Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 256: why me? Think for yourself!

After hanging up the phone, I received a message from someone on WeChat, which was indeed a recording file.

Quite fast!

Su Zhixiao looked around and saw that there was no one else in the corridor, so he lowered the volume and put the phone to his ear.

The recording is actually not long, the whole process is only ten seconds.

-- "Ms. Huo, can you first talk about why you sent that document to Fu?"

-- "Fu Ershao is so smart, can't you think of it?"


-- "Okay, I'll just say it.

In those years, the ladies who wanted to marry into the Fu family could line up from the north of the city to the south of the city.

I Huo Yun, of course, is no exception.

After all, your eldest brother is a cold cellar, so I'm not interested.

So, you just happen to be my best choice! "

I was listening carefully, but when the recording was over, it was gone.

Su Zhixiao frowned, and at this moment, someone sent another message.

"Wife, can my crime be cleared?"

cough cough.

Su Zhixiao has always had a hard time letting go of this matter, the kind of old stalk in his heart.

In particular, not long ago, I learned that Huo Yun had privately sent such a document to someone back then, plus various rumors in the circle over the years, such as: Huo's sisters were fighting for a man.

I have to say that this recording is very important to Su Zhixiao!

Huo Yun is Su Zhixiao's blood sister, and when the two married, Huo Yun was the first choice.

But in the end, someone suddenly changed his mind and changed his mind.

Many things have never been mentioned openly, but it doesn't mean that I don't care at all in my heart.

Now, I have never really liked the answer given by Huo Yun personally, but Miss Huo felt that in terms of the status of her spouse, only the Fu family could be considered worthy of her status!

Su Zhixiao exhaled slightly, then clicked on the reply box, entered it several times, and deleted it before sending it.

The only one I posted at the end was concise and clear.

"--why me?"

In fact, it is not the first time that Su Zhixiao has asked this question.

Asked several times, but someone didn't answer each time, or just changed the subject.

On the WeChat chat page, the words 'inputting' soon appeared.

However, there should also be hesitation over there, and after a while, the message was finally sent.

"--think for yourself!"


Su Zhixiao blinked, if he could think of this, would he ask so many times? Not a roundworm in someone's stomach.

At this moment, Bai Yu shouted out from the office:

"Sister Su, the data in this report seems to be wrong."

Su Zhixiao could only temporarily cancel the plan to continue asking, put the phone in his pocket, and then turned around and walked towards the office.

On the other side, someone hadn't received a reply from his wife for a long time. He probably guessed that he was busy again. He threw the phone aside, opened the laptop on the table, and started to deal with work emails.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Fu Jiyan took his assistant to the shooting site of A's house.

Zhou Da's agent stayed at the hotel and wanted to take Miss Huo to the pier.

At ten o'clock, Miss Huo finally woke up.

For girls, it is impossible to go out without two or three hours from getting up.

It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Huan had been waiting very anxiously, so he went up to knock on the door, and Miss Huo opened the door leisurely:

"Mr. Zhou?"

"Miss Huo, it's almost time, we have to rush over to the pier."

Huo Yun pouted the corners of his mouth:

"Got it, right now."

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