Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 912: Hush, don't talk at this time

"If you like, eat more. Now you are when you are growing up." Guo Luoluo gave the eldest brother a big drumstick.

"Thank you Niang." Hongjie smiled and said: "Ama treated Niang very nicely. This time, my son also took advantage of Niang."

What a shit! You didn't see it when it was bad.

Don’t remember how your brother went to Aruna’s yard.

Guo Luo Luo's muttered in his heart.

She raised her head, her beautiful phoenix eyes glanced across the man.

Then, she kept adding vegetables to Hongjie, and said perfunctorily: "Eat, eat."

After about a stick of incense, the family of three ate and drank enough.

Hongjie was sensible and didn't stay much longer, so he got up and said, "Emama, my son has not yet written his homework, so he will go back to the front yard."

"Well, you have dropped out of class today. Tomorrow, remember to ask your husband for his classwork." Guo Luoluo looked at Hongjie with some dismay, "Also, no matter how hard you work, don't stay up late. It's cold in the first month now."

"Xie E Niang's care, my son is on my mind." After Hongjie handed over, he left with the minion.

Guo Luoluo stood at the door of the hall until Hongjie's back disappeared before turning around and sitting down in the room.

Upon seeing this, Ba Ye said seemingly casually: "If you like children, let the slave clean up a house, and let the older brother live in your yard in a few days."

"Huh?" Guo Luoluo looked at Ba Ye in astonishment, thinking that he had heard it wrong, "He just said... let Da Ge live in my main courtyard?"

"My Lord has been busy with official business recently and has no time to look after him. In addition, my eldest brother has grown up and learned the same rules. For other things, my husband teaches him and you can manage his daily life. However, if you find it inconvenient, Then the master didn't say anything." The Eighth Master said lightly.

"Convenient, I'm very convenient." Guo Luoluo answered again and again.

There was a little joy in the voice.

Although she knew, Ba Ye said it was fake that he had no time to take care of the eldest brother.

After all, with so many minions in the front yard, where would he need his personal care.

But anyway, she is very happy that the older brother is in her yard.

Could it be... he found out in his conscience that he wanted to use the eldest brother to make up for the second elder brother.

Thinking of this, Guo Luoluo pouted, still a little angry and said: "Where is the second elder brother, do you feel relieved to keep him next to Aruna?"

Her voice was a bit angrily, but after all, it was not as angry as before.

"You don't push your nose and cheeks in front of the master." Eighth master got up and glanced at the woman. "Master hasn't rested for a few days, come and wait for the master to settle."

Guo Luoluo was originally reluctant.

But as long as he thinks of the big brother, worrying that he will be unhappy, he will take it back.

So he went inside and waited on the man to change his clothes.

When he helped the man put on a clean silk nightgown, his waist was suddenly caught by the man.

The gentle and handsome cheeks approached her step by step.

The warm and scorching-hot breath came close to her face.

Guo Luo Luo's body leaned back and turned his face away from him.

But the man pinched her chin and forced her to look directly at him.

Suddenly, all eyes looked at each other.

He stared at her and said gently: "After waiting for the limelight, the master will ask the second elder brother to come back from Aruna, and let the second elder brother be in your main courtyard, okay?"

Guo Luoluo didn't understand the meaning of the words for a while, blinked a few times, and was stunned.

What is called this limelight?


The man's voice was gentle and magnetic, and Guo Luoluo's heart beat faster.

Not only his voice, but the words he said gave her an illusion.

Think he has her in his heart.

Does it... he still cares about her.

She pulled her lips together, and said in disbelief, "What the Lord said...is it true?"

The woman's voice is so small that it can be blown away like a gust of wind.

Because she is too unconfident, it feels like all this is a dream.

The man's eyes fell on her face, looking at her for several seconds.

Different from the usual aggressiveness, but full of appreciative eyes.

"In the past few years, when the Lord answered you, when did you stop counting?"

Guo Luoluo was silent for a while, and shook his head, indicating that he had never failed to count.

What he said was right, he didn't count the things he said before.

But in the past few years, what he said has been done.

"You have no conscience, and that day he said that he never counts, eh?" He deliberately loosened her waist.

Guo Luo Luo was so scared that he thought he was about to fall, and quickly clung to his neck.

The next moment, he once again held her tightly in his arms.

With the other hand, she unzipped her clothes in a familiar way.

Then, a lip was printed on her lips.

He kissed her gently and slowly.

At this moment, Guo Luoluo had already fallen into the gentle trap made by men with sugar-coated shells.

This man always knows what she wants and cares most about.

Regardless of whether it is a strong method or a gentle method.

He could always be just right, poking her in the heart back and forth.

Before you know it, the handsome men and beauties rolled onto the quilt.

Guo Luo Luoshi looked at the man on him and asked cautiously: "Ba Ye, can you tell me what the limelight is you referring to?"

She always felt that he was plotting a terrifying conspiracy.

"Hush, don't talk at this time, bad atmosphere." The man said, kissing again.

When Guo Luoluo woke up, it was dusk.

Opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at the pillow, Ba Ye is no longer there.

She pulled her lips and was about to be called a minion.

But I heard the voice of a man outside.

Moreover, not just a man's voice, but two male voices.

It seems... Baye and others are discussing things.

They talked outside the screen, and deliberately lowered their voices.

Even so, vaguely, I heard them talking about Aruna's brother.

Yes, the great sweat of the Junggar tribe, Cebu Aabtan.

Somehow, Guo Luoluo always felt that this matter was serious.

Curiously she got out of bed secretly.

She went to hide by the screen, holding her breath and listening to their conversation.

First, I heard Baye’s question: "How about Cewang Arabutan?"

"If you go back to Baye, he has passed the accommodation of our people and brought tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers from the west of the desert all the way over the mountains and ridges, traveling day and night, secretly reaching the junction of Sichuan and Tibet, and within a month, he will be able to reach. Capital."

"There are no tricky things on the road?"

"Yes, yes, I encountered the Qing army when I was passing through the South Bank. Fortunately, there was some trick in that strategy, which cut off the Qing army's food passage and surrounded it. In the end, more than 10,000 Qing troops were wiped out. "

Ba Ye didn't feel happy when he said this.

Instead, he snorted coldly and said with a solemn expression: "This policy is arrogant to Arabutan. After it is done, you must not stay!"

After that, what Baye and his subordinates said, Guo Luoluo couldn't listen to it.

My head is full of eighth masters wanting to seek rebellion.

And her first instinct was to tell her trustworthy and reliable person to prevent this disaster.

However, in a panic, the center of gravity of his body was unstable, and he slammed into the cabinet beside him, making small movements.

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