Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 351: I won't care about you anymore

Originally, I thought about taking it as a fake, and then I found an opportunity to throw the medicine away.

Who knows, but was seen through.

"Fu Jiyan, if you dare to fake it, I won't care about you in the future!"

Fuck you!


This threat is serious!

"I eat!

Did you say not to eat? "


Have you thought about it, you know.

Don't forget, your wife is a serious police officer!

All the subjects that you need to learn have been studied!

Moreover, the door results are not bad.

After taking the medicine obediently, she opened her mouth wide:

"Officer Su, check."

Su Zhixiao even rolled his eyes:

"fasten your seat belt!"

While talking, he quickly tied it up.

Someone then started slowly, and after all the seat belts were fastened, Su Zhixiao started the car again and left.

Along the way, nothing was said.

Someone doesn't have the strength anymore, just had a stomach ache, but it tortured people ruthlessly.

Arriving at the family building, after getting off the bus, Su Zhixiao said:

"Go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. The stomach pain can be cured as soon as possible, so that it won't be more serious in the end."

A lot of people's stomach cancer is not dragged out?

Of course, if one does not intend to take care of and respect one's own physical health, then there is no need to say much.

Fu Jiyan is not stupid, he can naturally hear the meaning of his wife's words:

"Well, I'll go tomorrow!" promised.

In fact, to talk about stomach pain, it has been a long time since it started more than ten years ago.

And now, I will do a general physical examination every six months, which is a simple gastritis, nothing serious.

However, the wife is worried, then, I must listen to my wife.

Exactly, there will be nothing to do tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

It was already late at night, and there was no one else except the couple downstairs.

After going upstairs, Su Zhixiao went to boil the water.

"From now on, don't drink cold water, drink boiled water."

"it is good!"

Someone sitting on the sofa, as long as the wife said it, would definitely agree.

Su Zhixiao looked back and said nothing more, staring at the time on the water dispenser.

In about two minutes, the water boiled.

Pour half a cup of boiling water and cool it aside:

"How are you feeling now?" asked.

someone shook his head:

"never mind."

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt anymore? It doesn't hurt at all?"

"Well, it really doesn't hurt anymore. I have to thank Mrs. Fu for the fragrance and medicine."

Su Zhixiao snorted before coming over with a water cup:

"Then you rest for a while, and I'll take a bath."

already very sleepy.

I hadn't slept for a few hours in the afternoon.

He even ran out to pick up someone. It was almost twelve o'clock now, so doze was really coming.

He didn't care about the response of the people on the sofa, he went back to his room, took out a set of pajamas, and went into the bathroom.

Such a big person, not a child, does not need people to stare at it all the way.

Fu Jiyan laughed alone, then picked up the water cup on the coffee table, blew it, and sipped it.

Stomach, there is still a little pain, the kind that can be completely ignored.

Drink more hot water, it will really feel better.

Su Zhixiao came out about ten minutes later. He glanced at the people on the sofa, and then at the water glass on the table. Seeing that the water was almost full, he was a little relieved:

"I'll go to work tomorrow, I'll go to bed first, and you can wash yourself."


It's just that I was really sleepy before, but when I went to bed, I really didn't feel sleepy all of a sudden.

I rolled several times, but didn't fall asleep.

Finally, lying on the bed, eyes wide open, looking at the ceiling.

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