Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 816: Serve Si Ye at night

It should come, after all, it is here!

Si Ye was also regarded as the party concerned, so naturally he knelt and accepted the order.

With the help of the minions, Nian Zhilan put on a hijab and bowed his head.

"Thank you, the emperor, Longen."

After finishing all the etiquette, Ruoyin, as Fujin, allowed the minions to appreciate the sedan chair and the minions who played music.

And, the **** who came from the palace to recite the imperial edict.

This is the courtesy and the rule of the main room.

In order to prevent it from spreading out, people say that Sifu Jin is stingy and doesn't even have any money for reward.

Then the brain made up her bitter and mean image of not waiting to meet new people, let's go, let's go a lot.

At this time, although Nian Zhilan couldn't see it, under the guidance of the minion, she bowed to Fourth Master and Ruoyin: "Zhilan is here to send greetings to Fourth Master and Fujin, and hello to all the sisters."

Her voice sounded calm, but her heart was very nervous and excited.

As long as you want to serve the Fourth Master at night, one heart will hit the deer randomly.

The Fourth Master only glanced at Nian Zhilan politely, and gave a faint "Um".

Ruoyin stood still and told the minion: "Nian's first day into the mansion, the residence has been arranged long ago, it is in Yanyulou, you can help her go."

As she said, she looked back at Fourth Master, "Master, do you think Yanyulou is completed?"

The Yanyu Tower was arranged by her for the new lady who entered the door.

It doesn't matter who enters the mansion today, it's that yard.

"These trivial matters, you just need to take care of them." Si Ye raised his head and looked at the sky, and said, "It's getting late. Lord has to go to the palace, and the palace will be handed over to you."

"Yes." Ruoyin blessed the body.

After leaving Si Ye away, Ruoyin sent away the people in the backyard and returned to Xinghua Spring Pavilion.

These days, she has been in the Old Summer Palace.

I thought it would be very difficult for Nian Shi to enter the mansion.

But never thought that entering the mansion so smoothly would still be a side favor.

I don't know how Defei and those concubines did it.

Where did Ruoyin know, after the concubine's troubles, and the concubine Xian gave a few pillow breeze.

Nian Gengyao and Si Ye recovered the treasury.

Kangxi naturally bestowed Nian Zhilan to Si Ye.

This entrance is the side of Fujin, the choice of the concubine, or the marriage of Kangxi.

This kind of status is different from Li's kind of person who gave birth to a child and then promoted to a side fortune.

Li's side Fujin, who entered the door as Gege, had no dowry, and it would be difficult to straighten it in the future.

Moreover, Li Shi started as a concubine.

But Strictly speaking, Nianshi is the wife of the Fourth Master.

Because the Fourth Master is a Manchu, the Manchus at this time practiced polygamy and multiple concubines.

And Fang Fujin, one of the polygamy, is a wife or a concubine.

If it hadn't just passed the Queen Mother's national funeral, it should not be too lively, then there would be no big deal.

Otherwise, Nian's would be like Aruna from the Eighth Master's house, who would hold a wedding banquet.

It is precisely because of these that Nian's can be like a bride, sitting in a big red sedan chair, covered with a big red hipa into the mansion.

It's no wonder that the Nian family has spent a lot of effort trying to get Nian Zhilan into the house since last year.

A woman who can become a prince is the supreme glory, and there is no shame or shame.

What's more, Nian Zhilan is still a side of Fujin, half a wife.

Although Geng Yao was a Han soldier that year, if a few years pass, this will not be a problem.

Many Han soldiers eventually became members of the Eight Banners of Manchuria. This is not uncommon.

It seems that Nian's is really as history has said, and the future is boundless.

To put it bluntly, if the sound goes early, Niu Colu's and Nian's will have a chance to correct.

Returning to the Xinghua Spring Hall, Ruoyin sat at the table, casually trimming the branches and leaves of the flowers.

Mother Liu, all of them were sent out by her.

In the room, only Banmei was with her.

Although Banmei looks wild, but strong.

But in many cases, Banmei is quiet.

Occasionally speaking a few words, she can also speak to her heart.

"This is all right, the three positions of Fujin side are all full, and no one is staring at that position." Ruoyin cut the tulip branches neatly.

"Yeah, the minion was still thinking about who the next Fujin will be. I thought about Mengge or Uyage, but he didn't expect it to be Fujin."

Banmei always thought that Mengge and Uyage were mild-tempered.

Maybe if you give birth to a son and a half daughter, you can be promoted to a side fortune.

Ruoyin chuckled, "Then you underestimate the royal family. The most important thing in the royal family is the strength of the women's mothers."

Of course, if the Fourth Master has the heart, he has a heart for which character in the backyard, even if the opponent's mother is not strong, as long as he has a word, he can still be promoted to the side.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be anyone in the backyard who can make Fourth Master take heart.

And Si Ye... doesn't seem to be so interested in the love of children.

It's unpredictable like this, a man in the deep city.

Perhaps what interests him most is the right to control everything.

"Fujin, when you talk about the strength of the mother clan, this reminds me of one thing." Banmei pruned the branches and leaves, and said: "If you want to say that the Nian family is not bad now, you can also bring a dowry when Fu Jin enters the mansion. Yes, but the minion heard that she didn't bring any dowry, she only brought a box of seasonal clothes, and a few sets of jewelry, nothing else."

Ruoyin raised her eyebrows, slightly puzzled.

It stands to reason that Nian's entered the mansion as his wife and can bring a dowry.

Besides, isn’t it rumored that Nian Jia and Nian Gengyao are very fond of Nian Zhilan?

Don't they give too much dowry so that Nian Zhilan can take care of the house?

Or to say...Nian's have ulterior motives, want something different?

After pondering for a moment, Ruoyin probably understood.

She smiled faintly, and said: "Our Fourth Master is not the one who fancy women's money. Nian's family does this, naturally they have their reason."

"But this big family, who married his daughter, isn't it because I don't want to give some dowry so that my daughter can have a position in her husband's family and can raise her head?" Banmei really didn't understand this.

"If you want to put this in another elder brother's mansion, you might really be despised by the men, but the fourth master is not that kind of person. If a man sees a woman's money, the nature is different."

Ruoyin really admires Nianjia and dares to take this dangerous move.

Based on her knowledge of Si Ye, Si Ye didn't care how much money a woman had.

Otherwise, during the years when the original owner married the Fourth Master, there was a lot of dowry, and the natal family did not receive less money.

As a result, Si Ye didn't hand over the stewardship to the original owner.

Later, she still realized the macho mentality of the Fourth Master and refused her parents' assistance.

Si Ye gave her the stewardship right.

And Nian Gengyao was the only one who could figure out Si Ye's thoughts so thoroughly.

Originally, if Nian Shi brought her dowry into the house, it would indeed appear that her mother's family was generous, but it was nothing more than ordinary.

But they didn't buy any dowry, which meant showing loyalty to the Fourth Master.

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