LOOSED - Sex with a Ghost

8 Her seductive power

The ceiling fan rotated tardily and noiselessly, producing hardly enough air to cool the sitting room, but thank heaven for the air conditioner which did the job. A white electric bulb hung not too far from the fan illuminating the entire room. On the white wall, hung a forty-two-inch plasma television and a collection of white leather sofa arranged in a C-shaped stood opposite it. Blue transparent glasses table with red strawberry design stood between them.

On the table was a just opened bottle of white wine and glasses for two; one filled and the other empty. The walls were covered in white paint with just a large gold-framed picture of David in lion's skin-cloth with a red cap that had an eagle's feather pinned at its right side. He had a proud smile across his face.

The whole sitting room lacked a single book on any topic but a large collection of pornographic magazines was well arranged just below the television. The only thing of a different color was the sky-blue curtains that covered all the doors and windows. In the cold air, a strong scent of lemon air freshener was evident.

David sat at the edge of the sofa; a remote control in hand flickering from one station to another till it came to that of Pastor Alex. A tall, good-looking man, with broad shoulders and a firm physique, he was somewhere in his late thirties, he guessed. Charisma practically oozed from him, with his clear skin, brown eyes, gleaming straight black hair, and white teeth that flashed disarmingly when he smiled.

Pastor Alex was standing in the middle of a crowd on the step of his church. It was still daylight on the tape, the tape must have been recorded earlier. He watched with disgust as the charismatic preacher preached.

"You watching me right now, it is time to give your life to Christ. It is time to stop fornication, adultery, and every form of sexual immorality that you are involved in. Christ is asking me to talk to you right now. He loves you, He needs you, and you are the apple of His eyes. Your body belongs to Him; it is supposed to be His temple, not a sex machine".

Snorting a laugh, he said aloud "This guy can't be serious right now. I should give my body to Jesus, a man, what is that called again?" he forced another laugh trying not to think of the answer.

"A handsome man like this, only that same Jesus he has been calling knows how many girls in his church he is conducting personal prayers for and with every night. These pastors always are looking for ways to control the lives of other people. Don't do this, don't do that, like they are perfect" He sighed and switched to another station.

Tardily his attention drifted from the television to his visitor who was in the bathroom. How was it going to go down? Will it be in the parlor or bedroom? Will they cuddle on the sofa and pretend to be watching the television? Will he have to jokingly grab her and pull her to the bedroom? Will she give him a blow job, those sexy lips will do a great job but she looks like someone with morals. What will she even be like in bed? Will, she just lay there like a bag of rice and allow him to do the job of pleasuring them both? Or will they be co-pilots on the ride to the circles of heaven?

What if she steps out of the bathroom and says he is seeing her red soldiers? That she is down with a sudden fever? He has been there before, after spending that large amount of money on that Yoruba girl Yemi. When it came to time for him to reap the seed he sowed, she claimed to be ill. He had to ask her out of his house and life straight away.But if this one says she is unwell, he would let her be. For some strange reasons, he wants to treat her especially, like a queen. Therefore projecting himself a perfect gentleman before her.

Still battling with different thoughts; a perfect hourglass figure suddenly obstructed the images on the screen from meeting his gaze. David tardily rested his gaze on the face of this goddess. He was fascinated by it, the hint of coldness in her eyes, the way she stared back at him directly, insolently, like a man.

She had a face that could change with any wind of expression. He could dream into it anything; like a beautiful empty house waiting for carpets and pictures. It had all possibilities – it could become a palace or a brothel. It depends on who is filling it and he has not the mind of a saint. She had this blankness that lets him see her according to his fantasy, whether of love, lust, danger or voluptuousness.

Staring at him emptily, wearing no facial expression, she reached for the knot that secured the towel around her breast and gave it a little tug. The piece of cloth fell to the floor; she was completely naked like the good lord made her. Gracefully, she placed her right hand on her hips transferring most of her weight onto that leg, while slightly bending the other at the knee. Posed like a model, she instinctively emphasized the glorious curves of her voluptuous feminine figure.

David was lost, his mouth opens in a delicious lust. The sight of her nudity was incredibly alluring; he was spellbound. From her head to toenails, he couldn't find a single imperfection, she was absolutely breathtaking. Posed like she was, her body seemed to be made of the purest white marble; a masterly sculpted statue of a beautiful goddess.

Her breasts were perfectly round and remarkably firm with extremely kissable nipples. His eyes moving down, she had a perfectly flat tummy. Because of the way she was standing, he couldn't see much of her privates; only the top of her cleft and part of her clitoral hood that was visible. The duality inner lips were completely hidden.

The thought of having those dark hard nipples in his mouth, sucking and licking gently; his fingers in that dark warm region between her legs, moving up and down. His cock was growing hard. He can't let her notice he was having a boner while nothing had happened. She can't know he is under her spell. He crossed his legs and thought of the only fruit he was allergic to – cucumber and groundnut, it always suppresses the raging anger of his Johnny. But this time it failed, her seductive power over him was far greater than any allergy.

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