Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 310: Your son is absolutely bluer than you

Hearing that it was the little nephew of the Fu family, the other two people on the sofa also gathered around.

It's a pity that the children have already fallen asleep, otherwise, they can still have a good time.

Fu Fei hummed:

"Children want to rest, I'll go first, you continue."

They are old friends for many years, and of course everyone knows that someone is a super dad at home.

No way, Fu Er and his wife didn't have that much time to take care of their son.

The whole process is handed over to the nanny, and I really don't feel relieved.

As a pro-eldest uncle, President Fu can only take care of the baby in person.

In this area, it has been several years, and the children are almost four years old.

"Okay, see you next time."


The group did not go through the gate, but went straight to the back door.

When the driver drove the car over, Feng Ming stepped forward:

"That, Mr. Fu, I'm sorry, I..."

Fu Feishen waved his hand:

"Your name is Feng Ming?" asked.


"W organized?"


Feng Ming didn't answer.

But Fu Feishen obviously didn't need it either.

"Get in the car."


Don't you say a word?

After all, in the final analysis, taking other people's children to the bar is unreasonable!


Of course, Mr. Fu will not care about anything with the guests. If you want to find this matter, of course, you will find Fu Er!

People are his people!

Several cars started back and forth and left. In the bar, in the corridor on the other side of the second floor, Rong Xi was listening to the manager's report with a small half glass of champagne in his hand.

"Boss, that's what happened."

"How much did you brush?"

"The young master of the Fu family has a total of 1,240,800 credits, and Mr. Fu finally credited 100,000 credits.

Boss, this is the card that Mr. Fu didn't take away! "

Rong Xi reached out and took it:

"Why are there two more?"

The manager explained:

"One is from Mr. Fu, and the other is from Mr. Feng who brought the young master of the Fu family to our club."

Okay, I don't need the card anymore, it seems that he is also a good money lord.

"Boss, this, the 100 bottles of wine ordered by the young master of the Fu family have not been touched. Have we returned it?"

One hundred bottles, is it the rhythm of getting drunk?

Rong Xi rolled his eyes at the people under him:

"Do you think Ren Fu will always be so close?"

Refunding this kind of thing, one has not dealt with it well, talking about it, it is very slap in the face.

After all, the circle is so big, and the news will definitely spread.

At that time, if I swiped Mr. Fu's face, that would really offend people.

"Tomorrow morning, you will personally send the card to the Fu Group headquarters."

"Yes, boss."

"Okay, let's get down to your business."


As soon as the manager left, Rong Xi returned to his exclusive box, which was actually the place where he usually worked, the studio.

Then, he picked up the mobile phone on the cabinet and made a call.

The other side of the phone didn't answer the phone very quickly, and Boss Rong was not in a hurry, he was very patient.

Finally, when the ringtone was about to end, the other party answered:

"What's up?"

"What are you doing?"

"Take a shower, if you have something to say, hurry up."


Rong Xi laughed:

"In such a hurry?" It was very meaningful.

On the phone, Fu Er snorted coldly:

"What are you thinking about? Hurry up and talk, the director is still waiting."

"Okay, it seems that you haven't watched the hot search yet."

Hot search?

Fu Er on the other side of the phone frowned:

"What's trending?"

"Your son is the most expensive customer in our club tonight, um, ordered a hundred bottles of wine and set off hundreds of thousands of fireworks.

Fu Er, yes, your son is definitely better than you! "

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