wanted to go as a family, but Wang Yueru said that the three little guys were cute and they had to take care of them, so she stayed at home to take care of the three little guys, and let Bai Chen and Da Mi “810” Honey go together.

Originally, pets could not enter the cinema, but the identity of Brother Scoop’s ‘starring’, many cinemas directly left VIP viewing for Brother Scoop, and Bai Chen chose a small cinema.

Reba, Da Mimi and the two women held hands, and Tong Liya and Sister Zhuo held hands.

The remaining Bai Chen and Brother Qiao looked at each other.

Bai Chen touched Brother Scoop’s dog head and sighed, “Brother Scoop, it’s time to find you an object when you are free.” ”

The fourth girl looked at Bai Chen and Brother Qiao, and couldn’t help but smile.

Everyone went out and drove three cars! And it’s all supercars!

Sister Zhuo drives her own pink Audi R8 with Tong Liya.

Big honey opens her own red Maserati with Reba.

Bai Chen drives a Ferrari with Brother Scoop, although the car is the most expensive, but none of the wives are there, a little boring!

“Husband, let’s go first!” Da Mimi drove out of the underground garage first, and waved with Bai Chen with a smile.

“Husband, see you at the cinema!” Sister Zhuo and Reba went out for the second time, and her pink Audi looked very eye-catching.

Bai Chen took Brother Scoop and set off at last.

It’s still quick to go to the cinema, but because it’s still early, they want to drive around and go shopping.

The more you go to the cinema, the fewer people there will be.

However, on New Year’s Day, there are still many people in the cinema.

It’s usually a big family.

The pre-sale of “Loyal Dog Bagong” in this year’s Spring Festival is ranked third, but the real-time box office is ranked first, indicating great potential.

Moreover, as soon as it was released during the day, it received rave reviews!

“Loyal Dog Hachiko” directly ranked first in the hot search!

The most reviewed film is: watch cry.

The box office accumulated to 1 o’clock in the evening, and Bai Chen had exceeded 300 million when they went to see it!

This is a non-commercial film, partial literary film, the box office is a bit amazing!

At the same time, “Hachiko the Loyal Dog” premiered in South Korea, Shimamoto, the United States, and many other regions, all of which received rave reviews!

This opening is very similar to the feeling of “returning to the global release”, I don’t know if the box office will be so explosive.

For this result, it can also be regarded as Bai Chen’s expectation.

The script naturally did not say, followed by such a long time, once burst out, the acting skills of this movie also allowed him to reach the peak of his acting career!

Bai Chen and Da Mimi are fully armed with sunglasses in order to attract attention, and they are also entering the theater in batches.

Reba and Da Mimi are the most advanced, then Sister Zhuo, and finally Bai Chen and Brother Qiao.

I didn’t go in together, but I sat together.

Because it is a VIP moviegoer, the number of people is not as large as that of ordinary rooms.

Moreover, the seats are relatively spacious and comfortable, and Brother Qiao squats next to Bai Chen.

Next to Bai Chen is Reba, who is Brother Qiao’s original owner.

Reba looked at everyone and whispered, “Sister Mi, have you prepared tissues?” Listen to the Internet say that this movie is super waste paper. ”

“I didn’t bring it~” Da Mi touched her pocket, she didn’t even take the bag, and put it on the car.

“I brought it.” Tong Liya smiled and took out a pack of small tissues.

“That’s not enough.” Reba replied.

By the time they whisper, the movie is ready to begin!

From entering the theater to now squatting at Bai Chen’s feet, looking at the movie screen with his head held high, he is full of ritual.

At this time, the screen screen was dark, and then the LOGO of ‘Morning Light Entertainment’, an English logo.

“Here we go, quiet.”

The cinema suddenly fell silent.

The first scene of the movie is a classroom where students take turns on stage to tell their heroes.

Some of them talked about famous historical figures, modern heroes, etc., and only one little boy wrote Xiaoba on the blackboard.

Who is Xiaoba? The students all showed puzzled expressions.

The little boy said with a proud face: “Xiaoba is a dog raised by my grandfather. ”

Suddenly, the other children couldn’t help but laugh.

A dog can also be called a hero?!

When Brother Scoop saw the first picture of his appearance, he couldn’t help but hum excitedly, Bai Chen touched Brother Scoop’s head, and Brother Scoop calmed down a lot……..

As the plot of the movie progresses, the first half hour is very warm, telling how the male lead professor raised Xiaoba under the opposition of his wife, and Xiaoba secretly dug a hole in the backyard and climbed out to send the professor to work.

In this regard, Xiaoba developed the habit of sending professors to work every day and waiting for professors to leave work at the gate of the platform in the evening.

There is also Bai Chen appearing as the boyfriend of the professor’s daughter, and now there is a whispered discussion from female fans.

Especially when the plot comes to Bai Chen and the professor’s daughter played by Zhang Tianxiao getting married.

Reba, Da Mimi, and several of them couldn’t help but look at Bai Chen at the same time.

Bai Chen spread his hands: “…”

The whole movie begins with the sudden death of the professor when he is in class, and begins to enter the tear-jerking stage.

That day, it was snowing heavily, and Xiao Badun sat on the flower bed opposite the former station gate, waiting for the professor to return.

In the past, professors would always appear on time at dusk, but this time until it was dark, Xiaoba did not wait for the professor to return.

Reba, who was beside Bai Chen, couldn’t help but look down at Brother Scoop and gently touched its hair.

The atmosphere gradually became a little low and sad.

The professor died, and the professor’s wife and daughter moved with Xiaoba.

But the little guy ran out of the professor’s daughter’s house several times, ran a long way, and came to sit in the flower bed opposite the station gate.

After tossing and turning like this many times, the professor’s daughter gave up taking Xiaoba home.

In this way, Xiaoba waited for ten years at the gate of the 1.1 station by the nearby vendors who usually gave some food!

In the past ten years, the professor’s daughter has not come, and his wife has remarried.

But Xiao Ba still stayed there for ten years, its fur was dirty, its eyes were empty, its limbs were weak, and the old one had reached the end of his life.

Until one snowy night, snow covered its body and turned into a statue …

This scene saw everyone who cried at the scene.

Big men can’t help but blush when they look at it!

Reba grabbed Bai Chen’s sleeve and wiped her tears.

Da Mimi, Tong Liya, Sister Zhuo After they became mothers, they couldn’t help but look at this, and a package of paper was completely insufficient.

Brother Qiao looked at the snow sculpture at this time, and then slowly turned his head to look at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen sighed and touched Brother Qiao’s head, and Brother Scoop gently licked Bai Chen’s palm, as well as his head rubbing Reba’s leg.

Reba’s eyes were red, and she was moved to hold Brother Scoop……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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