Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 199: most hated person

In the box on the second floor of Xiangmanlou, from a distance, I could hear the noise of the children in the box.

Originally, the small porridge that followed Mother Su well, suddenly let go and turned to run towards the couple.

When Su Zhixiao was in front of him, the child hugged his mother's leg tightly.


"Baby, what's wrong?"

Why did this happen all of a sudden?

Several adults present were a little confused.

Su Zhixiao squatted down and rubbed his son's small head in his hands. All of a sudden, the little boy threw himself into his mother's arms.

"Mom, porridge has another person I don't like!"

The person who the previous child disliked was Huo Shengzhe from the Huo family. In terms of seniority, he was still the uncle of porridge.

Why is another one popping up now?


It was funny that Fu Jiyan guessed who it was.

Reaching out his hand again, with just two fingers, he carried the little man to him:

"The person you hate is the one who called you by your nickname before?"

Sure enough, the children nodded without denying:

"Yes, it's him. He called me Fu Chiu Chiu again today, so annoying!"

Children are taught from a young age not to call others nicknames, it is impolite.

So, up to now, I don't particularly like others to call me nicknames.

That Ji family's child is considered to have stepped on the bottom line of children.

Su Zhixiao asked Su mother in a low voice:

"Mom, who is the little boy who Porridge is talking about by his nickname?"

Mother Su frowned:

"Who else do you think it will be?"



It's not surprising that it was him.

That child, more than eight years old, is in the third grade.

But come on, be particularly naughty.

It is said that three-year-old sees old, this doll, three-year-old is really the kind that all relatives despise.

Too noisy, too annoying.

I don't know how to be polite at all, and I always go out to sabotage and make trouble.

The most extreme thing is that Su Zhixiao still listened to what his senior brother mentioned, saying that Ji Ci complained to him.

Think about it, how annoying and annoying a child who can make Director Ji stop complaining behind his back.

It is said that in the first two years, the little boy did not hit anyone because he fought with other classmates. Since then, the little boy would go outside the walls of other people's houses to urinate and **** every day.

It's so simple, even the dogs don't play with him, and they hide all the way to see him.

If it was replaced by another child, Su Zhixiao would really persuade his son not to be so rude, wouldn't he be called a nickname?

Who hasn't been yelled at by nicknames?

But Ji Yuan, then, there is no need to persuade anything.

Mother Su continued to say:

"I had a headache because the kid was making a fuss inside, so I brought porridge and porridge out to pick you up."


Su Zhixiao is also quite ashamed, Ji Yuan is almost more than Huo Shengzhe of the Huo family.

The little boy grabbed his father's neck tightly, not letting go.

Fu Jiyan didn't care much about his son. After all, it's not like he didn't hear what Mother Su said.

He hugged his son's little **** and held it firmly.

"It's alright, alright, let's have a meal, and we'll leave after we eat."

It's really impossible to refuse, otherwise, Mother Su would never agree to come.

Just, what's the matter?

No one seems to have a birthday, right?

Having reached the door of the box, Su Zhixiao couldn't ask any further questions.

Pushing open the door, sure enough, several children inside were running around, jumping and making noise.

It was Father Ji who was the first to see several figures at the door and stood up:


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