Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 946: Just love to go to her house

But this enthronement ceremony is a great day for the emperor.

Therefore, the officials hurriedly said loudly: "Congratulations to my emperor for being crowned the great treasure, long live the emperor!"

The voices of thousands of courtiers sounded outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which made people awe.

That magnificent voice hovered over the Forbidden City, and it spread so far...

All of a sudden, the original embarrassing atmosphere was also suppressed.

Si Ye sat on the dragon chair, as if looking down at the world.

A pair of thick eyebrows frowned slightly, thin lips pressed tightly, there seemed to be something annoying.

But the appearance of such frowning makes people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

But, who knows everything in his heart.

The heights are very cold.

Therefore, he will always be just a ruthless appearance!

Although he is now an emperor above ten thousand people, he is not without restrictions.

The one that restrains him is the responsibility to the Qing Dynasty.

Since you are an emperor, you must be a good emperor.

Only in this way can we live up to the expectations of the Emperor Xian and the people!

Next, Su Peisheng, standing on the steps of the main hall, said in a sharp voice: "Fengtian carries on transportation, the emperor's edict said, that is, today ascended to the throne, it will be changed to the Yongzheng year, and the world will be amnesty."

"Isin Gioro Yunhusi is the prince of He Shuo Lian, and the four members of Yinxiang, Ma Qi, and Longkodo share the prime minister's affairs and serve as Prime Minister Wang."

"Aisin Jueluo Yinxiang, named Prince He Shuo Yi."

"Loncordo inherited the title of first-class duke and was awarded the official title of the official minister."

There are dozens of imperial edicts like this...

Until Su Pei read all the imperial edicts, the princes and ministers kowtowed: "The emperor's kindness and filial piety, the blessing of the people, it is the honor of the Qing Dynasty!"

The so-called amnesty is generally used to buy people's hearts, or when there is a special event.

It is nothing more than when the emperor feels that his rule is not stable, there are more cases of amnesty.

Obviously, Si Ye's first ascend to Dabao, it means more to buy people's hearts.

For courtiers and brothers, they can be appointed as officials and be awarded rewards.

But for ordinary people, the world can only be amnesty.

Those criminals who petty theft, or criminals who have committed other crimes the size of sesame mung bean, can return home to reunite with their relatives.

The prisoners who received the amnesty, of course, would also be grateful to the new emperor.

However, amnesty for the world is also limited, and it is not a generalization.

For example, criminals who rebel, deceive the emperor, and oppose imperial power are not included in the pardon.

Therefore, on the surface, it is an amnesty for the world, but in reality, it is playing tricks.

Everything, in fact, is in accordance with the rules, with clear realistic goals and intentions, and it is not completely foolish.

As for Ba Ye's name, why was it changed from Yinhu to Yunhu.

That is because after the four masters ascended the throne, in order to avoid the name taboo, the other emperor brothers avoided the word "yin" and changed it to "Yun".

Only the thirteenth masters, who share the joys and sorrows with the fourth masters, is an exception.

His name is still Aixinjueluo Yinxiang!

For Yu Siye, he is different from other brothers.

Even a real brother like the Fourteenth Master is incomparable.

At this moment, although Ba Ye said that he was promoted and jue, but he was not happy at all.

Especially the Jiuye next to him, who was obviously not named, but his face turned pale in fright.

Because they smelled a hint of blood.

Co-authored this is to stabilize the government first, it seems to be promoted and added to the title, who knows how to settle accounts with them in the future.

However, Jiuye, who was suspicious by nature, always felt that he would be the first to be caught.

At the same time, Concubine De, who had only upset the Fourth Master, was also so angry that one of the imperial edicts tightened her handkerchief.

This rebellious son, privately referred to Longkodo as his uncle, and now he is called the uncle of the country.

Longkodo has been promoted and nominated again!

But he left his uncle's uncle aside and gave no benefits.

This is not to announce to the people of the Qing Dynasty that he only recognizes Longkodo as his uncle.

Do you only recognize Queen Tong Jia as his mother?

The thought of this made her tremble with anger.

He returned to Yonghe Palace early because of physical discomfort.

Anyway, the etiquette that should be performed is in place, and it is impossible for the Fourth Master to detain De Fei in front of the minister on a good day.

De Fei could only think of how much Ron Codo had gained.

But she didn't want to think about how she treated Fourth Master herself.

How did Queen Tong Jia in the past and Concubine Xian treat the Fourth Master?

Her hopeless brother has never helped the Fourth Master.

For so many years, Longcordo has done many errands for Si Ye.

Not long after Concubine De had left, the Fourth Master was in the Hall of Supreme Harmony and explained some things to the ministers.

About another stick of incense, the enthronement ceremony ended.

The Fourth Master left the seat from the emperor passage on the side of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and then the ministers of the princes gradually dispersed.

After leaving the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Fourth Master walked aimlessly in the Imperial Garden.

Su Peisheng followed him, glanced at him secretly, and immediately lowered his head.

Today's enthronement ceremony, everything is fairly smooth.

Only the empress dowager, her old man, doesn't give face to face.

Give her a queen mother, she happily responded.

He also said something like that, as if it were not rare.

This is also a mother, if you change to someone else, with the ruthless method of the emperor, I am afraid that there will be no good fruit.

While Su Peisheng was thinking about it in secret, he listened to the fourth master asking indifferently: "Where does the queen live now?"

Upon hearing this, Su Peisheng was taken aback first.

Then it came to light, which one the queen was referring to.

Isn't it right? Shi Cai was at the enthronement ceremony, and the emperor had said that he would title Fu Jin the queen.

Thinking of this, he smiled shyly: "If you return to the emperor, the queen has been living in Zhongcui Palace with the little lord next to her since she entered the palace."

As soon as this remark came out, Si Ye's thick eyebrows frowned slightly.

Then, he stopped walking, turned around Jin Nun, who was being carried behind him, and said coldly: "Go to your queen master."

Upon seeing this, Su Peisheng felt like Ming Jinger in his heart.

He stood next to Jin Nun, screaming: "Pendulum to drive the Bell Palace!"

As a result, the Jin Nun, which was carried by the twenty-eight people, walked towards Zhong Cui Palace as if it were flying in the clouds.

Not long after, Jin Nun stopped at Zhong Cui Palace.

"The emperor is here!" Su Peisheng sang outside the hall.

In the past, when the emperor was in a good mood to see the queen, it was not necessary to sing news.

But today, looking at the emperor's face, the look is a bit cold, and my heart is not quite smooth.

To say that the queen is really unlucky. Whenever he is in a bad mood, he loves to go to her house.

Those trivial things in the past are nothing more than that.

Now that he has just ascended the throne, there are so many bad things that are not so easy to deal with.

Alas, it depends on whether the queen can hold the emperor's heart.

Thinking like this, Su Peisheng raised his head and glanced around the courtyard, but none of the masters came out to meet the emperor.

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