LOOSED - Sex with a Ghost

23 'sJust kiss me's

It was now some minutes past 9 PM. The window was a bit open and she stared out of it. The night was black and wet, a growing wind whistled through the trees. The rush of the wind rattled the branches of the tree and whistled around the corners of the house.

Judith stood under the shower as the cold water rushed through her body, relaxing her nerves and calming her spirit. Thinking how wonderful the date has been, with dear Tony treating her like royalty. They just concluded a romantic and delicious dinner; and he has been amusing, making her laugh really hard.

Done bathing, she wore just her panties and an oversized long sleeve of his and joined him in bed. She rested her head on his shoulders while he placed his right hand over her shoulders with both of their backs against the wall; together they began watching a romantic movie.

About twenty minutes into the movie, she could barely concentrate. All her thought was about him, she wants him, wants to wrap her arms around him, and kiss him so hard. She wants to feel his hands roam all over her skin, into the concealed places of pleasure, his tongue on her nipples and let him take her to places that she'd only dreamt of; but she would be a good girl and wait for him to make the first move. She has been told times without number that it was wrong for a girl to make the first move or she will be seen as cheap.

As time went on, Tony grew more interested in the movie, staring at the TV screen with so much excitement. He seems not to even notice she was beside him. Will she keep waiting like this? She questioned herself.

Maryjane called before she went into the bathroom and asked how the date was going? She replied her everything was perfect. Then the silly girl asked whether they have done it? To that, she replied not yet but it is surely going to happen. Then he is here watching a boring movie. What is she going to tell Maryjane when she gets back? They watched a movie she can't even remember the title all though the night.

Oh, God! She wants him, wants to feel his demand of her body, wants him to break that thin barrier that separated woman from child, and relieve her of this cursed virginity. Lust began to consume her very soul. A glimmer of an idea began to form in her mind.

Fuck this! Fuck being a good girl! Fuck waiting for him to make the first move! She is going after what she wants, and she wants him deep inside her untouched cunt. She took the remote control from his laps and turned off the TV. When he turned to ask why she grabbed his face and sealed his lips with a kiss.

He kissed her back, slowly at first, then gradually with more need and passion. Judith closed her eyes and felt the wonder of his mouth, his tongue slid easily past her teeth, the tip touching the ridges along the roof of her mouth. She tasted him and it ignited a fire in her soul.

"Baby, touch me" she whispered into his ear as they broke the kiss to catch their lost breath.

Tony knew he had to concur, Judith had shocked him. He never thought she could be that bold, and this only made him love and want her even more. Kissing her passionately, he slowly slid his hand under her oversized shirt till it got to her warm full breast. Gently he squeezed them, tweaking her hard nipples as she moaned lightly with pleasure.

Soon he broke the kiss and came down from the bed, began undressing in a hurry. His eyes burning with desire for her and lust for her body. On the bed, she removed her shirt, exposing her firm virgin breasts while watching him, studying his raging and hard cock. It was the perfect size to drive her crazy; she wondered what it will feel like to have that inside of her.

Completely naked, he jumped back on the bed and moved over her. She giggled with excitement. He paused, staring straight into her soul. She felt his palm on her cheek as he regarded her thoughtfully; then whispered

"My God, you are beautiful"

She signed calmly and mouthed back

"Just kiss me, baby"

She pulled him down to her and wrapped her arms around his middle. Their lips locked once more, she entered, enjoying the sensuous textures of his teeth, his palette, and tongue. Exchanging saliva and sensations, neither believed that this fire inside them could burn any hotter. She felt warm sensations of pure pleasure between her legs.

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