Lord Fourth, Madam Has Tricked You Again

Chapter 958: A forbearing deep-sea beast

Mr. Shu stood still and put on the mask again calmly.

He just looked at her for a few seconds before saying: "We will definitely meet again, in the near future..."

Hearing that, Ruoyin paused with his hand looking through the account book, but finally did not look up.

At this time, there was a low voice urging from outside the window, "Sir, time is running out."

Mr. Shu didn't speak, he just turned and disappeared in the department store after taking a look at Ruoyin.

Out of the department store, Leng Feng assisted his husband.

Mr. strategizes, regardless of the strategy or the art of war, it is better to be first-class.

But only when it comes to feelings, it's dull.

Now looking at the sadness in her husband's eyes, Leng Feng said distressedly: "Sir, why didn't you answer just now? It really doesn't work, it's better to cheat her away first, better than now."

Even if he hadn't been with someone, he knew that women didn't like being the shadow of another woman.

Just like this, it would be strange to find someone in this life!

Mr. Shu paused in his footsteps and did not reply to Leng Feng.

What it is, he doesn't want to lie to her after all.

Because he wanted to take her away seriously.

I also hope that she made a deliberate decision.

Instead of deceiving her away with a few rhetoric.

In that case, things will surface sooner or later.

Rather than being discovered by her then, it is better to confess everything early.

In the tactics, he may be deep in the city, and any method will be used.

But for feelings, he would rather be a magnanimous man.

Moreover, he himself does not know what kind of psychology he has towards her.

But no matter what, he knew that even if the deceased in his heart was dead, he could not completely let go.

But why, his heart hurts a little at this moment...

When Ruoyin looked up again, she was the only one left in the room.

After checking the account book, she sat in the room for a while.

In fact, what she really cares about is not that Mr. Shu didn't tell him his identity.

How could she care about the identity of a man if she didn't know what love was in her previous life or this life.

If you compare Si Ye and Mr. Shu.

Si Ye belongs to the kind of aggressive man.

In front of him, your sense of presence will decrease.

It's not that you are too ordinary, but his presence is too strong.

He is like the Arctic Iceland, eroded by a huge ice cap.

Such a man, in addition to unstoppable masculine charm, looks dry and neat.

Some are left with coldness, love, and alienation.

And those mysterious and deep ink pupils, as if he would see through everything.

But because of the blessing of that handsome face, the woman couldn't help but want to get closer.

It's like ice and snow in winter, even if it is trembling cold, but still addicted to the beautiful snow scene and unable to extricate itself.

As for Mr. Shu, he seems to be a lifeless sick child.

I need someone to help me when I walk. I can't help but feel weak and sick.

However, the more you understand, the more difficult it is to guess.

One said that he was a counselor from the south, but he was logically a Han.

The skill of archery is comparable to that of a man.

The key is that he will fly away!

He is definitely not as simple as a counselor.

But he hides like a counselor.

The tactics that are clearly full of stomach, but the eyes are as calm as water.

This is much more concealed to cover up all those city palaces.

Moreover, listening to what he meant, he did have another identity.

And the so-called major events are probably related to his identity.

In this way, even if she left with him, he could not give her a stable life.

It's not as safe as being in the Forbidden City.

Most importantly, he can't give him a definite answer.

When a person's shadow, it means losing oneself.

At least she was in front of the Fourth Master, and he had long felt that she was different from the original owner.

He also slowly changed his view of her after she traveled to the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, to him, she is her, not a shadow of others, a substitute!

Besides, she knew the Four Masters after so many years of getting along.

To her, Mr. Shu is simply an unknown mysterious figure.

Who is he?

What's the important thing in the mouth?

Is there a conspiracy?

Etc., etc......

It is too costly to let her be the shadow of the woman in his heart with someone who doesn't understand.

Even if it is true love, it is difficult to achieve this point.

Unless the kind that is dazzled by love, he will follow him without hesitation.

What's more, she and Mr. Shu have only met a few times, and there is no feeling at all.

It's just that he is a man with a good personality.

After sorting out the thoughts in her heart, Ruoyin put the account book away and returned to the palace with the slave.

He ordered the minions to move everything to Yongshou Palace.

And she herself officially moved into Yongshou Palace.

It was the night, and the Fourth Master was still reviewing the memorials in the Hall of Yangxin.

Chen Biao entered the hall with a serious expression, and reported in a low voice: "The emperor, the minion led people to search around in the capital, but finally lost Mr. Shu. He is too rigorous, that exactly the same carriage, a carriage Changing one after another is like a juggling. Moreover, he also disguised himself, seeing that he had already done enough work."

Before the incident happened, the preparations had been made, and he really deserved to be the first adviser of the Qing Dynasty!

"Where is the last place he appeared?" The Fourth Master did not lift his head.

"This..." Chen Biao lowered his head all of a sudden, and replied a little hesitantly: "The last place where Mr. Shu appeared...is... under the name of Empress Empress. Department Store..."

As soon as these words came out, the man who had been focusing on reviewing the memorial suddenly looked up.

If he remembered correctly, the queen ordered someone to greet him before going out of the palace today.

This made him unable to help but associate two things together.

It's not that he doesn't trust her.

It's that he doesn't trust Mr. Shu.

The man who watched his queen again and again.

"Is the queen present?" he asked lightly.

A pair of deep ink pupils shone with a trace of scarlet light.

"In return to the emperor, it happened that the queen was also in the department store today. Mr. Shu took the initiative to find her and said that he would... Over the rule, let Mr. Shu go."

As soon as the voice fell, the scarlet in Si Ye's eyes became thicker.

The back of the hand holding the wolf hao pen protruded.

It's like a forbearing deep-sea beast.

Finally, he put the pen aside, "Where is the queen now?"

"After the queen mother came back today, she has moved to the Yongshou Palace. Looking at this point, I am afraid that she has already rested." Su Peisheng returned this sentence.

Si Ye's expression sank, and he almost got up and walked out.

Su Peisheng knew that the emperor was going to find the empress, so he followed up.


In the new January, if today’s monthly ticket is over 600, it will be changed tomorrow~

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