Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 371: Su Zhixiao is also curious

"Come in and sit."

Bureau Wang had already got up and came over from behind the desk.

Huo Yu stepped in, with Su Zhixiao and Huo Yun sisters behind them.

Bureau Wang's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he always felt that his old classmates had tricked him.

Miss Huo, who has been away from home for several years, also appeared in front of her at this moment, so, I'm afraid...

Not to mention Bureau Wang, Su Zhixiao was also curious.

I only saw Uncle Jiang in the morning, and I saw Huo Yu and Huo Yun in the afternoon. Are they all here to find Wang Bureau?

Wang Bureau has an old fritter in the end, and the expression management on his face is still in place.

"Come and come, all sit down."

Then Bureau Wang stood at the door and shouted to the people outside:

"Pour in two cups of tea."

The two cups of tea must be for the Huo brothers and sisters.

As for Su Zhixiao, what kind of tea should he drink?

Go back to the office for a drink by yourself!

Even Su Zhixiao didn't sit, but stood at the door all the time.

Bureau Wang didn't say much, just opened one eye and closed the other, forget it.

After the tea was brought in, Bureau Wang said.

"Director Jiang came over this morning.

Director Jiang and I have been old classmates for many years and have developed friendship with the old revolutionaries.

So, if anything happens, just say it! "

The older generation seems to really value the relationship between friends and relatives more than the younger generation.

Huo Yu glanced at Huo Yun, who was sitting beside him. At this time, Huo Yun lowered his head, feeling that he was no longer as arrogant as before.

Just ask, how can a brother bear to see his own sister like this?

I didn't intend to force anything, so I restrained my expression:

"Officer Wang, the Huo family has lost a child."


"What? Lost the child?"

And Su Zhixiao, who was standing at the door, also trembled fiercely:

Has the Huo family lost a child? Who is it?

Wait, besides Huo Shengzhe, what other children are there in the Huo family?

Looking at Huo Yun sitting on the guest sofa again, his head seemed to be lower and lower.

Well, well, I guessed it.

So, Miss Huo's family ran away from home for four years. During this period, she secretly gave birth to a child?

And that child is still missing?


Losing a child is a big deal, and Bureau Wang's face suddenly became a lot dignified:

"When was it lost? Where was it lost? Did you call the police?"

Huo Yun, who had been silent for a long time, finally said:

"The one who reported it to the police was reported when it was lost two years ago, and it has not been found until now."

two years ago?

Wang Ju's eyes widened involuntarily:

"The child was lost two years ago?"

Huo Yun hummed, and lowered his head again, the corners of his eyes moistened.

Huo Yu, on the other hand, has already handed over all the investigation materials obtained at the police station in X County, X Province to Bureau Wang:

"Officer Wang, it's all here."

After taking it, Bureau Wang looked over it very seriously, but the more he looked, the worse his face became.

After flipping through all the investigation reports, he slapped it on the table:

"What is this investigation? There is no focus at all, it's just useless clues!"

Out of breath.

Huo Yu actually saw the problem when he saw these investigation reports before, not to mention, he brought the best lawyers from the legal department of the Huo Group.

But, sometimes, I really can't blame others, how can professional knowledge be so solid in a small place?

Many police officers in the police station are not police academies who have graduated from the police academy at all. They are all returned from military service or recruited from society.

But, talk is better than nothing.

Having this information is better than none.

Well, bring it all back.

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