Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 802: A feeling of being spoiled

This is the first time in Fujin!

If this is made known to those in the backyard, they won't pass this year!

In the room, Ruoyin was making dumplings with his children and minions.

Steaming water was still burning in the pot.

The charcoal fire in the stove makes occasional "cracking" noises.

Looks quite a taste of the year.

Only Si Ye sat coldly on the Grand Master's chair, watching this scene.

Fu Jin is really a grudge.

But after teasing her a few words, she returned in front of the child.

However, the scene in front of him is too warm, and he is no longer familiar with her.

At this moment, he just sat so quietly, watching her sometimes bowed his head and smiled, and sometimes said something to the slave.

In the blink of an eye, dumplings were piled up in front of her.

This has to be put before, he will definitely say that she is unruly, and lead the child to play mischief.

When it started, he was used to her casual temperament.

As if she was not a Sifu Jin, he was not a Prince Yong.

She is just an ordinary wife, beautiful, generous and graceful. She treats her children kindly but not spoiling...

"Master, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone you want is here!" Li Fukang's appearance interrupted Si Ye's thoughts.

With a faint "um", he got up and stood on the table of the Eight Immortals where he was dining, and wrote the couplets with his pen.

Under Ruoyin's instigation, Hongyi and Hongxiu also washed their hands and gathered around Si Ye to watch him write.

From Ruoyin's perspective, it happens to see a man's stiff side face.

He just stood there, calmly and calmly.

He looked very attentive when he lifted the pen to write.

However, in the blink of an eye, he wrote the spring couplets like flowing water.

When Si Ye puts the pen, the atmosphere does not lose the wind-flow, and the gestures are all the unique qualities of successful men.

"Ama, although I don't understand well, I feel that your handwriting is really good, better than your mother." Hongxiu's eyes flashed with worship, and he immediately sold his mother. .

Ruoyin twitched his mouth and cursed secretly with no conscience!

After a while, the dumplings were almost filled, and Ruoyin asked the minion to take it out and put it in the pot.

Then, she glanced at the Spring Festival couplets written by the four masters, and his writing was as good-looking and magnificent as ever, with clear and powerful strokes.

It feels like...There is always a kind of domineering engraved between the lines.

But the content is very down-to-earth, very consistent with the New Year's Eve.

The Shanghai Federation is: a thriving place for thousands of years.

The next line is: Good fortune, everything is prosperous.

Horizontal batch: Welcome the new year.

"Looking at the words of the master, I really should find a place to sew it." Ruoyin looked at the fourth master in an agitated look, and told the minion: "Li Fukang, stick this spring couplet in the hall."


After a while, the minions brought up the cooked dumplings, nothing else.

Si Ye looked at a few plates of dumplings on the table of the Eight Immortals, and said lightly: "That's it?"

"Yes, didn't you say that everything should be simple?" Ruoyin joked.

"Master made you simple, but didn't make you so frugal." The Fourth Master frowned and winked at Su Peisheng, "Su Peisheng, go and let the kitchen cook more dishes."

Upon seeing this, Ruoyin laughed "Puff", "Master, I'm joking with you, how can you just eat dumplings for Chinese New Year, don't worry, I told Niu Chef early in the morning that he is cooking the New Year's Eve dinner, I guess It will be fine later."

Hearing this, Si Ye gave the woman a faint look.

Because of the children's presence, she must be concerned about her face.

Coupled with the New Year's Eve, the atmosphere is not good and too stiff.

So he had to bite his back tooth socket severely.

The courage is getting fatter and fatter, dare to fool him.

Not long after, just as Ruoyin said, the people in the kitchen brought New Year's Eve meals to the table.

The dishes are richer, such as stewed chicken with American ginseng, large plate chicken, cumin steak, crispy roast duck, steamed pork ribs with eight treasures, Kaiping guppy and so on.

"Master, this chicken soup has been boiled for several hours. Let me serve you a bowl first." Ruoyin said very virtuously.

When she handed the soup to the fourth master, Hongyi was very filial and took the initiative to serve her a bowl, "Emam, you also have a bowl, otherwise it is too cold this day, and it will be cold later."

"Good, good." Ruoyin smiled and took a sip of soup.

At this time, Hongxiu took a dumpling to Ruoyin and said filially: "Emam, this Sanxian dumpling is delicious."

As he said, he seemed to think that one was too few, and he picked up several dumplings. "The dumplings with mutton and green onions are also delicious."

"Obviously Erniang likes dumplings with vegetarian stuffing, I think you like meat." Hongyi said.

As soon as these words came out, Hongxiu said in a low voice, "No, I said, eating meat can grow taller."

"Yes, yes, Zhuangzhuang and Yuanbao are both filial to Niang. Erniang knows, eat it yourself." Seeing the small bowls piled up in front of them, they quickly stopped them from continuing to feed.

The Fourth Master on the side saw this scene, and a mysterious black stream flashed in his eyes.

He used to see that the children treated her well, he would feel that they had no conscience and only knew that they were filial to the mother and not to him.

But in the past few years, both children have been raised in his courtyard.

He knew their temperament.

Because he taught them that men don’t need to be bored and crooked, so they are like this.

It's different now, how could he have the idea to compare the children.

Thinking of this, Si Ye didn't say a word, so he picked two garlic shrimps for the woman.

"Thank you, please eat all of you." Ruoyin smiled happily.

At this moment, she really felt very happy.

The three men in front of them all centered on her, giving her a feeling of being spoiled.

However, she still did not eat the open-back prawns with garlic paste in Si Ye.

Following the path of previous years, after keeping the old age, the fourth master would have to rest.

Therefore, she dare not eat such a heavy taste.

I think no one would dare to be full of garlic to wait on the Fourth Master.

It's like no one dares to serve the Fourth Master without taking a bath.

During the New Year's Eve dinner, fortunately, there was Hirosu, and the atmosphere was very joyful.

He has a good appetite, and he doesn't have to worry about adults at all when he eats food.

Even the speed of eating chicken legs is faster than that of an adult Ruo Yin.

About a stick of incense, the family will eat and drink enough.

The minions were eye-catching and tidied the table.

Then came the dried fruits and meat, and some snacks.

Ruoyin was sitting on the rose chair with Fourth Master on her left, and there was a small table between them.

Hongyi and Hongxiu sat beside them, and the family stared at each other and began to watch the year.

Hongxiu can't help himself. He looked at Ruoyin and talked about topics, "Emama, you look good in a red flag, but I don't seem to see you wearing this red."

Originally, Si Ye just sat quietly and twisted the Buddha beads.

Hearing what Hongxiu said, he glanced at the woman faintly.

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