Gensokyo - The Scarlet Devil Mansion Corridor

-= Sakuya Izayoi's Point of View =-

"He's moving again…"

'I'm currently using my ability to stop time, so it should not be possible for him to move his body.'

This has never happened before, even my lady can't do it, yet how can a brat like him…

Right now me, my lady and the idiot gatekeeper are following after the young lady and that rude brat to the closest balcony on this floor.

And while we're moving, from time to time I use my ability of stopping time to confirm if that brat can really move his body and how he can do it.

'And also what does he mean by that?'

As I used my ability yet another time, he... the brat again immediately moved only his right hand's finger as he pointed it at me and its tip glowing in some purple-looking color.

Just like that, he moved only that finger and nothing else, he isn't even looking at me as he is still facing forward while I'm standing a good distance behind him.

And as soon as I returned time to normal…

His finger already returned to its initial position.

But the biggest problem is that I can't even see that happening, it is as if his damn finger wasn't moving in the first place.

'Earlier he said that I can't stop time and that I'm just slowing it instead…'

That's true and not true at the same time, since I'm not exactly stopping time but I'm slowing it to the point that I can move at the speed of light, which means I move at the fastest speed possible and that could mean very well the same as stopping time.

And if considering that and the brat can still move... then…

'He's moving faster than the speed of light?...'

If that's really true, then I now understand why lady Remilia-sama was that polite towards him.

Someone that can move faster than the speed light…



?? - The Outside of Reality

Here… in this black void that even reality itself does not have the right to manifest...

Two women were glaring at each other.

One of them was beaten to pulp and was almost dead.

The other one wasn't perfectly fine either, she had various small cuts over her body and her clothes were damaged all over the place, she was currently placing her right foot over the head of the dying woman.

"What's wrong Youkai? Is that everything the Legendary Gap Youkai can do? Where did your previous bravado go? Hmm?"

"Damn you bitch! Just kill me already!"

Yukari cursed maniacally as she spat towards Shinki.


Yukari grunted painfully as she tried to helplessly resist, even though she knew from the start that she wouldn't have much chance in winning, she still braced herself and challenged The God of Makai to a deathmatch, one of the most powerful beings that existed since the beginning of time, but even still, she didn't expect she would wipe the ground with her like this.

After all, throughout her long lifetime, although she didn't really fight a True Goddess before, she at least has met the strongest being in the world, the Dragon God.

So she thought that she was fairly strong herself... no, she was strong, way more powerful than anyone else in Gensokyo.

But she still lost, and very badly at that.

'Hah! What irony.' she thought.

'If Shinki was like this… then how strong would Hecatia be? And here I thought she was just an annoying little brat… she could probably slap me out of existence… I should stop messing with her from now on... that is… if I get out of here alive.'

As Yukari thought that, Shinki got closer to her face.


"The only reason you're still alive right now is just because of him."

"H-Him? Who?"


Shinki then harshly threw Yukari to the side.



The God of Makai slowly walked towards the pitiful Youkai.

And the Legendary Youkai could only grind her teeth from pain as she glared at the approaching True Goddess, she doesn't even have enough strength to open a gate back to reality, so she will die anyway, but that sadistic bitch just wouldn't let her die in peace.

Seeing her pained and pale complexion, Shinki gave her a sinister grin before she opened her palm and charged some black energy towards Yukari.

'Ah, finally, so this is it… well... no one will care about my disappearance anyway.' Yukari thought absentmindedly, before she remembered a few faces she knew.

'Or not… but all that is over now...' Yukari thought as she closed her eyes, accepting her demise.

Because of that, she didn't see Shinki's terrifying face turn into a reluctant expression instead.

And at the last moment, the evil black energy unexpectedly turns into a celestial white just before hitting Yukari's body.


And after the terrifying explosion...

'Hmm? What's going on? Why am I still alive? And my injuries...' Yukari thought confused and found that instead of seeing her body parts scattering all over the void, she instead could see that her body is properly connected and even some of her fatal injuries have been completely closed.

The Legendary Gap Youkai instantly understands what's going on and turns towards the Goddess.

"What is the meaning of this?"

She demanded.

And Shinki said with an extremely displeased expression.

"...Sigh, just what did he like about you? A Youkai nonetheless..."

"He? What are you- wait, don't tell me you're talking abo-"

"Tch!, and who else would it be other than him you filthy Youkai."

Yukari widened her eyes in realisation before she argued confused.

"T-That doesn't make any sense, w-why would he… I don't even know him proper-"



At that, Yukari could only shut up.



'Why would he...' Yukari thought extremely bewildered, he clearly didn't know her and she was even planning to enslave him yesterday... so why?

Shinki seeing that Yukari herself doesn't know anything, she clicked her tongue and turned around.

"Fine, if he really wants you, then I don't have another choice, BUT."

She turned her head to the side, and Yukari looked at her.



'What is she talking about?'


*Crackle* *Crackle*

Shinki threatened as her deadly wings grew in size.

"A-Alright! I understand!"

Yukari doesn't know what's going on and she knows that she was clearly missing something, but she will accept it anyway.

'So that I don't get beaten to death again.' she said inwardly..


Gensokyo - The Scarlet Devil Mansion Corridor

-= MC's Point of View =-

'Why is that freakish maid spamming her broken ability for no reason? Is she perhaps messing with me?'

I thought as I again retracted the Ki from my finger.

'This is kinda annoying…'

Since I'm just in my First Form, I can just bȧrėly move my finger.

And even then, that is only by concentrating all my strength in that finger's muscles alone.

I then charge on it enough Ki to obliterate her should she try anything funny while she's using her ability.

Since she might have some other broken ability or skill that even though it's very unlikely, might actually damage me somehow.

'However, I definitely didn't expect to meet someone who can almost stop time in this world.'

Do psychic abilities exist in this world too? Then how about skills? Cultivation? And Chakra?

Do they have some kind of Status system installed in this world like mine?


I blurted out unintentionally.


"It's nothing Flandre."

I squashed her funny yet cute hat again.


And she responded with that angelic smile of hers, truly I just don't understand why she needs to be confined inside the mansion like some kind of criminal or even a monster.

'A monster, huh…'

It feels strange saying it myself, since nevermind a mere monster, I'm a fuċkɨnġ alien…

A being that shouldn't exist.

An unknown anomaly that doesn't have any relation whatsoever with life on Earth or even the world itself.

I'm so fundamentally different from any living organism of this planet that I'm a bit confused.

I don't know how to describe it, but I feel like I'm a 3D character and then everything else but me is 2D.

Now that I think about it, how did Frieza even hold a damn conversation with Goku and the others?

It's not like he knows Japanese or even how the freakish Humans communicate until he meets them.

But strangely enough… just that memory alone is somehow fuzzy… it is as If something forced that impossible situation to be logical.


And while I was thinking that, we continued walking until we reached the balcony.

All the while keeping that maid in check.


Gensokyo - The Scarlet Devil Mansion Balcony

-= Hong Meiling's Point of View =-

'I-I really can't feel any Ki from him…'

I widened my eyes as I realized that I can't detect even a trace of Ki from this Great Master anymore.

B-But how?!! That's impossible!!

Yesterday, he almost crushed me with the sheer amount of his pure Ki alone, so this doesn't make sense at all.

'W-What is going on? W-Where did his unfathomable Ki go?!'

Don't tell me he suppressed all of his enormous Ki completely?

'Ha-haha... n-nonsense, what am I even thinking?'

If it's a weakling who doesn't have much Ki... then it's probably possible, BUT not even I could hide my Ki completely, so to say he suppressed that terrifying amount of Ki perfectly to the point that you can't even sense his Ki is not even funny, let alone it being a possibility.

'So what the hell happened to his Ki?'

That's the only thought that circulated in my head until I heard Remilia-sama's voice.

"Now then Killua-san, we've reached the balcony, what are you planning to do?"

'Ugh, Remilia-sama is definitely displeased with what's happening, but please stop glaring at him… we really can't afford to provoke that person...'

After she said that, all of us looked at him.

He then gave us a foxy grin as he answered.

"It's exactly as I said."

He turned to the young lady and placed a hand over her head.



"I'll take her for a walk around Gensokyo without leaving the mansion."

'I mean, that's impossible, what the hell is he thinking about?'

As I thought that, Remilia-sama sighed as she folded her arms and spoke in a serious tone.

*Sigh* "Look here bra-*Ahem* Killua-san, It seems you don't know who you're dealing with, if all you want is just to fool around and confuse my sister... then BY ALL MEANS STOP IT."

I flinched from her unusually cold eyes, it has been ages since I've last seen that expression on her face...


But Killua just halfheartedly brushed off her threat as he began looking around the mansion.

Which only infuriated Remilia even more than ever, as now even her vampire fangs became visible on her face.

"You little..."

"Please wait! Remilia-sama!"

She was about to attack him, so I immediately stood in front of her.

"Meilling, get out of my way."

"Don't be rash, Remilia-sama! that person is really frighteningly strong, please-"

"I already know that."

"No! You definitely don't know anything at all! Please, just listen to me..."

And at that exact moment it happened.

*Tremble* *Tremble*


The floor suddenly started trembling... no, as I looked around… the entire mansion and the area around it were shaking violently.

"An earthquake?"

Sakuya said, I looked at her confused before I looked back at Remilia who was staring suspiciously behind me.

"You… what have you done?"

She said with an accusing tone.

At that, I turned around.


There... the Great Master that I can't feel any Ki at all from him, was extending his hands towards the floor before he said with an uninterested face.

"After 12 hours of continuous training, I have already regained complete control over my monstrous Ki, so something like Telekinetic is now a piece of cake for me."


After he said that, he turned to Flandre and asked her.

"Where do you want to go, Flandre? Is there a particular place you want to see?"

"Eh? U-umm..."

The young lady thought seriously for a moment, before she answered excitedly.

"T-Then, The Youkai mountain! I want to see the Youkai Mountain!"

Why did his eyes twitch when she mentioned the 'Youkai Mountain'?

"Hmm, why is that? Is that place really worth it to see?"

He asked her again with a raised brow.

"Of course! The Youkai Mountain is Gensokyo's largest mountain and volcano you know?!"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! I always wanted to visit it myself someday… but..."

As if she remembered something sad, the young lady looked down dejectedly.

And Killua looked at her for a few seconds, before turning to look towards the Youkai Mountain's direction.

"Hmph, It seems I will have to spare them after all… lucky bastards."


After those words, he just blinks one eye for some reason towards that direction before he turns back to the young lady.

"Cheer up, Flandre, I will take you to the Youkai Mountain now."


He tried to cheer her up as he placed a hand over head, and she nodded without looking at him.


I have been thinking about this for a while now but... since they have the same height, it's really disturbing when he does that.

'Well, she's only about 500 years old and he's definitely way more older than even me, so it's understandable.'

"Then... let's... go!"

Killua suddenly grunted those words as he lifted his hands upward.

And as soon as he did that…

Gravity suddenly doubled ten fold as all of us kissed the floor instantly.


"What's going on?!"

"M-My lady?! Are you okay??!"

The new gravity only remained for a few seconds before it returned to normal, which allowed us to stand up from our embarrassing positions.

And as soon as Remilia-sama stood up, she immediately rushed towards Killua and grabbed him from the collar of his tuxedo.

"Fucking brat! I'll make you regret ever... stepping... in... this..."

Remilia-sama widened her eyes in the midway of her sentence and bȧrėly managed to let words out of her mouth before she eventually released him and just stared at the outside of the balcony.

"Regret what?"

Killua asked her.


But she just completely ignored him and with her mouth wide open... she kept looking in the direction of the lake.

I also curiously followed her gaze and looked... at... the…



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