Gensokyo - The sky above The Bamboo Forest of the Lost

-= MC's Point of View =-


I instantly appeared above The Bamboo Forest of the Lost.

*Looks down*

I looked down and found Mokou there, but she's with someone else.

"Good, it seems it worked."

'I knew it, this is just the best teleportation method in the history of anime, it's way too unlimited and versatil for a teleportation technique.'

I thought as I folded my arms in the sky.

Using this technique, for example when you teleport you can use the targeted person as an origin and can teleport anywhere from his position, this time I used the warp coordinates : X = 0, Y = 2000 and Z = 0.

Goku was just an idiot and didn't exploit this advantage in the anime.

And so when I found Mokou's Ki signature, I sensed someone besides her and decided to teleport in the sky above her.

It's okay to surprise Mokou, but I don't know the other person besides her.


As I focused on the person besides her…

"Oh! It's a girl!"

The first thing I notice is her long silver hair just like Mokou besides her.

But instead of Mokou's Ivory hair, she seems to have a silver hair with blue highlights, and also unlike Mokou's ribbon-like accessories that adored her hair, that girl wears a hat that looks like some kind of building with a red ribbon on top of it, and her dress is dark blue with white short sleeves, and a red ribbon is tied to the bottom of the collar.


I then concentrated my terrifying eyes further so I could see the girl's face, I'm 2km above them, you know?

She has brown, kinda reddish eyes and healthy white skin.

"Whew, it's another beauty."

Bro, this world's beauty rate is just way too much, it's a heaven for someone like me.

If Mokou was a wild beauty then that girl is a reserved beauty.

'But what are they doing there?'

I thought as I noticed that they were standing at the Forest's entrance, it's also connected to a dirt road.


I then followed the dirt road out of the forest using my eyes, while zooming in when needed.

"A village?"

About 15 km from the forest, I can see the dirt road connected to the gate of a village-like settlement.

"Humans? I see, so that's the 'Human Village' Mokou was talking about."

When I zoomed in and scanned the village, I found humans moving there.

"But they can also be some type of Youkai..."

Yesterday, Mokou told me that a good portion of the Youkai looks no different from Humans, so it can be a 'Youkai Village' or something.

"I don't really care though, a girl is a girl, and a cute female is a cute female." *Smirk*

"That's right, If it's the 'Human Village'... then could that girl be the 'Female Friend' that Mokou told me about? The one that guided her through the village?"

I said as I kept scanning the village from a ridiculous distance away, all the while folding my arms in the sky.

"If I remember correctly, those clothes are...Yukata?"

About 70% of the Village residents are wearing Yukata-like outfits in the public, like the ones you see in the anime or Japan's festivals..

"So that's the trend in Gensokyo? Or is it just the Human Village?"

I was interested, since I haven't seen any other male in Gensokyo until now.

"Since all those men are wearing it, then it's most likely the case."

I then zoomed out and checked my own clothes.

"If that's really the trend here, then my clothes are definitely out of place..."

*Looks down*

"It doesn't really matter, but I should probably look good in front of Mokou's friends, or she'll hate me for it."

But, where-

"Oh! Yes! I now have the System Shop!"

I said excitedly as I thought about what kind of clothes I should buy.

"If it's a Yukata-like outfit, then...."

"System, Can I buy clothes similar to Tōshirō Hitsugaya Captain-outfit from Bleach?"

[ Affirmative! ]


[ Type : Item ]

[ Name : Tōshirō Hitsugaya Captain-outfit ]

[ Description : Captains of soul society's Gotei 13 wear a white haori over the usual black Shinigami clothes, with the number of their division on the back inside the Gotei 13 symbol. Some captains have long sleeves, while the others do not. The color of the underside is division — or at least captain — specific, for every captain has a different color of it. The haori is meant to signify a captain's status. ]

[ Gotei 13 officers, particularly captains and lieutenants, often customize their personal appearance or that of their uniform. ]

[ Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya of the 10th Division wears a green sash pinned with a star around his shoulder to hold his sword. ]

[ This are just normal clothes made from common materials, and do not possess any special enchantments whatsoever. ]

[ Cost : 20 SP ]


"Enchantments? Like special effects or something?"

[ Affirmative! ]

[ Would like to add enchantments to the item? ]

"Yes, add... auto-fitting, auto-cleaning, self-repair, anti-microorganisms, anti-fire, anti-odor and if possible I want it to reflect all kinds of dirt, liquids, gases etc, Oh, and no need for any kind of protection or defences for the wearer, it's useless anyway."

[ Affirmative! ]


[ System Shop ]

[ Type : Item ]

[ Name : Tōshirō Hitsugaya Captain-outfit ]

[ Description : Captains of soul society's Gotei 13 wear a white haori over the usual black Shinigami clothes, with the number of their division on the back inside the Gotei 13 symbol. Some captains have long sleeves, while the others do not. The color of the underside is division — or at least captain — specific, for every captain has a different color of it. The haori is meant to signify a captain's status. ]

[ Gotei 13 officers, particularly captains and lieutenants, often customize their personal appearance or that of their uniform. ]

[ Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya of the 10th Division wears a green sash pinned with a star around his shoulder to hold his sword. ]

[ This are just normal clothes made from common materials. ]

[ Enchantments : auto-fitting, auto-cleaning, self-repair, anti-microorganisms, anti-fire, anti-odor , reflect-dirts, waterproof, reflect-any-type-of-gaz. ]

[ Cost : 300 SP ]


"Alright, I'll buy it."

[ Affirmative! ]


[ Current SP : 299,450 ]

[ Withdraw SP from the host... ]

[ Successfully withdrawn the SP. ]

[ Current SP : 299,150 ]


[ The item have been stored in the Item Box. ]

"I see, then how should I withdraw it out?"

[ Notification! ]

[ You just have to just think about what you want to withdraw and it will appear whenever the host wanted in a range of 10,000 Km. ]

"That easy? Then..."

I extended my right hand in the air and imagined withdrawing Tōshirō Hitsugaya Captain-outfit on top of it.

*Tsu* *Flutter*


And as soon as I finished my imagination, a couple of clothes appeared in a flash of light and dropped on top of my hand.

I immediately used my other hand so that nothing fell down or flew off somewhere, the wind is strong here after all.

"This is useful, then how should I store it back?"

[ Notification! ]

[ You just have to think about what you want to store in a range of 100 metre and it will enter the Item Box automatically. ]



"It worked!"

Again, as soon I imagined the clothes entering the Item Box, the clothes immediately disappeared in a flash, even though I was clutching them tightly.

"System, I want to buy a Skill like Auto-wearing or something."

[ Affirmative! ]


[ System Shop ]

[ Type : Skill ]

[ Name : Auto-wearing ]

[ Description : Using this Skill, the host can wear any kind of clothes instantly. ]

[ The targeted clothes must be in contact with the user. ]

[ The host initial clothes will replace the targeted clothes. ]

[ Cost : 100 SP ]


"I want to customize it, change the description to : 'Using this Skill, the host can equipe any kind of clothes, items, accessories, weapons etc instantly, the targeted items must be in the Item Box, the host initial items will enter the Item Box, the host can also change the outfits or items of anyone in near proximity to him."

[ Affirmative! ]

[ Please give a name for the new Skill. ]

"Instant Equipment."

[ Affirmative! ]


[ System Shop ]

[ Type : Skill ]

[ Name : Instant Equipment ]

[ Description : Using this Skill, the host can equipe any kind of clothes, items, accessories, weapons etc instantly. ]

[ The targeted items must be in the Item Box. ]

[ The host initial items will enter the Item Box. ]

[ The host can also change the outfits or items of anyone in near proximity to him, but only if he/she is weaker than him. ]

[ Cost : 2000 SP ]


"Fair enough, I'll buy it."

I said calculatively as I read the 'but only if he/she is weaker than him.' and the price.

[ Affirmative! ]


[ Current SP : 299,150 ]

[ Withdraw SP from the host... ]

[ Successfully withdrawn the SP. ]

[ Current SP : 297,150 ]


[ Creating the custom Skill... ]

[ Successfully created 'Instant Equipment'. ]

[ Granting 'Instant Equipment' to the host… ]

[ Successfully granted 'Instant Equipment'. ]


[ Notification! ]

[ Just like withdrawing an item from the Item Box, the host just have to think about the targeted items and the targeted wearer, then the Instant Equipment' will activate if he/she is the host himself or someone weaker than him. ]


I then imaged Tōshirō's clothes and me as the wearer.



I sighed in relief when the changing was instantaneous, as even with my alien eyes, I couldn't see my nȧkėd body.

*Flutter* *Flutter*

"Hahaha, this is really cool."

I laughed excitedly as I moved around in the air.

"But if it's a Shinigami Captain's outfit, then a sword is a must, right?" *smirk*

"System, I want the Z Sword from Dragon ball series!"

[ Affirmative! ]


[ System Shop ]

[ Type : Item ]

[ Name : Z Sword ]

[ Description : The Z Sword, or Zeta Sword, is an ancient and extremely heavy sword that was embedded in the Z Sword Plateau at the Sacred World of the Kai, the same world where the four Supreme Kais and the Grand Supreme Kai used to live. ]

[ The sword is so heavy, that not even the Supreme Kais could lift it, and it's so sturdy, that it wouldn't break unless it was used crudely against Katchin, a material said to be one of the strongest metals in the universe, or something similar to it. ]

[ As the sword is extremely heavy, the sword will come with a special scabbard that could withstand its weight. ]

[ Cost : 50,000 SP ]


"Give me! Give me!"

[ Affirmative! ]


[ Current SP : 297,150 ]

[ Withdraw SP from the host... ]

[ Successfully withdrawn the SP. ]

[ Current SP : 247,150 ]


[ The item have been stored in the Item Box. ]

The moment I read that sentence, I extended my right hand and imagined the Z Sword.

"Come forth, Z Sword!!"


I then catched the sheathed Z Sword easily from it's black scabbard.

It was huge, almost the same height as me, but I can't feel it's weight at all, though I know it's heavy if I compared it to my clothes.

"Hahahaha, show me this little guy."

I used my left hand to catch the scabbard, and my right hand to grip the crimson and gold-like handle.

*Clink* *Shuuu*

And I slowly withdraw the legendary sword.

"Whew! look at this guy."

I whistled in admiration from the glass-like blade.

"This is not even a sword, it's a freakish mirror."

*Shuuu* *Clink*

I then returned the Z Sword to its scabbard.

"I'll put it on for now, I can test it later."

I said as I wore the scabbard over my head and under my shoulder so that it positioned behind me.

It was almost horizontal with my back, but a little leaned to the side.


What now?

"That's right! While I'm at it, let's change my hairstyle too."

*Shuffle* *Shuffle*

I then used my hands to comb my hair backward, I also used a little bit of Ki to heat my hands too.

*Shuffle* *Shuffle*

"Now I look exactly like Tōshirō Hitsugaya."

I said amused as I finished combing my hair.

*Looks down*

"Now I can finally meet Mokou and her cute friend." *Smirk*


Gensokyo - Entrance of The Bamboo Forest of the Lost

-= Keine Kamishirasawa's Point of View =-

"Are you sure no one was in the Forest?"

I asked my friend who was leaning against a Bamboo tree with a bored expression on her face.

"Yeah, I was patrolling since early morning, but no one came today."

She answered as she turned her head and smiled to reassure me.

"Sigh, then that's good."

I then sighed in relief, and she nodded back as she turned to look towards the meadows in the distance.

"Oh right, Mokou."

I suddenly remembered.


She grunted without turning to me.

"What about that boy you told me about? Will he be okay? He may have been stranded in that previous strange mist."

"H-Him? S-Stranded?"

She asked back with a surprised expression.


And I answered confused.

'Why is she surprised? Isn't it normal for kids to lose their way when you leave them alone?'

She grimaced as she said.

"W-Well, if that guy really lost his way, t-then the sun might as well lose it's way too."

"What? Didn't you say he was a Human boy?"

"W-Well, I said probably..."

"Probably? Then what... is he?"

I was a little worried. Since just like me, most Youkai are no different from Humans, so he might be a Youkai that deceived her or something.




Suddenly we heard a voice above us.

*Looks up.*

"A boy?"

I said, as I noticed a silver haired boy wearing a high-class Yukata with a great sword on his back.

He was hovering in the sky not far from us, as he spread his hands out and warmly smiled towards Mokou.

"K-Killua?! What are you doing here?!"

Mokou suddenly became flustered the moment she saw him.

"What's wrong Mokou-chan~? Aren't you happy to see me~?"

The boy said teasingly as he approached us.

"Hmph! N-No ones happy to see you."

When he reached us, he hovered closer to Mokou's eye level and she humphed as she turned away from him.

'W-What's going on with her? Why is she so flustered? I-I've never seen her acting like this before.'

He then hovered around Mokou to face her.

"C'mon Mokou-chan~, don't be so cold~"


She again humphed and turned to another side.


"CHAN?! M-Mokou, what's the meaning of this?!"

I screamed.

*Turns around*

They turned to face me.

"W-Wait a minute Keine, I-I can explai-"

"What's there to explain~?"

He interrupted her.

"H-Hey, Shut u-Muff!"

He then placed a finger over her mouth to silence her.

"You're mine Mokou-chan~ that's all she needs to know~."


And she slapped his hand away.


She snarled with a red face.



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