Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 304: Reporter, be stingy

"Yeah, since you quit ten years ago, after careful calculation, we haven't been together a few times."

Someone paused, then continued:

"Correct, that's not considered quitting, I never joined in the first place, it's just cooperation!"

After five years of cooperation with the W organization, the time has come, and it will naturally end.

However, in the following years, there will be cooperation from time to time.

Every new batch of goods released by the W organization comes out after being inspected by God in advance!

And, sometimes, if someone has more free time, they will improve it.

God, also known as 'Gun God', the title is not for nothing.

"What is this time?" asked.

The King of Earth took a sip of wine:

"The one you improved before!"



"How's the market going?"

The King of Earth laughed immediately, and took the wine bottle from the whistle, filling all three cups:


It seems that it is very good!

Fu Jiyan picked up the cup, touched it, and took two sips:

"By the way, are you aware of YD's recent movements?"

"What else can those scumbags in YD do besides doing bad things all day?"

The words of the earth king are very disgusting and despised.

The whimper's mind was more delicate, and he glanced at it:

"Why did you suddenly ask about YD?" asked.

Someone put down the cup and said coldly:

"Their people are looking for God in the country!"

The whirling was thoughtful, and immediately said:

"Not long ago, a group of traitors were caught in the organization."



"YD's handwriting?"

The whirling shook his head:

"Not only, there are several parties."

"All for M1A1?"

The land king on the side hurriedly finished half a glass of wine:

"Otherwise for what?

It has been improved by your God's hand, and as soon as the wind is released, who can not be jealous?

Are you all right? "

Knowing the cause of the incident, Fu Jiyan pursed his lips coldly:

"It's okay, they can't find my identity."

Unless you blow yourself up!

The King of Earth and Pharaoh both breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's alright, alright, it's not easy to meet, let's not talk about it, drink."

However, before taking two sips, the phone in Fu Jiyan's pocket rang.

When he saw who the caller was, he frowned and connected.

On the other side of the phone, the little man's anxious roaring voice has come over:

"Dad, you take care of Fengming!

He is broken!

The game machine for grabbing porridge! "

Then, Feng Ming's voice rang out over there:

"Sue Jing, why don't you just play your game for a while, be stingy."

"Hmph, I won't let you play. Who told you to talk without any words?"

"Oh, then if you have the ability, come and grab it!"

The children were jumping with rage over there, and their height was limited, how could they be able to grab Feng Ming, who was 1.8 meters tall?

I can only complain to Fu Jiyan:

"Dad, look at him!"

The box was already quiet, and the commotion outside could not get in.

Di Wang and Po Su naturally both heard the voice of the little milk on the phone, pochi, and laughed.

Fu Jiyan put down the cup long ago, and rubbed his eyebrows several times before he said:

"Where are you now?"

"at home."

at home?

Okay, over there at the old house.

"There is more than one game console. He plays his own. Can you just change it to another one?"

A whole game room, hundreds of square meters, you two are enough, grab one to play!

"No, I don't want to play with Feng Ming!"

Someone put down the hand rubbing his eyebrows:

"If that's the case, don't play anymore. How about I immediately cut off the electricity and internet in the game room?"

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