Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 21: No more stop and shoot

"Zhixiao, you first send all these physical evidences back to the bureau."

Su Zhixiao is a forensic doctor. Even if he stays here, he probably has nothing to do.

"it is good."

It would be better to send back all the samples that have just been extracted. What if there are other discoveries on the samples?

Move the things downstairs and put them in the car one by one. Outside the police cordon, the crowd of onlookers are surrounded by three floors and three floors, and some even lie on the trees.

Really, watching the fun is not too big of a deal!

However, this kind of thing, even the police can't say much, as long as they don't cross the cordon.

Start the car and prepare to leave. The speed is as slow as that of a snail. Who makes people everywhere?

After about five or six minutes, at the last checkpoint, there were still several cars lined up in front of Su Zhixiao to check.

No choice but to wait.

But, suddenly, the car that was about to be inspected suddenly started and rushed out.

"No, someone is going to punch the card!"

"It's the suspect Sun Zhihuan!"

The people at the bayonet reacted, and quickly started the car to catch up, but before them, Su Zhixiao's red Prado had already caught up, and at the same time, the alarm bell rang.

Otherwise, waiting for the person at the bayonet to catch up, I am afraid that the suspect has disappeared without a trace.

Although this area was occupied and demolished in the early years, the development is really not very good, that is, the main road is cement pavement, other trails are still mud pavement, everywhere is messy, and there is a mountain not far away. .

If the suspect is allowed to enter the mountain, the subsequent arrests will be really difficult.

After all, if a person wants to hide in the mountains, it is really hard to find it for a while.

Therefore, Su Zhixiao didn't even think about it, after seeing the van in front of him punching the card, he immediately chased after him.

"Bang!" A shot rang out.

After the warning shot, Su Zhixiao shouted while speeding up to chase the van in front:

"J09ef53, please stop now! Stop now!"

Who knows, the van not only showed no signs of slowing down, but actually accelerated again.

"J09ef53, don't stop, I'm going to shoot!"

In this case, the police are absolutely qualified to shoot.

Moreover, this is not a highway, and there are no people around. Even if the car is shot, it will not hurt other innocent people.

The van has obviously fluctuated a few times. No matter how strong the criminal's psychological quality is, at this time, he may not be able to calm down.

With a squeak, the van suddenly stopped.

After that, he suddenly turned his head, the front of the car faced the red Prado, stepped up the accelerator again, and rushed towards this side frantically.

This tm doesn't want to live and has to pull a back pad?

Fortunately, Su Zhixiao's brain was clear and calm enough to throw the steering wheel to death in an instant. At the moment when the van was about to hit, the front of the Prado narrowly avoided the impact.


The two cars collided violently, and the airbags popped out at the same time.

But even with the airbag, Su Zhixiao was still unconscious for a few seconds before he woke up. He smelled a strong smell of gasoline on the tip of his nose, his pupils shrank suddenly, he quickly opened the door with his hand, and jumped out of the car to face Go over there in the van.

As far as this broken van is, it will definitely not be equipped with airbags. Su Zhixiao has even thought of the worst outcome in his mind.

Sure enough, when he opened the door of the van, he saw that the suspect, Sun Zhihuan, had long since passed out, with blood all over his head and face.

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