Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 882: Like is presumptuous, but love is restraint

While speaking, she walked towards the Wanyan clan step by step.

Wan Yan pulled her mouth, she didn't think she was arrogant, she was just talking about the matter.

To speak of nobleness, Wu is the most noble one.

But before she had time to say anything, the Wu family got closer and closer to her.

At this time, the minions around Wanyan wanted to stop Wu, but it was not easy to stop.

What if Wu suddenly touched porcelain if they stopped him?

But if he didn't stop him, he would be approaching every step of the way.

Therefore, the minions around Wanyan only took care of Wanyan and tried not to let Wu hurt her.

At the same time, Wanyan's right eyelid jumped a few times as he watched Wu's approaching step by step, always feeling an indeterminate premonition.

The next moment, Wu Shi walked up to her.

With a cry of "Ah", the whole person fell straight down, and the body just fell on her knees.

With a "boom", Wanyan clan could hear the sound of Wu clan falling on the ground, and he must have fallen hard.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wan Yan's whole body was shocked.

A pair of eyes stared at Wu who fell on his knees, and quickly said: "Quickly, help her up."

So the minions stepped forward to help Wu's family.

But Wu's body was only halfway up, and then he slid down again, "Hi...it hurts..."

She clutched her belly and frowned.

Wan Yan followed Wu's belly and looked down all the way.

I saw a shiny water mark on the marble floor where Wu was, but it was more like an oil stain.

In addition, there was still red blood around him, dripping from Wu's skirt.

Upon seeing this, Wan Yan gathered her handkerchief and took a step back in horror.

How is this going!

Before she could react, the minion beside Wu Clan hurriedly helped Wu Clan.

And looking at the blood and oil stains on the ground, he said, "Okay, Fujin, my Gege knows the rules and kindly stood up and came over to please you, but you spilled oil on the ground, causing my Gege to fall and wait. Lord Fourteen will come back and see what you do."

After speaking, the maid helped Wu Shi to leave.

Seeing Wu's staggering back, Wanyan felt uncomfortable.

Although she and Wu have never been in harmony, she still rarely sees this state.

Look at Wu's skirt still dripping blood, and the marble dripping blood along the way.

She said: "Wu, you have shed a lot of blood. It's impossible to walk back like this. It's better to be in my main courtyard and I'll call you the government doctor."

It is the heir of the Fourteenth Master, his first child.

It is said that if you like someone, you will be presumptuous and selfish.

But from the bottom of her heart, she loves Master Fourteen.

Now that matters are important, she still has to restrain her inner emotions. It is important to keep the children in Wu's belly.

Put everything else aside for the time being.

But the minion next to Wu clan said indifferently, "Don't tell me, you are in the courtyard, my family dare not stay longer, who knows what moths will come out later."

Wanyan's whole person was stunned, his eyes fell on Wu's back, watching people leave.

She did everything she should do, and others don't appreciate it, she can't force people to stay.

She just saw the blood and oil stains on Wu's skirt.

Now look at the blood and oil stains on the ground.

It's not clear whether it was Wu's own play, or the ground was dirty.

However, the cleaning of her main courtyard has always been clean, how could there be oil stains.

Moreover, looking at the large smears of oil on the ground, it was still in front of her eyes, she could not fail to see it.

If she hadn't seen it, she would have slipped and fallen.

It must be the ghost of the Wu family, who secretly fainted under her feet and spilled oil unknowingly.

But in order to confirm the thoughts in her mind, she asked the minions next to her again, saying: "Did you see the oil on the ground before?"

All the minions shook their heads, saying no.

At this time, the minion next to Wanyan's handkerchief dipped a little oil, handed it to Wanyan, and said, "Fu Jin, this seems to be soybean oil."

Wanyan smelled it lightly, "There is indeed a peasy smell."

"Fujin, it's impossible to have such a big pool of oil on the ground. We haven't seen it. According to Nucai, it must be Wu Gege's own ghost." The maid said, angrily: "It's all blamed on the minions for not stopping her. Or blast her out, it won't happen."

As soon as the voice fell, the minions in a room knelt down guiltily.

Wan Yan shook her head and said authentically: "It's useless, Wu is here today. Even if you stop her and blast her out, she will still do this and touch your porcelain. And , She will also say that I instigated you to do it. In other words, she just wanted to use the emperor's heir in her belly to deal with me."

She said that Wu's family has always been spoiled by the Fourteenth Master, so why come to her with a big belly today.

It turned out to be prepared.

"Then... it doesn't matter if the child in her belly is going to be, the slave watched her bleeding all the way, will it..." No more!

"It shouldn't be that this is the first child between her and the Fourteenth Master. She just wants to shed some blood, make some bitter tricks, and make the Fourteenth Master misunderstand me, so that she will not act so realistically, then she is not a fool. "Wan Yan said.

Suffering, of course, means that the meaning can be obtained.

Who would be so stupid as to really hurt his body and torture the children in his stomach.

Not to mention that she was never born, but she also felt that as a mother, she would consider everything for her child.

Which would kill the child because of the backyard competition.

Thinking of this, she said sternly: "You go to the Wu's courtyard and wait. Come and tell me whenever you have anything."


About an hour later, a minion returned hurriedly.

"Fujin, the big event is not good. Wu Gege lost too much blood, and the government doctor said that she had to give birth. But she refused and talked to the government doctor for a long time. I'm not in the house, I want you to be the master."

Hearing that, wherever the Wanyan clan could still sit still, he immediately took the minions to the Wu clan's courtyard.

The child in Wu's belly has always been the treasure of Concubine De and the Fourteenth Master, and it is the new hope of the whole house.

If it were all gone, then she would have become a sinner through the ages.

When he arrived at Wu's place, when Wanyan's entered the room, a pungent **** smell was irritating-disgusting.

She held her nose and eased the discomfort in her stomach.

When he walked to the bed, he looked at Wu, who was pale and had wet hair on his forehead.

Then, she turned her head and put out the screen, and asked the midwife and the doctor outside.

"What the **** is Wu's."

"If you go back to Fujin, Wu Gege will have a **** breakdown. In this case, you must have a childbirth, and it is very likely that both mother and child will be in danger. The slave wants the midwife to deliver the baby immediately, but she doesn't agree."

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