?? - Land of the Back Door

In another plane of existence, there exists a place named the 'Land of the Back Door'.

A seemingly endless plane of floating doors which lead to different locations in Gensokyo.

Not much is known about the place other than that it seems to have been created by the Goddess named Okina Matara, a goddess that governs over life and mental energy.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

In the celestial golden void a new door suddenly appeared.

This one was much bigger and majestic than the others, being at least 10 metres wide.


The door then grandly opened as three individuals stepped out from it.




The one in the middle was none other than the Goddess Okina Matara herself.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

She was using her index finger to repetitively tap her throne's handle with an extremely dark expression on her face.


In fact, it was their first time ever seeing her being this angry about something other than that scary Gap Youkai.



The angry Goddess suddenly clenched her hand as the handle of her throne broke to pieces before she muttered.

"Damn her, she completely ruined my plan."

After she said that, her golden eyes started glowing as her irises took on the shape of an opened door.

What she was seeing right now was not the golden void in front of her but instead the flying island that they were at just a few minutes ago.

"Crazy bitch… just how many protections did she place on him?"

She said, looking a little speechless as she can see Shinki placing yet another few thousands barriers on the oblivious male God.

She then looked at the male God that managed to break out from her control using sheer and mere will power.

"And he also wields Zero energy..."

It has to be known that only True Gods and Goddess could use that kind of terrifying power, in fact she herself could not do it.


Yes, she can work around the bush with her powers and manage it somehow but still... in the end she CANNOT wield it directly.

"Interesting... as I thought, If I cannot control you... I will just kill you, revive you and then force you to serve me for all eternity-"


Suddenly and through her eyes, Okina noticed that Shinki was looking directly at her.

"How in the actual-OUCH!!"

It was the motherfuckering 'Ultimate Greater Information Protection - Extra Anti-Clairvoyance Barrier [True Goddess Level] (lvl MAX)'

"FUCK! It fuċkɨnġ hurts! MY EYES!!"



?? - The Outside of Reality

Back in the void into which an unspeakable fight broke out... one that mortals and immortals alike cannot possibly comprehend... one that only a few selected beings would even dare to watch.

A fight between a True Goddess and a Legendary Youkai.

It is a fight that reality itself would be in danger, not just the universe… and not just the world… but it's REALITY, the thing that makes the rules of the world and provides the base laws for the universe to form.

That's just how WAS the scale of this battle.

And in such a place... the one that lost that battle... the one that was still injured and waiting patiently for her powers to recover...

Was none other than Yukari Yakumo, the sole and only Gap Youkai of this generation.

One that was so strong... she left all of her predecessors in the dirt.


She said as she finally recovered enough power to be able to wield her Gaps.

"First of all."

As soon as she said that, she simply used her power to cut the Gap between her current state and her fully recovered state.


It was instantaneous... and without any flashy side effects or whatsoever.

Even her mental state and also down to her very mode.

ALL of them were recovered to peak stat.

That was the scary part about her... her powers were simply extremely unreasonable, unpredictable, inconceivable, incomprehensible and just downright impossible.

For example, she can just sever the Gap between life and death and then every living being in existence will be dead and the dead will also be alive, for she has removed the very thing that separates the dead from the living.

And that wouldn't even be a fraction of what she could do, for there is Gaps in everything.

History… future… time... space... light… speed… electricity… chemistry… molecule… matter… atoms… evolution… consciousness… power… energy… climate... geology… gravity… mass… particles… astronomy… universe… dimensions… worlds… concepts… and even reality.

She has the power to literally control the world and even more.

Moreover, she also has the terrifying intellect power to handle all of that simultaneously.

And such an individual has LOST.


Yukari grunted in displeasure as she remembered her first defeat, no… her SECOND defeat.

And how such a scary being has lost?


That is something that your MORTAL BRAIN cannot comprehend.

So don't even TRY to think about it.


Gensokyo - The (Flying?) Scarlet Devil Mansion Garden

-= MC's Point of View =-

[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : SS ]

[ Condition : Indirectly hurt the 'The Ultimate, Absolute Secret God'. ]

[ Reward : 10,000,000 SP ]


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : SS ]

[ Condition : Unintentionally hurt the 'The Ultimate, Absolute Secret God'. ]

[ Reward : 15,000,000 SP ]


I tought as I got another Achievement from the system.

Ever since this morning, I kept getting this… totally random Achievements...

'Did the system get broken or something?'

I then turned around to look at Shinki.

"Hey Shinki, are you... okay?"

I asked her a little concerned, as I noticed that her life force was decreasing at an alarming rate.

"Hmm? Killua dear~ are you perhaps worrying about me? Fufu, How cute~"

"No, it's just... your life force is being decreasing rapid-"

When I was talking, Shinki, who was standing beside me, suddenly put her finger in front of my mouth.

"I am fine dear~ It's just an ȧssurance for the future~"


'What is she talking about?'

"By the way dear~ I'm much more interested in that SHoRty over there YOU KNOW~?" *Glare*

Shinki changed the subject as she glared at Flandre who was protectively holding my right hand.

"SAME HERE!" *Glare*

Shouted Flandre as she glared back at her.

"Whooa, calm down there."

I put my left hand between them trying to somehow disperse the tension.

"It seems you don't understa-" *Tsu*

While Shinki was talking, a small white magic-circle-like thing appeared besides her left ear.

"...Sariel? What's wrong?"

'Oh, it must be some kind of communication magic or something like that.'

I thought as Shinki continued to converse with someone using that thing .

"What?! Is that true?!"

Shinki suddenly shouted as her voice was becoming more and more frustrated with every passing second.

"T-That child… she DIDN'T LISTEN to me after all… FINE, I'm coming RIGHT NOW!"


I thought as I looked at the very angry Shinki.

*Spark* *Spark* *Spark*

"Dear~ I'm sorry, but... something happened back in my world... so I have to GO BACK for now..."

"Yeah sure, see you later."


After I said that, she gave me an apologetic smile before she disappeared with a black thunder that suddenly came down from the sky.



"...I need to get stronger."

I said with a serious expression as I remembered my confrontation with that previous Goddess.

Since I have Frieza's body... I thought I could just take it easy and slowly master my powers as I enjoy this world... but...


But that ċȯċky Goddess thoroughly proved me wrong and almost made me destroy the world.

'No… she almost KILLED ME.' *Glare*


I turned to look at Flandre that was tightening her grip on my hand.

"Flandre, I'm sorry but I have to go."

I told her with finality in my words.



I silently raised my left hand as I prepared to use Mass restoration to return her and the mansion back to the Misty Lake.

"N-No…*Hic* p-please don't leave me...*Hic*"

It seems she somehow knew what I was gonna do as she started crying and tightening her grip even more.

"I'm sorry Flandre… RISE."

But I was having none of that.

"*Hic* please-" *Tsu*

The skill immediately activated as Flandre and the mansion disappeared from the sky.



Leaving only Reimu and that other girl with her.

They seemed completely baffled as they looked around them, not really understanding what just happened.

'At least they know how to fly.'

I thought sarcastically before I looked towards the sky above me.

"Oh, right."

I suddenly remembered something before I turned towards the two baffled girls.

"Hey, I want to ask you something."

I wanted to say that politely, but because of my current form and voice… it sounded like an order.



Both of them frowned as they looked in my direction.

"What do you want?" *Fwoosh*

Reimu said as she pointed her stick at me.

"...I heard there is a barrier here in Gensokyo named the Great Hakurei Barrier or something."

I said to her as I noticed some kind of strange energy gathering towards her stick.

"What about it?" *Glare*

She said as the particles in the area suddenly shifted towards her, and the other girl also retreated back a little as she started slowly unwrapping her bandages.

"Calm down, I just want to get out of Gensokyo, and I want to know how."



After hearing me, They both seemed confused for a moment before the other girl finally decided to speak.

"With the exception of normal Humans... everyone can freely pass the barrier... rather… you obviously know that, right?"

She asked with a suspicious expression on her face.

I just shook my head as I answered.

"No, I didn't know that."

"Then… how did you get in? Someone like you should have been noticed long ago..."

"Who knows? I just found myself here after all... anyway thanks for answering me."

"Sure, It was nothing..."

"Then goodbye and until next time."


And without wasting another second, I immediately flew in a random direction.


I was moving well above the speed of light as everything around me was a blur.


And before I knew it, all I could see was black as I found myself in the unknown place for earth's creatures known as space.

Then after fleeing for a few more minutes, I stopped.


I was faced with a new view as colorful space entities and cosmic clouds could be seen everywhere I looked.

I closed my eyes as my whole body embraced the chilling cold void.

"Hmmm, I can't get enough of this."

I said as I can feel my alien cells stirring.

"Once I was human..."


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : B ]

[ Condition : Get out from Gensokyo. ]

[ Reward : 3000 SP ]


"A mere earthling."


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : S ]

[ Condition : Get out from Earth. ]

[ Reward : 25,000 SP ]


"But that was in the past."


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : S+ ]

[ Condition : Get out from Earth's solar system. ]

[ Reward : 'Space Dweller' Title ]


[ Title : Space Dweller ]

[ Grants : Trait ]

[ Description : Can travel 25% faster in space. ]

[ Equipped by default. ]


"Right now, I'm no longer that same weakling race."


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : S+ ]

[ Condition : Get out from the Milky Way. ]

[ Reward : 'Space Traveller' Title ]


[ Title : Space Traveller ]

[ Grants : Trait ]

[ Description : Can travel 75% faster in space. ]

[ Equipped by default. ]


"Now I'm Killua."


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : SS ]

[ Condition : Get out from the constellation Coma Berenices

. ]

[ Reward : 'Universe Traveller' Title ]


[ Title : Universe Traveller ]

[ Grants : Trait ]

[ Description : Can travel 200% faster in space. ]

[ Equipped by default. ]


[ Notification! ]

[ Titles 'Space Dweller', 'Space Traveller' and 'Universe Traveller' will evolve into Title 'Universe Dominator' ]


[ Title : Universe Dominator ]

[ Grants : Trait ]

[ Description : Can travel 999999% faster in space. ]

[ Equipped by default. ]


"And one day…."


[ Achievement! ]

[ Rank : SS+ ]

[ Condition : Without teleporting and using only your body, travel more than 999,999,999,999,999 light years. ]

[ Reward : 'Traveller God' Title ]


[ Title : Traveller God ]

[ Grants : Trait ]

[ Description : Can move 1000% faster in any environment. ]

[ Equipped by default. ]


[ Notification! ]

[ Titles 'Universe Dominator' and 'Traveller God' will evolve into Title 'Speed Deity' ]


[ Title : Speed Deity ]

[ Grants : Trait ]

[ Description : Can move 9999999999999999% faster in any environment. ]

[ Not equipped by default. ]


"I shall conquer the whole universe." *Smirk*

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