Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 292: Children interested in human skeleton models

The meeting was not over yet, so after arranging his son to the forensic office, he continued to go back to the meeting.

It was the first time that the children had a close-up visit to the place where their mother worked. They were very curious. From time to time, they would take a look here and there.

I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I couldn't help it.

Especially the human skeleton model in the forensic office, I was stunned.

If other children see this, they will basically cry.

But the small porridge porridge did not say crying, but also particularly wanted to act on other people's models.

Khan, after all, he has inherited the powerful genes of his parents in his bones!


In the conference room, the meeting that was thought to be over soon, who knows, it is approaching six o'clock and there is no sign that it will end.

Hey, I don't know when I can get off work tonight!

The little boy in the forensic doctor's office seemed to be a little bit too long.

He ran out of it and walked lightly down the corridor without making much noise.

So that no one found out when the children arrived at the door of the conference room.

And the first person to see the little guy was Captain Luo, who was summarizing and reporting on all the recent cases.

Withdrew his eyes and asked everyone present:

"Whose is the child?"

Eh, Captain Luo doesn't have so much free time to pay attention to entertainment news, so he really didn't recognize it.

However, many colleagues sitting in the conference room recognized it.

Su Zhixiao raised his hand, very embarrassed:

"Team Luo, that's my home."

Just asking, nothing else.

The children were not noisy, they were well behaved and quiet.

"Old Zhao, tell me about the case of Huo's mall."

Lao Zhao stood up, coughed, and said slowly:

"My view is that no one wants to make this society safe, but we need solid measures to reduce the probability of such tragedies, and there is no point in 'strongly condemning' criminals who have committed crimes.

May the victims rest in peace, and the living wake up!

Of course, as a police officer, we must fulfill our mission and obligation to protect the lives of the people!

Don't let this incident happen again! "

Indeed, what has happened, what is the point of condemnation?

That madman, can he have repentance?

Impossible, such a person has long lost his humanity and conscience!

Fortunately, this lunatic is finally punished by the law!

Otherwise, the people can't be angry!

Captain Luo waved his hand, and Lao Zhao sat down.

"Okay, that's all for today's meeting. After everyone goes back, they must write a summary and give it to me tomorrow morning."


Sure enough, as long as there is a meeting, there is no escape from the summary!

Su Zhixiao walked out of the conference room with the notebook and pen, and was the first to come out.

The children smiled brightly when they saw their mother come out.


Su Zhixiao stretched out a hand:

"Get off work, go, go home."

The children quickly handed over their little hands:

"Mom, I'm hungry for porridge."

Yes, it's almost seven o'clock.

Usually, the children's diet and rest are very regular, and dinner is on time at six o'clock.

"Then, let's go home first. After mom changes clothes, I'll take you out to dinner, okay?"

At this time, there is nothing to eat in the cafeteria.

"it is good."

What's the kid's opinion?

Of course he nodded in agreement.

Anyway, I am very, very happy to be with my mother.

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