Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 254: Would you like to report to my sister-in-law?

Someone who got in the car and sat down seemed to snort coldly:

"Don't worry about her, buy her a ticket."

Ferry ticket?

Zhou Huan widened his eyes:

"Is Miss Huo going to play at sea?"

Otherwise, there is no other reason to guess.

After all, the ship from country R to country Z would take at least two days and two nights to arrive.

Floating at sea for two days and two nights is unbearable for most people.

Might as well buy a plane ticket and land in three hours.

"If you want to buy it, buy it, so much nonsense when you are old?"

Very good, I was poisoned again.

"Okay, I'll go online and see if there are any tickets."

That's right!

Someone did it on purpose!

How simple is it to buy a ticket? Even if there is an order from the Teng family, Fu Youqian can still charter a flight, right?

But, don't forget, the Fu family hold revenge!

The things that Miss Huo did in those days, now that the opportunity has been handed over to her in person, of course she will return it, plus interest!

Therefore, there is no guilt at all for letting the eldest Miss Huo go to the sea for two days and two nights.

Huo Yun didn't know it yet, but even if he did, he couldn't protest.

In order to avoid the Teng family, one can only endure!

In the nanny car in front, someone seemed to be in a much better mood than when he first got off the plane.

For a while, the air in the car was much fresher.

Zhou Huan took the opportunity to report the work schedule for the next few days, and sure enough, someone readily agreed.

After all, with those unreliable ones, Zhou Huan wouldn't be able to pass this level.

Someone's meaning is obvious: I don't care about the rest, anyway, I will go back in three days!

Well, the three days promised to my daughter-in-law are three days!

Fortunately, the shooting of the advertisement on the A's side is only two days, but that also guarantees that there will be no mistakes during the shooting, so as not to delay the time.

Three days is really mysterious!

Mainly, their own artists can guarantee that there will be no mistakes, but the A family or the organizer cannot fully guarantee it.


Habitually scratching hair.

The reason for the baldness seems to have been found.

The car arrives at the hotel and gets off.

Zhou Huan has already bought the ticket online:

"Miss Huo, we will leave at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and the ticket number will be sent to you."

Huo Yun glanced at:

"Why a ferry ticket?" The fright couldn't help himself.

Zhou Huan said in a hurry:

"Ayan ordered."


No matter how many questions and complaints Huo Yun had, they all dissipated in an instant.

"Okay, I understand, but you still have to prepare a room for me to rest for the night, no problem?"

"Of course there's no problem. Miss Huo, please. The room has been booked."

Well, after I go back, I will take the invoice and submit the invoice to Mr. Huo to report it to Mr. Huo!

So, no problem at all.


Fortunately, Huo Yun didn't know that Fu Er still had this plan at this time, otherwise, he might have vomited blood.

Of course, Miss Huo didn't have a good face at this time.

He entered the hotel angrily, took the room card at the front desk, and went straight into the elevator without waiting for the people behind.

Zhou Huan looked straight and shook his head before stepping forward:

"Ayan, Miss Huo, do you want to report it to your sister-in-law?"

Zhou Huan still knew a little about the couple.

So, a word of caution.

Fu Jiyan hummed:


Must report.

And after going up, call!


Beijing Municipal Bureau.

Everyone in the criminal police brigade was having a meeting. Of course, Su Zhixiao felt the vibration of the mobile phone in the bag, but he ignored it.

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