Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 382: why are you such a jerk

cough cough.

Okay, no need to go into details, you can probably guess how things are going.

It's nothing more than that they have been together for a long time, and they are a pair of single men and women.

"Later, suddenly one day, he told me that he would go out to do some errands. It would take a few days, but he would definitely come back to accompany me before I gave birth."

But, once he left, he never came back.

"Do you still love him?"

Huo Yun laughed:

"You think I'll continue to love a man who knows he's a scum and a liar?"

"There is nostalgia between words."


"No, that's not nostalgia, it's hate.

I know you will all say: there is love and there is hate.

I don't deny this, I really loved him before, but now, I really hate him!

I hate him for leaving suddenly, and I hate him for walking away.

Of course, the person I hate the most is me.

If I don't entrust her to the couple in the county town, if I don't want to find that man... child, I lost it, I lost it myself! "

So, how can you not hate yourself?

Seeing the people lying on the bed getting more and more excited, Su Zhixiao hurriedly said:

"It will be found, don't worry, Luo team is the most professional and skilled person in our team. If he personally goes to investigate the clues, he will definitely find it."

Sure enough, after hearing this, Huo Yun calmed down a little.

At this moment, Su Zhixiao's cell phone in his jeans pocket rang, the exclusive ringtone from the team.

Quickly took out the phone to answer the call:

"I'm Su Zhixiao."

"Officer Su, there were people on XX Street who called the police and found a woman's body."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

The phone had been on the phone for ten seconds, and then hung up in a hurry.

Su Zhixiao glanced at the person lying on the bed:

"There's a case, I'll go first."

Huo Yun's eyes widened a little:

"Let's go now?"

Otherwise, why not stay for tea?

Su Zhixiao turned around and left without any hesitation.

So much that Miss Huo was a little confused.

When I regained my senses, I finally felt like a police family member for the first time.

Well, it turns out, is that so?

This is the real come and go.

He sighed a few more times, lay on the bed, moved a little, and his back was sore.

I didn't even see when a little guy came in.

"Huo! Yun!"


Huo Yun glanced sideways and saw Su Zhixiao's son standing in front of him, frowning:

"Hey, little brat, what do you want?"

Also, if you heard right just now, this little brat is called Huo Yun, right?

The child swept his eyes around and probed the entire room:

"Huo Yun, where is my mother?"


"Hey, do you know who I am?"

"Aren't you called Huo Yun?"

"Bah pah, I mean, do you know who I am for you? What should you call me?"

If you are so daring, you dare to call Huo Yun directly!

How did Su Zhixiao educate her son?

The boy hummed:

"Of course I know. You are my mother's sister and my uncle's sister."

"So, what should you call me?"

"Big! Aunt! Mom!"


Huo Yun almost choked on his saliva:

"Stop! Don't call!"

In the end, the ancestor who invented the title of auntie?

The child is very upset:

"Huo Yun, why are you such a jerk?"

You are not allowed to be called Huo Yun for a while, and Auntie is not allowed to be called for a while, so what do you want to be called?

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