Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 166: That kid in the trash can, is that you?

Take another look at the list: Song Mi?

Following the principle of the dead, I did not continue to delve into this graduation photo, and turned back.

This old album is basically a photo album of Su Zhixiao from childhood to adulthood, and there are not many family members.

Turned over and over, turned several pages in a row.

Someone paused for a moment, and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he couldn't believe it.

Su Zhixiao, who was sitting beside the bed, also suddenly remembered something, got up, and grabbed the old photo album.

Looking down, sure enough, the photo has been turned over.


It closed with a 'pop'.

Someone finally came back to his senses, but when he looked at his wife, his eyes had a very unclear meaning.

Su Zhixiao was stunned when he was seen:

"Why are you looking at me?" The tone was very bad.

Someone smiled, with smiles all over his eyebrows:

"Did you go to the village of Jiujiu when you were a child?" asked.

Su Zhixiao shook his head:

"Where is that? Never been there!"

If it's not a prank, I really don't have an impression.

Mother Su suddenly said:

"Why haven't you been there? You forgot? During the summer vacation of your first grade, you pestered me and your Uncle Ji to take you to find the immortals on Lushui Mountain?"

Boom, yes.

After such a reminder from Mother Su, I remembered it all in an instant.

The village is actually in the south of Ningxia, but it is already far, far away, at the junction with the neighboring city.

There is a mountain there, and the name is Lingsang Mountain, and the village of Lingshui is named after the foot of the mountain.

When I was a child, it seemed that I heard a legend from my classmates, saying that there was a snake **** couple on Lingli Mountain, and many people had seen it. Moreover, sometimes the snake **** couple would go down the mountain to take a bath in the river.

So many years have passed, and I have never mentioned it. How can I still remember things when I was five or six years old?

"Besides, you rescued a little brother on Lingshui Mountain, forgot?"


Su Zhixiao reached out and rubbed his forehead:

"It seems that there is such a thing, and it was not rescued on the mountain, but picked up in the trash can!"

The intermittent picture gradually recalled.

On the other hand, Fu Jiyan's mouth twitched violently after hearing that his wife said it was someone he found in the trash can.

"You remembered it wrong!" One word at a time.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Someone stepped in front of his wife, bent down, lowered his head slightly, and said slowly:

"It's the kidnapper who deliberately hid in the trash can to hide behind!"

Unfortunately, I was misunderstood by a little girl who suddenly appeared, and pulled the person out of the trash can.

Fortunately, during that time, the kidnappers had already left a good distance.


Su Zhixiao blinked, his expression a little weird.

Finally reached out and pushed someone:

"How do you know so well? Could it be that person is you?"

The man stands up straight:

"You can get rid of the question mark at the end!"

that is!

"real or fake?"

Why is this so mysterious?

How can there be such a coincidence?

Rather just....

Mother Su looked up and down again with a smile on her son-in-law:

"It looks a bit like back then. It would be shorter, thinner, and more youthful. Now it's much more mature."

No, it would be less than ten years old.

It's 30 years old now!

"Lao Ji! Lao Ji!"

Mother Su was very excited and went out of the room to find Father Ji.

In the room, there were probably only children with question marks all over their heads.

Su Zhixiao finally swallowed his saliva before staring, and said weakly:

"Fu Jiyan, that, you..."

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