Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 134: Who is your big brother, don't yell

Not to mention the third term, the people all over the country know, a female model outside the 18th line!

"Old Wei, I seem to have heard that when the Fu family and the Huo family got married, the eldest lady of the Huo family was chosen?"

Mr. Wei shrugged:

"What happened in this, only the two of them know."

Eldest Miss, why did you change to Second Miss again?

Gossip is gossip, but I also know the severity, what should be said, and what should not be said will not talk too much.

A bunch of old men!


The third floor of Ningjiang Hotel.

Su Luoyun and Ji Zhengguo were about to go downstairs when Ji Ci came up with their little nephew:

"Aunt Su, Dad, are you going there?"

"My dad and I are going to find you." Su Luoyun said with a smile.

Suddenly, Yu Guang glanced sharply at the person following Ji Ci.

When I saw the face, I opened my eyes vigorously, and finally, I confirmed that I really did not see it wrong.



Uncle Ji! "

Who is Fu Jiyan?


Impossible to be embarrassed!

This was the first time I saw my father-in-law and mother-in-law in a real sense. As soon as I opened my mouth, I immediately called 'Mom', but the old couple was shocked for a long time and couldn't come back to their senses.

This, this, this...


what's going on?

Ji Ci's mouth twitched a few times before explaining:

"I met you downstairs."

Coincidence, really coincidence.

Who would have thought that everyone would meet here?

The atmosphere was a little weird for a while, Fu Jiyan silently gave his son a look, and after the little guy received it, he quickly said to Ms. Su Luoyun:

"Grandma, my father said that my mother came to Ningnan too!"

Sure enough, hearing this, the old couple's faces were uncontrollably showing joy.

"The girl is back?"

Father Ji was all overjoyed.

Ms. Su Luoyun restrained her expression before looking at someone, with a strong scrutiny and scrutiny in her eyes.

"That girl was with you?"

I doubt it, if this person doesn't come to Ningnan, that stinky girl will never come back in this life?

"No, Ah Xiao and the others came from H City to arrest people."

"Cross-city arrest?"


Ms. Su Luoyun's face showed obvious worry:

"Is the girl not hurt?"

They have already arrested people across the city, so it's definitely not a minor offense.

Hey, what can be done?

There are four members of the family, and all three are police officers. This is the real way to stab the police!

Fortunately, my wife retired a few years ago, otherwise, I would have to worry more about sleeping this night.

Anyway, a few years ago, I really lost sleep every night.

Although I haven't seen my daughter for five years, I still feel nervous when I hear the news!

"Mom, Ah Xiao is not injured!"

Su Luoyun finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"How about you? Why are you here?"


"In the case of the crew and the investor group, I met my eldest brother downstairs. I heard that Mom and Uncle Ji were also there, so I came up to say hello."

big brother?

Ji Ci was originally watching the play from the sidelines, but suddenly he heard a big brother, but he was not calm.

Who is your big brother?

Don't yell, okay?

"Don't, just call Director Ji." He said with white eyes.

As a result, Father Ji gave him a slap in the face:

"It's addicting to be a director, isn't it? Are you still showing authority at home?"


"Dad, I didn't."

It's not because, because...

It's this person who gave up our little cabbage, have you forgotten?

Father Ji didn't realize the deep resentment on his son's face. The father-in-law looked at his son-in-law, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became:

"Xiao Fu is here to talk, so don't delay. People must be waiting, right? Hurry back and don't make people wait too long."

Fu Jiyan didn't really care about this, but his father-in-law spoke up and raised his wrist:

"Uncle Ji, Mom, then I'll go first, and I'll come to you when I'm done."

Su Luoyun snorted coldly, and Ji Zhengguo hurriedly pulled at the corner of his wife's shirt:

"Okay, you go to work first." He said with a smile.

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