Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 823: Once in a lifetime

Upon hearing this, Ruoyin's mouth twitched slightly.

She only heard that Li's fingers did not touch the sun in the backyard, but she didn't know that Li still knew how to make this kind of hard dishes?

I want to let the cook do it, and then I want to show it.

Not to mention Li's behavior, if it is known, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor.

It's not that Li's hands and feet are in the food, after all, it is Li's own work, and fools do it.

To say that Li prepared a home-cooked side dish, maybe she agreed.

But bear paw is completely different from her thinking today.

Kangxi did not eat less nourishing food in the palace, and the concubines must have prepared no less.

Therefore, she doesn't need to take this kind of special supplement, which has no special dishes.

Ruoyin shook his head and said euphemistically, "Huang Ama certainly doesn't eat less like bear paw in the Forbidden City, so let's forget it."

"Then you are short of manpower in your yard? I can help and beat them." Li said unwillingly.

Ruoyin frowned, all said they were different and didn't seek each other.

Her personality and thoughts are completely different from those of Li's, so why huddle together to work together.

When the time comes, they must not be bickering.

What could be done well in half an hour may not be done well in one hour.

In that case, it is not a help, but a disservice.

"I have something to go back first." Ruoyin raised her foot and walked forward, but Li stopped in front of her. She patted Li's shoulder lightly and said perfunctorily: "Next time, I'll talk about it next time. ....."

Li was completely rejected and had to stand still and stomped helplessly.

What next time.

Long live Lord went to the house alone, this kind of thing is a rare encounter.

Many elder brothers have never had this opportunity in their lives.

Take Si Ye, this is the first time.

Next time, who knows when to wait.

But who made her just a side of Fujin, and Fujin refused, what can she do!

After Ruoyin returned to Xinghuachun Restaurant, he planned to cook it herself.

Because she also knew that she could wait until Kangxi came to the house alone to Xiaoxu, and she might only do this once in her life.

At such an important moment, not only do the dishes be delicious, but also make Kangxi feel at home.

In ordinary people in the Qing Dynasty, the daughter-in-law would basically cook for the elders.

She will give it a try.

At this meeting, Ruo Yin was surrounded by a wide apron.

Minions gathered around her, busy washing and picking vegetables, and smashed their hands.

And she herself, has already begun to smash.

After a while, the small kitchen smelled of various dishes.

By noon, Ruoyin's dishes were almost ready.

There are also some pastries and soups, just let the minions watch.

At the same time, Si Ye and Kangxi were already sitting in the hall of Xinghua Spring Hall.

The rest of the people in the backyard, sitting in rows around the desks, did not dare to make a sound.

After Ruo Yin entered the room, he stood beside the Fourth Master without speaking.

It was Kangxi, after taking a sip of the tea, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help asking: "Fourth, what kind of tea are you, why I have never had it before?"

He sat and looked to the right, except for the green leaves and the clear tea in the cup, nothing else could be seen.

This is Fujin's place, where did the Fourth Master know what she was doing.

He looked back at the woman, and Ruoyin smiled tacitly: "Huang Ama, it's not a good tea, just use the spring bamboo leaves to dry the tea and drink it. I heard that it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. In addition, I want to say that you haven’t drunk any good tea, just picked some from the bamboo garden a while ago, and asked someone to cook it for you to taste."

Just after the voice fell, several women in the backyard had different faces.

The corners of Niu Colu's mouth evoked a touch of sarcasm.

The women in the backyard originally thought that Fujin would bring out some good tea, and even Long live Lord would not recognize it.

It turned out to be just taking some bamboo leaves that can't be used on the countertop, which is simply funny.

Although Nian Shi was surprised, she didn't think so, on the contrary, she thought it was quite innovative.

Li's heart was straightforward, and she wanted to show her merit, only to be rejected by Ruoyin.

Now I find that Fujin is nothing more than that, so naturally I can’t help but fall into the ground and say: "Fujin, I heard that bamboo can also be drunk the first time, and I have never seen bamboo leaf tea that can be used to entertain guests, Huang Ama. It's a bit shabby to come to the mansion after all."

"I just think bamboo leaf tea is delicious, and it is good for the body, so I let Huang Ama taste it. Besides, I don't feel shabby, I just feel that the good things need to be shared." Ruoyin replied confidently.

For a while, there was a smell of gunpowder in the room.

Li's identity is not as good as Ruoyin, and it is okay to instigate discord, but she can't be too much.

Otherwise, the Fourth Master and Long Live Master are here, it seems that she doesn't understand the rules.

Therefore, she just said indifferently: "It turns out that Fu Jin is so deliberate, but I'm worried too much."

At this moment, she can only pray in her heart, hoping that Lord Long live finds this tea awful, and see how Fujin can be arrogant!

I saw Kangxi shook his cup and said in a loud and authentic voice: "Old Si Fujin, I have drunk so many teas. It was the first time I drank tea made from bamboo, but I never thought that the little bamboo leaves actually entered my mouth. It's refreshing and refreshing, with a hint of aftertaste."

Hearing this, if the sound is overjoyed, he smiles back: "It just happens that my daughter-in-law has picked a lot a while ago. If Huang Ama likes it, I will let the minions bring some back to the Forbidden City."

"Good!" Kangxi smiled heartily.

Seeing this scene, Li only felt that his cheeks were hot and painful.

Isn’t it the tea made from bamboo?

Nian Shi looked at Ruoyin with an appreciative smile.

After the dishes in the kitchen were ready, Ruoyin and Siye served on the table.

Kangxi sat on the top rectangular table, covered with a brown silk tablecloth.

And she sat on the top with Si Ye and Kangxi.

However, the position is slightly lower than Kangxi.

Moreover, it is not the same table.

Those people in the backyard sat on the lower case together.

Hongyi and Hongxiu also sat at the bottom.

After everyone was seated, Ruoyin winked at Li Fukang.

Immediately afterwards, the minions in the kitchen started serving dishes one after another.

Every time a dish was served, Li Fukang screamed the name of the dish.

"Lotus blood duck, steamed pork with rice noodles, stir-fried bacon with artemisia quinoa, roast duck with glutinous rice wine, three steamed meat and vegetables, bones in sauce, fried tofu, steamed pork, golden corn, sesame pumpkin cake, pine nut lily crisp, chopped pepper fish head, small Chicken stewed with mushrooms, game crabs, spicy crickets."

Just when everyone thought there would be hard dishes in the follow-up, it was gone.

At this moment, the few in the backyard were sitting there staring.

Even the calmest Nianshi was a little mad.

No, it's gone?

Although there are many dishes, there is no one that can live in the market.

The only thing that sounds better is probably the race crab.

But why does she think this dish sounds like crab, but not like crab?

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