Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 307: That battle, boss

Unexpectedly, just as Feng Ming was about to hand over the card, the children on the side had already taken out the card:

"My treat, brother swipe my card!"


The bartenders were amused.

How could Feng Ming be happy:

"Hey, boy, who cares about you inviting me?"

I am an adult, do you need a treat from your little brat?

How embarrassing?

However, the child was very firm, grabbed the card in Feng Ming's hand, handed over his card again, and said to the bartender:

"Brother, hurry up!"

What can a bartender do?

Just accept the card swipe.

The kids don't forget to remind:

"Brother, if you don't have a password, just swipe it directly."

Feng Ming's face was almost wrinkled into a cucumber.

After the child received the card, he started drinking Wangzi, and after a few sips, um, it was really good!

There are only a few bottles in one plate, and the child is very proud to take out the bank card:

"Brother, give me two more plates of porridge, oh no, ten plates of this."

If you can't finish it, you can take it home to drink!

That is, children may not know that a board of Wangzi in the clubhouse sells for 45 yuan, while in the supermarket outside, a board only costs about 10 yuan.


The customers all spoke up, and the bartender couldn't refuse, so he took out another ten-pan Wangzi from the cabinet.

The child looked around with a pair of beads, and finally saw that there was an empty space:

"Feng Ming, let's go there, there is a sofa there!"

The stool I'm sitting on now is too hard and my buttocks are too hard.

Feng Ming glanced sideways, very speechless:

"You kid, you're pretty good at it. You know you want a booth at a young age?"

That booth should be the largest one downstairs, so there will be no one there. After all, the price is definitely not cheap.

Of course, for the two of them, it was nothing.

"Okay, let's go."

Just as the two were about to pass, they were stopped by the bartender again.

"Sir, young master, do you want to book a booth?"

Yes, you have to swipe your card first.

Feng Ming's card was still in the child's hand, and he poked the soft little face a few times:

"Boy, give him your brother's card."

The little boy snorted, and took the two cards in his hand on the bar, and Feng Ming didn't pay attention.

When the two arrived at the booth, sure enough, the location was perfect!

A waiter also helped to bring the ten-pan Wangzi that the child bought with pride before and piled it on the table.

The child was comfortably nestled on the sofa, drinking Wang Zai, and his bright eyes looked around.

As for Feng Ming, he couldn't bear it anymore:

"Boy, you are playing here, brother is going to dance for a while."

"All right."

"Don't run around, you will be sold by traffickers to pick up garbage."

Huh, who is stupid?

Is kindergarten taught long ago?

After that, Feng Ming went to the dance floor, but he didn't dare to go too far, it was not far from the booth, and he could see it at any time.

The child is comfortable for a while in a nest, a while in bed...  

In the end, maybe the kid didn't even pay attention, he clicked the order system at some point, and he ordered a hundred bottles of spades and a hundred fireworks.

Until the exclusive music of the Ace of Spades played in the bar, Feng Ming on the dance floor didn't know anything, so he was enjoying himself.

A bottle of Ace of Spades is big enough, let alone a hundred bottles. That battle is the boss.

Dozens of beauties in cropped t-shirts and lace trousers were dragging wine in their hands, and some held up the exclusive ace of spades light cards and surrounded the card seat for several layers.

The children on the sofa were a little stunned at first, but they were fine after that. They continued to drink their Wangzi and looked at these beautiful sisters with a smile.

Just then, with a few bangs, colorful ribbons all over the sky floated down from the ceiling.

The little boy opened his mouth, no longer drinking Wangzi, and happily kept clapping his palms:

"It's beautiful, fun, come again~"

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