Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 175: worry about me

"Tracking? Then what?"

How did you get in touch with overseas?

Isn't this span too big?

Dong Ju picked up the tea cup and poured half a cup of water into his stomach:

"At that time, the Fu family mentioned this when they called the police, and the policemen who called the police didn't pay much attention.

Who knows, after investigation, I really found the problem.

That little gangster is indeed one of the members of the overseas gang that develops in China, YD organization, you should have known about Aci? "


The board of directors nodded:

"Yeah, the little gangster has the organization's iconic tattoo, and he also explained something, although it's not the core content, but you can follow it.

The Fu family was not the first to be followed. According to the account, the YD organization sent a number of personnel to follow the male artists in the entertainment industry. "

Ji Ci frowned deeply:

"Why? Could it be that the entertainment industry has something they want?"

"Said it was looking for someone named God."

Ji Ci is no stranger to God, and has seen information about that person on the leadership table more than once.

He worked as a mercenary in the early years, and later became the chief brain strategist of the internationally renowned W organization. Not only was he masterful with guns, but most importantly, God was also a 'gun-making genius', nicknamed 'Gun God! ’

However, there is only so much information the outside world can know, and no one knows how specific it is.

Now, the people of the YD organization are looking for God in the country. Could it be that God is already in the country?

Such a dangerous guy, if he is really in the country, what does he want to do?

"Dong Bureau, are the people from the Security Bureau specially here to investigate this?"


"The one from the Fu family?"

The board of directors rolled his eyes:

"Okay, why don't you have a relationship with me? Don't you just want to find out about your brother-in-law?

Don't worry, the people from the Security Bureau are just asking some simple questions. After all, you know that a lot of information in the entertainment industry is only known to their insiders. "

The board of directors has said so, there must be no big problem.

Ji Ci also breathed a sigh of relief.


When Ji resigned, he saw his sister sitting down on a chair in the corridor.

He probably raised his head when he heard the movement.

Stand up all at once:

"elder brother?"

Ji Ci came over and sat next to him:

"It's okay." He said in a reassuring tone.

Immediately, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a line of figures not far away:

"Don't worry, look over there."

Su Zhixiao looked over and saw that the door of the reception room had already opened, and someone was walking out of it very leisurely step by step.

In the outer row are some of the most famous lawyers in Ningnan.

They are not from the same law firm, so they arrived at the same time?

Obviously, it's all for one person!

"Just now, the board of directors received a call from the old man of the Fu family. These lawyers should also be called by the Fu family."

In today's society, status really means everything.

"Master Fu!"

"Master Fu!"

Fu Jiyan glanced lightly at the row of elite lawyers:

"Good deal!"


With such a simple command, people have already moved towards this side.

Su Zhixiao also stood up, but his heart kept suggesting that he was calm, calm, calm.

The man approached, reached out and brushed the loose hair from the woman's ear, and at the same time, asked softly:


Su Zhixiao moved the corners of his lips, but didn't answer in the end.

Or Ji Ci followed and stood up:

"Are you all right?"

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