Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 369: which nephew

There must be people in the village.

After all, it's about getting the news, isn't it?

Who is the child's biological father, the people in the village know.

Moreover, all traces left by the eldest lady have to be erased!


Huo Yun followed Huo Yu out of the police station and got into the car.

"Brother, where are we going now?"


I must go to the hotel to rest for a while, and then go directly back to Beijing North.

Huo Yun had long known that he had to go back this time, so it was impossible to object.

"it is good."

Arrived at the hotel, the only three-star hotel in the small county.

Huo Yun went to the room to rest, while Huo Yu was in another room with the people from the Legal Department.

Until noon, the secretary came back with two lawyers.

"Mr. Huo."

Huo Yu glanced at:

"Is everything done?"

The secretary nodded:

"That's it!"

Look at the time:

"Book your flight now."


However, if you want to take a plane, there is no airport in the small county, and you have to go to the city next to the county.

"Mr. Huo, the plane is at 2:40 in the afternoon."

And from here to the airport next door, if you drive on the highway, it will take an hour.

Therefore, we will start soon, and we cannot delay.

"Go and inform Xiao Yun."

"Okay Mr. Huo."

. . . . . .

Beijing Municipal Bureau.

The people in the police department's office were a little curious, all the elders with their necks stretched out, secretly looking at the chief's office.

"Why are the leaders of the provincial department here?"

"I do not know about this."

"I went to Bureau Wang directly. Could it be that there is another big case?"

That's the provincial leadership!

Otherwise, I can't think of any reason to come.

In the director's office, Bureau Wang and the leaders of the provincial department sat face to face on the reception sofa, both of them holding a cup of tea in their hands, sipping from time to time.

"Why did you come to me today?"

The person opposite took two sips of tea:

"Come and see old classmates."

Bureau Wang waved:

"Go, go, who will believe it? You are a chief of the department, you have such spare time? Who are you fooling?

Come on, what's the matter? "

Well, old classmates, then you are welcome.

Jiang You put down the teacup:

"Old Wang!"


Do you want to be so violent?

"My nephew will come over in the afternoon, and after that, it will be troublesome."

"Your nephew? Who is it?"

So many nephews, which one?

Jiang You's mouth twitched:

"Who else do you think my nephew could be?"

Yes, Mr. Huo.

"Is something wrong?"

Jiang You shrugged:

"That kid is very refined, and he hasn't said anything yet."

Thinking about it, it shouldn't be a trivial matter, otherwise, Jiang You will not be found.

"But don't do anything illegal? Then I can't help you much."

"What are you thinking? Would my nephew be that kind of person?"

Outstanding young entrepreneurs, rich, powerful and powerful, can they continue to do those illegal activities?

"That's more or less."

"Old Wang, you are really, enough ghosts."

"Each each other."

"Okay, I still have something to do. I'll go back to the hall first."

"I'll send it to you."

Seeing the two big bosses come out of the office, the people in the Criminal Police Office all retracted their necks.

Su Zhixiao just came out of the forensic doctor's office, holding the documents to prepare for the large office of the criminal police team, and met the two leaders head-to-head:

"Officer Wang, Director Jiang."

Bureau Wang smiled:

"Xiao Su is this?"

Su Zhixiao raised the document just printed out in his hand:

"Summary of the captain's case."

"go Go."


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