Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 196: how to cut the scalpel

"It's nothing, just about where is the best place to place the scalpel, you can open the stomach in one step, or is there a lot of fat or muscle?


Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was covered by a big hand.

"Okay, go to sleep!"

The whole koala seems to be hooping people, and the legs are still on others.


"take away!"

It's so heavy, and I'm worried that if I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be crushed and the blood vessels in my legs will be necrotic.

"No, you talk again, it's just right, don't sleep tonight."

Su Zhixiao choked for a while, then closed his eyes and said softly:

"My leg hurts, isn't that what you pinched?"


Someone is not happy:

"Wife, can you stop talking like domestic violence? Is your husband choking? Huh?"

At most, it's just a little bit of a bit of a hand.

Well, next time be careful, be gentle.

In the end, he still took the leg, buried his head, and took a few deep sniffs:

"It smells so good!"

Well, it has the taste of Lao Tzu!

Su Zhixiao didn't answer anymore, the main reason was not that he was afraid...

Forget it, so be it.

It didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep.

. . . . . .

When I woke up, it was almost noon.

Ten forty, eleven o'clock immediately.

Still woken up by Ms. Su's serial calls.

It's hard to touch the phone:

"Hello? Mom?"

On the phone: "Are you still asleep? What time is it? Where's Xiao Fu?"


Called early in the morning and asked your son-in-law?

Just when Su Zhixiao was still stunned, the phone was taken away:

"Mom, I'm here, what's the matter?"

On the phone, Ms. Su's attitude and tone were much softer:

"Xiao Fu, you have nothing to do today, right?"

It depends on whether it is a big thing or a small thing.

However, the mother-in-law asked this question, and of course she had to answer smartly:

"Well, it's nothing."

"Okay, that's fine. Aunt A Ci's house, please have lunch. The location is set at Xiangmanlou. You and Zhixiao quickly pack up and come over."

Uncle's aunt?

The Ji family?

Fu Jiyan didn't respond directly, but looked at the woman beside him with inquiring eyes until Su Zhixiao nodded:

"No problem, Mom, do you need me to pick you up and Uncle Ji later?"

"No, no, we have set off now, you can just come over after you pack up."

"Okay, Mom."


The phone hangs up, and the man turns the phone in his hand:

"Aunt Ji? Are you sure you want to go?" asked.

Su Zhixiao pursed his lips and lifted the quilt:

"Didn't you all promise my mother to go?"

Having said that, he got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom.

However, after taking a few steps, he stopped:

"What am I wearing?"

Someone was quite good at tearing it up last night, huh.


The man who realized it with hindsight finally remembered:

"You go wash first, and I'll have someone deliver it right away."

Su Zhixiao glanced sneeringly before entering the bathroom.

In the room, someone scratched his hair before he took his mobile phone from the bedside table next to it, unlocked it, opened the address book, and dialed a number:

"Go buy a set of women's clothes right away."

"Yes, Second Young Master."


Su Zhixiao was taking a bath, and sure enough, taking a bath was the best way to relieve fatigue, and the rattling old arms and legs were much better.

knock knock...

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"The clothes are back, hurry up and come out."

What about hatching eggs?

For so long, are you not afraid of hypoxia halo in it?

Fortunately, these complaints were not really spoken, they were just passed through in my heart.

With a click, the bathroom door opened, but only one arm stretched out:

"Bring it."

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