Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 940: Si Ye is like having telepathy

Because the emperor is the supreme ruler and ruler of the country, soldiers and civilians throughout the country must mourn for the emperor.

At the same time, the Ministry of Etiquette also carefully managed Kangxi's funeral.

All candidates for civil and military officials, jinshi, tribute, official ceremonies, and monks in Beijing should be called to the Shuntian Mansion to gather. For the first three days, it is necessary to salute and mourn in the morning and evening.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has to make the mourning clothes well and distribute them to the princes, princes, princesses, hundred officials, below Fujin, ancestors, sergeants, third-class guards, and women of life.

Moreover, these people also got the field.

Kangxi's coffin will be stored in the Palace of Qianqing for 27 days before being transferred to the funeral palace.

During this period, ministers of civil and military affairs below the prince, members of the idle clan Juola, princess, Fujin, village princes and clan children and above will all be served.

All officials under the Ministry of Internal Affairs serve as a whole.

It was not until the twenty-seventh day that Kangxi entered the funeral before the service was removed.

In addition, men have to take off the crown and braid, and women have to make up and cut their hair, even for the Fourth Master.

And within one hundred days of Kangxi's death, it was a national funeral, and all the people of Qing Dynasty were not allowed to marry and have fun during this one hundred days.

Within 27 months of the nearest branch clan, and within one year of the distant branch clan and the ministers of Keio, no marriage or banquets are allowed.

More serious, the harem concubine and emperor heir must be buried.

However, people who are generally elected have nothing to worry about after death and have no relatives.

But fortunately, when Kangxi was alive, he felt that the system of burial of living people was too cruel, so this item was abolished.

Now that Kangxi has died, no one has been buried.

Then, high-ranking nobles such as Wang, Baylor, Beizi, Gong, Princess, and Fu Jin need to fast at home.

Ministers and officials of various government ministries and institutions are required to live fast in the Yamen dormitory and are not allowed to go home.

As for the leisure officials, they gathered at Wumen for fast and accommodation.

If Yin is a Fujin, the future queen can naturally fast at home.

But Kangxi's great funeral has not yet passed. As Prince Fujin, she has to pay homage to Kangxi's remains in the palace.

Therefore, at noon that day, under the leadership of the **** and guards in the palace, she led a group of female family members, elder brothers, and Gege in the backyard to the Forbidden City.

Seeing the palaces, the golden glazed tile roofs and the red walls, Ruoyin suddenly felt a little stunned.

At this moment, even no matter how magnificent and majestic palace is.

Ruo Yin will only feel depressed.

It was the same feeling that she felt when she first entered the palace.

Even, the feeling of depression is even worse than the first time.

She couldn't say where this feeling came from.

She should be happy that the Fourth Master became the heir emperor.

I am glad that the Forbidden City will be a safe place for her and her children.

I'm glad that I don't have to worry about Jiuye and the others cruelly treating her children.

Happily, as long as she stays steady, she can be a queen, can take charge of the sixth house, and die.

But with so many joys in a row, why can't she be happy?

"Fujin, there are a lot of people in the Forbidden City recently, so you have to change into your clothes here, and then go to the Qing Palace." A little **** said.

Now, Si Ye is the heir emperor.

But during the national funeral, the canonization decree of Ruoyin and the people in the backyard has not yet come down.

Therefore, when others saw her, they still called Sifujin.

Ruo Yin glanced at the room in front of him. Inside was a large room.

Several separate venues are separated by various fabrics in the middle.

But in the room, there are beige-white ready-to-wear clothes everywhere, I think it is a place to change clothes.

Upon seeing this, Ruoyin didn't really matter: "It's okay, it's good to be able to change into the finished suit. Anyway, the finished suit is also covered outside."

"Thank you, please forgive me." The little **** said, and then withdrew.

This one is very blessed in the future!

After the **** went out, Ruoyin said: "Li Fukang, you take all the elder brothers to the outer compartment and put on the clothes. The rest of the people, and I go to the inner compartment, find an independent one. , Quickly put on the finished suit."

"In addition, Rushuang Ruxia went outside to guard, and don't let others in."


The finished suit is very loose, I guess it is made according to the free size.

However, the clothes of the Qing Dynasty are basically the same.

After about a stick of incense, everyone changed into suits.

Ruoyin called a few in the backyard, as well as the children.

After carefully checking their appearance and appearance, they said: "Okay, since they are all put on full clothes, follow me to the Qing Palace. But you must remember that now, our decentness is the face of the Lord. When you get there, please be careful and respectful."

Regardless of any grudges or grievances in the mansion, when you get here, you have to unite.

Besides, their identities are now the subject of everyone's attention, and no mistake can be made.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be careful about everything.

"Yes." At this moment, even Li, who has always been the least obedient, is doing his duty.

Seeing that everyone should be refreshed, Ruoyincai nodded in satisfaction and took everyone to the Palace of Qing Dynasty.

Once there, the inside and outside of the palace were already overcrowded.

Because the "Great Funeral" funeral ceremony will be held soon.

Moreover, it is not just a few Ruoyins, all below the prince, and above the top official. As well as He Shuo Fu Jin, the third-class guard's wife and above, all must go to the Palace of Qing Dynasty to pay homage to the emperor's remains.

Even the nearby princes, princesses, Fujin, etc. must go to the Danbi in the Qianqingmen to perform the "Great Funeral."

At this time, a special minion welcomed Ruoyin into the Qianqing Palace.

When he entered the hall, Ruoyin arrived at Siye.

This man who hadn't seen a figure for several days.

He was wearing an off-white uniform with a few circles of off-white cloth tied on his head. He was kneeling in front of Kangxi's coffin, holding tea, serving food, and giving a drink.

But after a few days, he looked a little tired, as if he had experienced a lot of things.

The sharp eyes in the past are bloodshot at this time, and it makes people feel distressed to see it.

Just when Ruoyin was staring at Fourth Master, Fourth Master looked back, just like he had a telepathy.

Immediately, his eyes met.

Fourth Master's eyes were faint, without any color.

There are so many people around, Ruoyin is not easy to flirt, even more afraid to laugh.

After all, Kangxi died, so she smiled at her man, and others specified what to think and how to spread the rumors.

Therefore, she just bowed to the fourth master, bowed slightly, and withdrew her eyes.

Next, a lama was wearing a trousers, playing and chanting.

After almost half an hour, the funeral was over.

At dusk, Ruoyin planned to take the people in the backyard, as well as the children, to go home to fast.

When there is a need, the palace will naturally send someone to pick it up.

However, if the sound has only left the palace, Su Peisheng ran to her and said, "Fu Jin, the emperor has arranged a temporary residence for you in the palace."

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