Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 261: Waiting for support

The movie box office was the first crime scene. At that time, everyone didn't have time to react, and there were so many people that the murderer slashed wildly with a knife in hand.

The kind that cuts people when they see them, and kills them with red eyes.

On the ground at this moment, there were many injured people lying on the ground, and the ground was bleeding.

The Criminal Police Brigade of the City Bureau has been notified and all members are dispatched.

However, no matter how fast it is, it will take at least five or six minutes to come here.

Explosion-proof and special police are all dispatched, but they all take time.

There were special police officers on duty on the pedestrian street. After getting the news, they rushed here as quickly as possible, but at this moment, they were all blocked on the stairs.

Elevators, walking ladders, and emergency passages were all hurriedly fleeing from upstairs.

Some even fell on the stairs. Upon seeing this, several SWAT officers who rushed over had to dispatch two team members to maintain order and appease the masses, so as to avoid a more serious mass stampede incident.

The other three went upstairs, but there were so many people that they couldn't get up for a while.


On the fourth floor, in the movie ticket hall, a little girl about twelve or thirteen years old was hiding behind a pillar.

But as the madman got closer and closer, his mind collapsed directly.

"Ah, don't come here, don't come here, I don't want to die, don't kill me!" While crying, he ran out.

Seeing this, Su Zhixiao secretly said something was wrong, and rushed up quickly.

The madman also carried a knife and followed behind the little girl, muttering incessantly:

"Kill you, kill you, all die!"

It may be that she ran too fast and was too nervous, and the little girl fell to the ground with a 'pop'.

Su Zhixiao was still at least five or six meters away from here, and the lunatic, who had already reached the little girl, raised the watermelon knife in his hand, and was about to slash down.



The madman was stunned.

While the madman was stunned, Su Zhixiao rushed over, hugged the murderer from behind, and shouted at the little **** the ground:

"Leave now!"

The little girl was so frightened that her face was full of panic, and her tears and snot were even more indistinguishable.

But in the face of life and death, people's desire to survive is very strong. Even so, they still rolled and crawled far away. In the end, they were pulled by the adults hiding behind the cabinet.

Su Zhixiao hugged the murderer tightly, using all his fighting skills without tripping anyone.

After all, the person who kills the red eye, even the pain has disappeared, at this time, basically can no longer be called a person.

Because they have lost their human nature and subconscious, and their fighting power is bursting.

Only absolute force suppression can completely control it!

Women, at this moment, really can't compare to men!

The strength is inherently weaker.

"Bai Yu!"


"Go and see the injured!"


If you really can't get over it, then let's die!

Waiting for support!

At this time, the lunatic became even more mad, constantly roaring and struggling.

Su Zhixiao was almost thrown out by his strength.

No, we can't keep going like this!

There is no way to do it from behind, but to attack from the front.

Be fast! ruthless! allow!

Take people down at once!


After taking a few deep breaths, he let go of his hand all of a sudden, and dodged to the opposite side of the lunatic. Although the lunatic reacted, he couldn't defend himself against a frontal attack.

In an instant, a sweeping leg kicked over, and kicked directly to the inner wrist of the murderer.

With a 'bang', the watermelon knife fell to the ground.

"Little Yu!"


Bai Yu rushed over from behind and kicked the watermelon knife about 40 centimeters long on the ground.

The murderer was out of weapons, Su Zhixiao heaved a sigh of relief, straightened his legs, clenched his right hand and bent his elbow.

Obviously, it is a fighting action of close combat.

That madman is also brute force powerful, without weapons, when attacked from the front, he can't even defend.

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