Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 223: emergency call

On the burglary side, when Su Zhixiao and Guo Yishuo arrived, the downstairs of the unit was already crowded with people.

Seeing that the police from the city bureau had arrived, everyone gave way.

The police in the area were also there, questioning the surrounding people.

"Xing Da, are you here?"

Guo Yishuo nodded, apparently familiar with the police in this area.

Even if you are not familiar with it at first, you will be familiar with it after a few contacts.

Su Zhixiao carried the evidence collection box in his hand:

"Has the thief caught?" asked.

The two policemen shook their heads:

"The owner only called the police when he found that something was missing. The thief has long since disappeared."

After this time delay, I am afraid that the thieves who stole things have run away for several miles.

In general, burglaries like this are basically impossible to catch.

Even if they are caught, they are only educated and detained for a few days.

Now the thieves are so rampant because there is a powerful gang behind them.

These people are just like flies, scurrying around, starting when they find an opportunity, and moving a nest every once in a while.

Gangs commit crimes, it's really hard to catch people.

It takes a sophisticated deployment plan to get the pot out of the way!

In that case, none of the members of the gang can escape!

Otherwise, we can only let the tiger go back to the mountain, and the police can't do anything about it, the law is here!

"Sister Su, let's go first and see if we can find any clues."


When I got to the host's house, I entered the house, and the lights in the house were all turned off.

Su Zhixiao and Guo Yishuo both held a flashlight on the ground.

"Hey, I found half a footprint here."

Su Zhixiao squatted down, opened the toolbox, and took out the tools for taking footprints to start collecting evidence.

In a huge three-bedroom house, half of the footprints were found by the balcony and window, and nothing else was found. Obviously, this little thief was quite professional, and he knew how to wear gloves and shoe covers when committing the crime, so as not to leave evidence and be caught.

"What did the master lose?"

Guo Yishuo just heard what the police in the area said:

"I lost a laptop that I only bought two months ago, worth 4,999, and then I lost eight hundred dollars in cash."


"Well, it's gone!"

Su Zhixiao nodded slightly, stood up, and asked the master standing outside the door:

"Have you made a note?"

The host family is a mother and daughter. My father is away from home all year round. The computer was a gift from his father on the little girl's birthday a month ago. It was stolen like this, and my eyes were red with tears.

The little girl's mother answered:

"Just done it."

"The evidence collection has been completed. Next, if you find your lost items, the police will contact you as soon as possible to claim them."

However, this chance is really slim.

Everyone understands this principle, but, anyway, call the police, you can get a little comfort in your heart.

"Yes, sorry for your troubles, Sergeant."

Afterwards, Su Zhixiao and Guo Yishuo carried their suitcases into the car and left, and the police in the area might visit more before returning.

In the car, Guo Yishuo drove the car and kept complaining:

"Sister Su, you said that those guys have hands and feet, but they don't do the right thing, they like to steal chickens and dogs.

Didn't one climb the outer wall to steal something last time, but the rope broke and fell from the ninth floor to his death?

It's not worth it, is it? "

Su Zhixiao smiled:

"It's such a principle, but do you think it makes sense to those thieves who have been idle all the year round?"

Get something for nothing, who doesn't want to?

So, once you get used to it, you can't change it again in this life, unless you die!

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