David woke up, stretched his arms and legs, took a look at the wall clock, it was twenty-six minutes to Nine pm. His breath smells of alcohol; his entire body smells. He still had time, so he decided to rush his bath before she came. He unlocked the door but shut it.

While under the shower, he ran through how it will all play out in his head. He won't allow that ghost to touch him again. Once he sets his eyes on her, he is so calling her name and let her be gone. If he can successfully free himself from this girl or ghost, he will give skirt chasing a hard break.

Lost in introspect, he was brought back to his living nightmare by a soft knock on the door. He kept quiet waiting to be sure it wasn't in his head. The knock came again, this time louder.

Should he answer or not? Or just keep quiet till she gets exhausted from knocking and leaves? But she will just return the next night and the one after that till he answers. Should he just walk naked to the door and call her by her name and be done with it once and for all. What should he do? How would he get away from this mess? What if she is not even the one knocking?

"Yes! Who is that?" he answered manning up to face his fears.

"It is me Nevaeh" came a sexy voice from the other side of the door.

His heart dived into his stomach. But he has to act like all is alright; if not she might suspect and that could be the end of his crazy plan.

"Oh beautiful; please come in the door isn't locked"

He heard someone enter his sitting room and the door shut behind.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Not really, baby. Make yourself comfortable, I will be out in a minute"

"Won't you invite me to come to join you in the bathroom?"

"You know I live for kissing you, it is my salvation and I will die with the memory of them but am handling a different kind of business right now"

"Alright, I will be waiting in the bedroom. Don't keep a girl waiting…"

David collapsed against the wall, frustrated and scared to the bones. His heart beating like a drum, his nerves strung tight as high wires; with shaking like someone with a fever.

What would he do? Why not step out noiselessly, lock her in that room and run to his only elder brother. But what can stop a ghost from finding him anywhere in the world? He could also go to the room and call her name before she said anything. Why is he even scared of her? If she had plans of hurting him, she would have done it.She had plenty of opportunities; slit his throat while he slept, cut off his dick while they were having sex or just shoot him in the head from behind.

He went back under the water and just allowed it to rush through his head, washing away his fears and sins. It felt like water baptism, he was a new man; a brave one ready to fight the good fight of faith against witches and spirits. A few minutes afterwards, he stepped out from the bathroom heading towards the bedroom ready to take on anything.

Now behind the bedroom door, David took a deep breath to relax his nerves and reduce the built-up tension in his lungs. Once he enters the room, just one of them is getting back out. But from where he is standing, she is the one that will disappear into thin air; he is certain of that.

He burst open the door to meet Nevaeh seated at the end of the bed, her head bowed, and a shining stainless pistol beside her. David didn't see that coming in a billion years; responsively he called out

"Heaven!" Expecting her to disappear but to his dismay, nothing happened.

His pause accelerated; hands sweaty as he kicked into panic mode.

"Heaven!" he called out again in a shaking voice as his eyes burnt with tears. Yet nothing happened.

He was about to dive for the door running for his dear life when she pointed the pistol at him.

"I'm Nevaeh, not Heaven… just shut the fuck up and get on your knees"

She ordered with the gun still pointed at him. In split second, he was down on his knees with hands in the air. Surprise instantly overtook his fears. At least this shows he hasn't been sleeping with a ghost but what has he done? Why is a gun pointed at him? He looked above the gun to her face; her eyes blood red, she was burning with anger and rage.

"What… what have I done?" he struggled to ask, words barely coming out from his mouth.

She stood from the bed, gun still pointed, walked a little closer to him, made a sorry-face before responding

"Oh baby, you did nothing" she paused for some seconds as her eyes suddenly were clouded with tears "But you fucking brother, Peter…" the words seemed to be coming from a very dark and sad place.

"Peter took my better half; he killed my twin sister" tears stream down her eyes as the words came out of her mouth, but she didn't blink nor wavered the gun.

David thought quickly, how is this his business? He and his brother may lookalike but they are clearly two different people. So his stupid brother has enjoyed with another person and he is to pay for his sins. But saying that out loud will only add salt to the injury; so he sympathized.

"I'm so sorry, really sorry for your loss but I'm not my brother's keeper…"

"Of course, I know that"

"Then why the gun is pointed at me and not yours truly?"

"Shut the fuck up. You aren't even giving me reasons to spare your fucked up life" she screamed irritated, stepping close to place the cold metal against his forehead. The thought of she pulling the trigger sending a bullet through his skull and it comes out from behind with some part of his brain, turned his blood to ice. Instantly fear brought nervous sweat to the surface of his skin.

He thought of just grabbing the gun from her, it was just a few inches from reach. She is a lady after all; not this one his conscience warned him. She is a psychopath, a nut job; he can't believe he actually had sex with this bitch and thought it heavenly. He was even falling in love with her. Just great, from a ghost to a mad woman; what can beat that?

"Am sorry" he whispered covering his mouth with his hand.

"You are saying the wrong words and asking all the wrong questions. Am expecting you to ask how your good for nothing brother killed my innocent sister?" she asked as anger ignited in her eyes again.

"How did my stupid brother kill your innocent sister?"

"Good boy" a proud smile appeared on her lips "He seduced her, made her visit him in a hotel room where he had sex with her and gave her HIV. He then bailed on her, she was returning home to us when she was involved in a car accident that took her life. Now am left without a sister. I'm going to end your life; so your brother will partake in my pain and misery before I come for him".

"Please I beg you, spare my life, I have done you no wrong…"

"That's the funny thing," she said hitting the gun softly against her head. "So did my sister. Heaven's only crime was falling for your HIV infected brother. Which kind of person gives that kind of virus to an innocent person? Answer me?" she screamed at him.

"I don't know" he struggled between tears. "I don't know what my brother did. I wasn't there when he did it. I shouldn't be paying for his crime!"

She took sympathy on him "That I get" she appeared calm again. "But you don't understand. If I can, I will spare your life" she said waving her head probably saying no to someone only her can see.

Those words sent a chill down his spine. "How do you mean you can't?"

"My sister is here right now and she is asking me to be done with this," she said now waving her head more violently.

"Please baby… you can, you shouldn't listen to your angry sister. Remember the two nights we have spent together. I know you feel a thing for me. We had a connection…"

"I enjoyed those nights too even though I had to rush back home before my mother wakes up and could only leave once she had retired to bed. I had this pistol from the first night I came here, but after how you treated and respected me I couldn't bring myself to do it knowing fully you are innocent"

"I'm still innocent, nothing has changed. Nevaeh I love you… I really do love you. I know you are a kind person. You don't wanna have this on your conscience"

She burst into long dry laughter "You know all of this about me from just two nights of perfect sex? I never knew you are such a prophet…"

His little hope died with that laughter. "That's not what I meant, I mean…"

"Just shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out" the rage was back. She seemed to be possessed with some kind of an angry demon and her personality kept changing. "You know nothing about me, not even the tiniest bit". A smile lingered on her lips as her eyes burn with fury. "Your useless brother took the perfect one and left the devil behind…"

Terror burrowed deep into his soul. Fear tore through him. Like, lighten he covered his mouth with both hands, ensuring no word accidentally proceeds from it that could be a mistake he won't live to regret.

"Just because we fucked, doesn't change the fact that your brother took my mother's perfect daughter," she said taking her steps backwards till she rested against the bed, then she sat; eyes pinned at him and gun still aiming at his forehead.

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