Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 955: Rest here with Fourth Master

And the cry of some minions.

Hearing this voice, Ruoyin and Banmei looked at each other.

At a glance, the master and servant seemed to be connected and understood something.

But because I was not sure, I didn't say anything.

Banmei saluted: "The minion asks to see what happened in the Piandian."

Ruoyin Weiwei's jaw, just sat down by the bed instead of lying down.

After all, if something really happened to the Piandian.

Even if I lie down, I still have to take a trip.

About a cup of tea, Banmei returned.

"Niang Niang, the minion just went to see it. The cry was indeed from Nian's house. The minion asked and realized that since Nian's hit the red day, the situation has not improved, and even worse day by day. , Even when lying on the bed, the child in his belly...bleeds down the blood."

Although the words of Feng Yuyi that day showed that Nian's birth was a little bit suspended.

But now that this situation really happened, Ruoyin was still a little surprised.

After being silent for a while, she said, "It seems that I can't rest well tonight. You ask Qiaofeng and Qiaolan to come in and comb my hair."


When Ruoyin combed his hair and changed his clothes, Nian had already cried and passed out.

Only slaves are busy in the house.

There is also Yu Doctor Feng, who prescribes prescriptions there.

At this moment, Yu Doctor Feng saw Ruo Yin, hurried forward to fight a thousand, and said apologetically: "Queen, Niang Niang, the slave has tried his best, but still failed to save the child in the young master's womb."

If Yin is not an unreasonable person, naturally he wouldn't blame the imperial doctor for everything.

Whoever is a doctor can definitely cure the patient.

Besides, Nian's situation has problems in all aspects.

She looked at Yu Doctor Feng, who was beating a thousand on one knee, and said: "Since this is the case, then prescribe some prescriptions. We must treat Nian's body well, and we must not let her be so weak again."

As the lord of the harem, no matter who had a miscarriage today, she would say so.

No one is a queen. After a woman's miscarriage in the harem, the imperial doctor ignores it.

Even if you are gloating in your heart, you have to do it on the surface.

What's more, for Nianshi, Ruoyin had no thoughts of gloating in his heart.

Quan Ji was a poor man.

"Yes, this is what a minion should do. I think that after a period of recuperation, Nian Xiaozhu's body will gradually recover. But... after the first birth of Nian Xiaozhu, the root of the disease fell in the confinement. In addition, this time I had a miscarriage, no matter how I adjusted it, I’m afraid it’s not as good as it used to be.” The doctor Feng told the truth.

"This palace knows that you can do your job well." Ruo Yin said.

Even if Yu Doctor Feng didn't say anything, others knew that a normal woman hurt her body twice during pregnancy.

If this continues, no matter how healthy a person is, he will not be as good as before.

More serious, maybe something will be left behind.

This is very unfavorable for the next childbirth.

So, but overnight, Nian's envy and hatred from the harem everyone.

He has become a figure that everyone doesn't care about.

According to Nian's situation, how can it be done without raising a year and a half?

So, the first son after enthroned, the appointment is no more.

After everything was ordered, Ruoyin went back to her room.

Those people in the backyard knew that Nian's had a small childbirth, and they visited Nian's.

After the Fourth Master went down, he also sat in his house for a while before returning to the Hall of Nurturing Heart.

Early the next morning, Ruoyin planned to return to Yuanmingyuan.

Fortunately, some useful things were moved to the Yongshou Palace arranged by the Fourth Master for her.

She wanted to do this for a long time.

However, Nianshi's incident has been delayed until now.

According to Ruoyin's identity, he should have taken a phoenix to return to the Old Summer Palace.

The so-called Feng Nian is actually Long Nian.

Only the emperor and empress can ride on Long Nian, but sometimes they are called differently.

Ruo Yin felt that moving things was just a trivial matter, so he didn't make too much noise.

Only let the minion drive a relatively low-key carriage.

Otherwise, the phoenix is ​​inlaid with gold, silver, jade, gems and pearls, and the body is also carved with dragon and phoenix patterns, which is too high-profile!

This saves the people in the capital seeing her phoenix and knows that the queen is sitting inside.

At that time, everyone has to kneel and salute, and the capital must not be blocked.

However, now she is a queen.

No matter how low-key it is, it must be worthy of the queen's identity, not too shabby.

The carriage she is currently riding in is just more low-key than Feng Nian.

But the body and decoration are extremely gorgeous.

At first glance, people know that there is an unpleasant person sitting in the car.

After arriving at the Old Summer Palace, Ruoyin ordered the minions to pack some daily necessities and furnishings.

As for herself, she held Mother Liu's hand and walked from beginning to end in Xinghua Spring Hall, especially the garden path in the backyard.

As long as she walks on this path, she can remember that at night, she often walks with Fourth Master here to digest.

Finally, she returned to her house and walked from the inside to the outside.

Looking at the familiar furniture and furnishings, he couldn't help but raise his hand and caress it carefully.

The well-maintained hands gently touched the carved bed.

In the past few years, I can't count how many times I have rested here with the Fourth Master.

There is also the painted and carved chaise couch.

And the dressing mirror that was sitting there and dressed.

On it was the blue enamel jewelry box that Si Ye gave her.

In the top cabinet in the room, there are still clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There are hers and Si Ye's in it.

Then go to the Eight Immortals table for dining in the hall.

Small tables and top chairs with complicated patterns on the first.

Ruo Yin sat on the top chair and stroked the carved armrest with his fingers.

At this moment, Qiaofeng entered the house and said, "Manny, we have all packed up, but when Li heard that you are back, he came over with the minions. The minions couldn’t stop them, so they went to the yard. ."

"It's just right to come, let her come in." Anyway, she was going back to Yuanmingyuan today because she wanted to take Li into the palace together.

After all, the Queen Mother had explained it.

In addition, Li is the Eniang of Da Gege and Si Age, and she is going to enter the palace anyway.

It is impossible to stay in this Old Summer Palace for a lifetime.

After a while, Li supported the minion's hand and walked into the room to bow to Ruoyin.

"The concubines greet the empress, and the empress is blessed."

Ruoyin glanced at Li.

I saw that Li was wearing a rose-red flag suit, and he was doing more of his duties than before.

The eyebrows and eyes are all respectful.

Where is the arrogant and domineering look in the past.

"Get up." Ruoyin turned his head, raised the cup, gently swept the floating tea leaves, and asked faintly: "I will go to Zhuangzi later, and I will return to the palace when you are done. If you have anything, you might as well speak up."

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