Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 866: Finger her cheek gently

Come on, hurt each other!

He just listened to Jiu Ye snortingly smiled, as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing.

He lifted his chin and asked the young man, "My master asks you, do you want to accept her as a concubine."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the young man's arrogance a long time ago.

He shook his head in fright, and quickly denied: "No, no, no, the little one is confused for a while. Where can he dare to look at the Jiufujin? Please also ask Master Jiuye to have a lot of it.

"Hahahaha...Dong E, did you hear that, he just wants to save his dog's life now, and he doesn't have any time to make you a concubine." Jiuye smiled sinisterly.

"You brought the guard here again to beat people and intimidate. Of course he won't admit it."

"Isn't that for true love, you can even give up your life? I'm afraid of this pain." Jiuye said.

"Some people don't have to give their lives, and it's not about abandoning their wives." Jiufujin pointedly pointedly.

Jiu Ye chuckled, without stubbornness.

Just disapprovingly said: "It’s really not that my master loves to say about you. You don’t really have a long memory. People ask you to go to the lake and force you to go. What does this mean? It means that people only want to play and don’t want to be responsible. You are so stupid that you will be accepted as a concubine."

"I don't care about anything else, I only know that he promised me before." Dong E's ignoring the panic in the eyes of the young man, on the contrary, the more he talked about it, the more he got up.

Hearing that, Jiuye frowned, and his deep peach eyes were stained with a hint of yin.

Then, he looked at the young man and said lightly: "Come here, see which tongue said it, and he cut it off."

"Master, there is only one tongue." The guard replied.

"Well, then just cut one." Jiuye didn't really matter.

As if what he said was the simplest sentence.

The young man was so frightened that he couldn't even shook his head.

Jiufujin said angrily: "Jiuye, you have already divorced me, and there is no relationship between us. What qualifications do you have to break into my world again and disturb my happiness!"

"Wrong, Lord, this is to save you from the deep waters, let you recognize this hypocritical man, why don't you know well." Jiuye said.

As soon as the voice fell off, I only heard the young man yelling a few times, and then there was no sound, "Ah...uh..."

Suddenly, there was a **** smell in the room.

I saw the young man's mouth full of blood.

In addition, there was still red blood leaking from his mouth, flowing to his jaw and neck.

Seeing Dong E's frown, he pointed to Jiuye and said, "No matter how hypocritical he is, he is better than a sinister man like you."

"Is that so, then cut him open and let my master see how good he is." Jiuye casually pointed the finger, his eyes full of hostility.

It was obviously related to a human life, but she said so calmly, it was like pulling out a strand of hair.

The guards under him seemed to be used to such things and were not surprised at all.

Instead, he began to scratch the young man with daggers and swords.

Upon seeing this, Dong E's directly fell from the chair to the ground.

This scene is too **** and cruel.

Her mouth was trembling constantly, and her face was not scared at all.

Dong E clan knelt and walked up to Jiu Ye, shook his knee, and begged for mercy: "Jiu Ye, I beg you to spare him, this will kill him."

Jiuye: "..."

"I apologize to you for what I said just now. I shouldn't say those words that irritate you. Those are not what I say in my heart." Dong E cried in fear.

If she really liked it a little bit, she wouldn't say such a thing, she would only care about the joy in her heart, anger the nine masters, and ignore the life and death of the young man.

Upon hearing this, the corner of Jiuye's mouth conjured up a sinister smile.

"You're right, even if you didn't say anything to irritate him, he didn't intend to kill him. So, just watch it obediently and don't have any psychological burden."

Dong E's kneeling on the spot, tears could not stop streaming.

It happened that those people were still using knives on young men, and Master Jiu was still talking about yin, "Master hates such a spineless man. This will make Master feel that he has also lowered a level."

The people around Jiuye moved quickly, and it seemed that it wasn't the first time to do such cruel things.

However, after a while, a guard walked to the side of Jiuye, "Jiuye, he is out of breath."

"Well, throw it to the back mountain to feed the dog." Jiu Ye said coldly.

"Oh..." The strong smell of blood, the unrecognizable young man who was mutilated like an animal, and the words of Jiuye that were so cruel as a cold-blooded animal made Dong E's sick.

Look, what she said, this man never scares people, let alone just talk.

He is always like this, as insidious as a poisonous snake full of venom.

No one could predict how conscience he would do in the next moment.

Dong E's kneeling on the ground, every bone was trembling, and his brain felt dizzy.

A pair of shoulders shuddered violently, and there was a depressed, painful sigh, as if crying from the depths of her soul.

She was crying not how much she liked or cared about.

What is crying is the future she longed for, which was destroyed by the man she loved.

She never knew that young men were not good.

But she was still immersed in the world of lies, continuing to look forward to her dreams.

"Yeah didn't do anything to you. It's a blessing in misfortune. What can you cry." Jiuye pinched her chin and looked at her face carefully.

The fingertips gently stroked the tears on her cheek.

It's just that in those eyes, the positive yin bird's grinning smile is terrible.

By now, Dong E clan felt that there was an uncontrollable anger that was writhing in her heart.

She said to Jiu Ye, "You are not much better than him, even worse than him!"

Anyway, there are no more people, so she has nothing to fear.

Jiu Ye patted the woman's cheek, and said mockingly: "You know what, Lord likes to see you helpless, full of nonsense. It's a pity, in your life, I guess you can't find someone better than your father. Up."

"Hahahaha..." Dong E's family laughed unscrupulously, "I just look for those who are worse than you, and bring you green hats after another! I think you can take me What, if you have the ability, you chop me off!"

She has white teeth and is smiling dry at the man, like an animal that will bite at any time.

With a "pop", Jiuye slapped her loudly.

Suddenly, a bright red five-finger color appeared on the woman's face.

The high position of the cheekbones is also because the man pulled his fingers across, leaving a red mark, and the corners of his mouth also ooze blood.

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