Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 315: Feng Ming, this child, was stunned

Lao Zhao and the others didn't stay long, so they all left.

In the entire second floor, except for Su Zhixiao, there was only a policewoman on duty at the police station.

Fortunately, everyone is used to it.

Moreover, this is the Municipal Public Security Bureau!

Fan Anjie and Zhou Jingxuan came up about twenty minutes later, each with a large bag of snacks in their hands.

"Sister Su, Xiao Tang, come to eat."

After all, he is young, he has no girlfriend and no wife, and his family is not hungry.

After eating in the cafeteria, I went to buy so many snacks.

Potato chips, melon seeds, biscuits, small bread, Wahaha, Youyou soaked chicken feet, soaked pig skin, Coke...

Su Zhixiao looked at it, and finally only took a bottle of Wahaha:

"Cough, I want this."

"Sister Su, don't you like snacks?"

"Fortunately, I just ate and I'm not hungry."

The other three grabbed it, Su Zhixiao hurriedly avoided and sat next to him.


Until eleven o'clock in the evening, Guo Yishuo brought back a person:

"Sister Su, help with the trial, I have to go to the comic exhibition."

"It's not over yet?"

"No, there are too many people, all young people, we don't dare to blink, we are afraid that something will happen.

By the way, Sister Su, this person's whereabouts are very strange, and she doesn't say anything when asked. "

Su Zhixiao nodded:

"Okay, I understand, you go first."

Afterwards, Su Zhixiao called on Fan Anjie to take him to the interrogation room.


"..." No answer.

"Name?" Still no answer.

Seeing that Fan Anjie asked twice, but the other party didn't answer, Su Zhixiao spoke up:

"Are you from Beijing?"


Good, finally say something.

Otherwise, I thought it was dumb.

"Are you here for tourism or for work or school?"


Eh.... this answer, is there any difference between playing and traveling?


Su Zhixiao took the pen and poked the scalp with the tip of the pen:

"How old are you?"

He looks very young, like a high school student.

But don't be a bear child who ran away from home!


"Second year of high school? Or freshman year?"

The other party raised his head, revealing a very young and handsome face:

"Sister, I have long since graduated from college!"

The tone sounded rather awkward.

However, graduating from college at the age of 19, if true, does have the capital.

"Then what's your name?"

"Feng Ming!"

Of course Feng Ming didn't know, just these few pieces of information, all the information about Feng Ming has been listed in the public security system database.

"Are you an M Chinese?"

"Sister, how did you know?"

Just, surprised.

Su Zhixiao smiled and pointed at the computer in front of him with the tip of his pen:

"I found it, it seems that I found it right."

It's called Feng Ming, there are dozens of people who are 19 this year.

However, Su Zhixiao still found Feng Ming from the ID photos of these dozen people at a glance.

"You entered country Z more than half a month ago, and have been staying in Beijing since then. You have changed three hotels in total, the first XR hotel, the second DG hotel, and the third H hotel. Yesterday morning, you left the H hotel. Check out and leave."


The boy Feng Ming was stunned.

"Is your system so powerful?"


Now, even Fan Anjie couldn't help laughing:

"This is your first time in country Z, right?"

Do you still think country Z is country Z decades ago?

That's really...

It's a pity, I didn't have the opportunity to show the satellite eyes of Z country and so on.

Otherwise, why do you have to let these foreigners learn a lot, let's see what the current Z country is like?

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