Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 918: To shatter, general pain

The black-clothed leader frowned, and said solemnly: "The upper hand gave us five thousand taels. You can figure it out by yourself. If you don't want money, you can do anything wrong!"

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the people in black were all shining with a desire for the smell of copper.

One after another said: "What the boss said is what we must do."

Five thousand taels, enough for them to have a happy life for several years.

At that time, what kind of girl is not there.

If Ruoyin listened to them, there was a layer of cold sweat.

When I heard that the people behind the scenes kept her life useful, and gave such orders, my heartbeat finally eased a little.

However, the people in black didn't make trouble anymore.

But the leader of the man in black, playing with the soft plastic bottle in his hand, casually said: "But, although we can't kill her, we can't play with her, but we have to make her suffer."

"Haha, I knew that Big Brother still had a trick."

Hearing this, Ruoyin suddenly raised his head.

She looked at the shady bird in the eyes of the black-clothed leader, and her voice trembled: "You...what do you want to do."

"What do you want to do?" The black-clothed leader approached Ruoyin with a pair of dark eyes, staring at her, "If I remember correctly, you just used this thing in my hand to poison my brother. Killed the brothers to death, wounded, and killed each other, right?"

If Yin didn't speak, she just sat on the spot, her mind was chaotic.

Because she saw hatred and blood thirsty in the eyes of the leader in black.

Seeing her not speaking, the other party laughed a few times.

A row of yellowed teeth, smiling dry there, as if they would bite at any time.

"Do you know how long it takes me to train such a group of brothers? Do you know how much effort it takes to train another group of people, ah!"

If the sound: "..."

At this time, no matter what she said, it would only arouse the other party's more angry emotions.

However, even if she didn't speak, the other party still fiddled with the soft rubber bottle in her hand, and said, "Since you just used this to poison my brother, then I will let you taste the taste of poisoning."

"Didn't you tell me... the above doesn't let you act on me?" Ruoyin said.

"Yes, but I didn't say that I shouldn't let me poison you. After all, you took out this **** yourself. Even if you are poisoned, it can only be regarded as a miscalculation in the fight. Do you think it is?"

As he said, the black-clothed leader raised the soft rubber bottle, pointed it at Ruoyin's face, and said insidiously: "Don't worry, it's just blindness, mental insanity, and life will be there."

Just as the man in black was about to spray poison powder on Ruoyin, Ruxia in the distance shouted, "No!"

Her voice was stern and sad, and she was helpless.

Because she had been seriously injured, she fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Hearing this voice, the black-clothed leader frowned, and said unhappily: "Yes, I almost forgot these two women."

He raised his head and glanced at Ruoyin, and said in a playful manner: "The two female guards, since you care so much, give them to my brothers to play."

As soon as the voice fell, the people in black around him happily booed.

Then, he listened to the order of the leader in black: "Listen well, brothers, don’t always say that eldest brother treats you badly. With my years of experience, eldest brother, I see that these two women should be young, so I will reward you. Fun."

"Haha, Brother Xie." One of the men in black waved to the people around him: "Go, since this one can't move, let's drag the two into the grass."

As soon as the words came out, except for those who were seriously injured, the rest of the people in black rushed away and walked towards Rushuang Ruxia.

Upon seeing this, Ruoyin trembled her lips, trying to speak desperately, but couldn't say anything.

Even if I heard them say those nasty things before, they are not as scary as they are now.

Because she saw them dragging the immobile Rushuang and Ruxia, walking towards the grass beside the road.

And Rushuang Ruxia has long been bloody.

There are traces of blood along the way.

If they continue to ruin them, with their staunch temperament, I am afraid they will bite their tongues and commit suicide before they are dying.

Seeing this scene, Ruoyin's face was scarcely bloody, only his eyes flickered, and his eyes were red.

It was not because of crying that my eyes were red.

But because of anger!

Because there is nothing I can do!

She felt her heart shatter in general pain.

The pain was so painful that she closed her eyes tightly, then opened them suddenly.

She pulled her throat and shouted hoarsely at the people in black: "You beasts, inferior animals!"

"Don't yell, think about yourself." The black-clothed leader said, and once again raised the soft rubber bottle with thick arms and pointed it at Ruoyin's face with his hands squeezed.

"Puff!" The sound of air squeezing in the bottle.

It's too late to say, then it's fast, Ruoyin raised his right leg and kicked the bottle in the opponent's hand hard.

Suddenly, the yellowish-brown powder rushed into the air, all spilling into the air.

The soft plastic bottle fell beside the man in black.

If Yin wanted to take the opportunity to retrieve the bottle, but the bottle was far away from her and was preempted by the man in black.

She had to stand up hard and stumbled.

But the ground under her feet was not stable, and she was wearing the bottom of a flowerpot, so she couldn't run away from an extraordinary black man.

Within a few seconds, the man in black caught up with her.

And kicked her back knee, causing her to fall to the ground reflexively.

For a while, a lot of dust entered her nose and mouth.

"I still want to run, there is no door. I finally caught you!" The man in black stepped on Ruo Yin's right hand and twisted his foot vigorously.

The hard wooden sole seemed to break her fingers.

The pain was so painful that the tone turned pale, and Liu eyebrows frowned.

But the man in black just stepped on her hand and squatted down in front of her.

And grimly said: "Now, you can't run away anymore, haha..."

With that, he pointed the mouth of the soft rubber bottle at Ruoyin again.

If the sound hurts so much that you can't get away even if you want to run.

There were several places on her body, and the pain was about to fall apart, so she had to bury her head low, so that he could not spray poison powder on her face.

However, the moment the person in black lowered her head, she could see through her actions.

He clasped her forehead with his left hand, forcing her to look up.

The palm of his right hand is squeezing the soft rubber bottle.

Seeing the round bottle mouth, a brown-yellow poison powder will be spilled.

Just when Ruoyin thought that she would really be blind in this life.

Then I heard a "shoo" sound.

That is the sound of arrows shooting quickly in the air.

Then, the man in black gave a "uh" sound, and the bottle in his hand fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he clutched his heart, fixed his eyes to the front, and fell savagely.

If Yin turned his head slightly, before he had time to take a closer look, a dark blue robe corner appeared in front of him.

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