Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 205: All you want is to protect animals

Probably, this also has a lot to do with the frailty of the Fu family.

The Fu family has such a large property, and now it is only Mr. Fu, and he has two grandsons.

Fortunately, Fu Er got married early, and he had a wife and son at home.

But compared with other families, it is indeed a little pitiful.

In other people's homes, there may be more than a few illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters outside.

A few years have passed, and the grandson is almost four years old. No matter how big Ms. Su's opinion was at the beginning, now for the sake of the cute little grandson, it is almost gone.

Moreover, Ms. Su, who is now the mother-in-law, is so satisfied with her son-in-law, how can she tolerate her son-in-law being told by outsiders?

"Sui Sui, you are young and may not understand.

As for the third aunt and your third uncle, when they are old, they like the way they live now.

As long as everyone in our family is safe, healthy, and healthy, as for the villa, is it still a place to live?

Now, we don't live in the streets and bridges, and all aspects of life are acceptable, and the place where we live is completely adequate. What kind of big villas are not uncommon.

Also, there is still porridge and porridge to accompany us at any time. "

Although the second old man is not a rich man, he is definitely not the owner of poor money.

Father Ji was retired from the old criminal police, and he has a pension and various subsidies every month.

Ms. Su is also a retired teacher. Although the pension is not as high as that of Father Ji, the expenses are more than enough.

In addition, Ji Ci will send a sum of money to the house from time to time for living expenses for the old couple. Of course, the old couple has never moved this money, so Ji Ci keeps it as a wife book.

On the contrary, it was the Ji family's aunt's family. All the money paid for the demolition of the old house had been gambled. Now, 20 years later, the whole family does not even have a shack, and is still renting a house outside.

No wonder Ji Sui can't wait to show off after finding a 'Prince'!

As the saying goes, the more a person lacks something, the more he values ​​it.

It's good enough to ask others, aren't you afraid of making jokes?

Father Ji wanted to say something, but he moved his lower lip several times, but failed to make a sound.

Su Zhixiao pulled Ms. Lasu, and then Ms. Su shut up.

After all, this Ji Sui is still Uncle Ji's niece!

However, at this moment, the child who had not spoken for a long time suddenly said:

"Mom, what is a villa?"


"It's the house where everyone lives."

The child nodded and continued to ask curiously:

"Is that villa big?"


"Mom, why don't we have a villa at home? Porridge also wants to live in a big villa, and Porridge wants to raise small animals at home. Grandpa said that the family is too small and not enough!"

Small animals?

When did my son like to keep pets?

Su Zhixiao looked suspiciously at the man beside him, and Fu Jiyan could only shrug at this meeting.

"What kind of animals do you want to keep baby?"

If possible, the son especially wants to raise it, so it's not that he can't agree.

However, when the little guy said his words, the audience almost dropped their jaws.

"Mom, porridge just wants to raise a little tiger, two little lions, a baby panda, then a giraffe, a hippo, a baby crocodile...

Is that really a lot? "


Not much, just too much!

Son, all the animals you want to raise are state-protected animals, okay?

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