Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 416: put the pigeons again

The fact is....

The child was carried downstairs by his father, and then thrown into the back seat of the car. He listened to his father instructing the bodyguard:

"Xiao Si, take him to kindergarten, don't forget to take him to breakfast on the way."

"Yes, Second Young Master."

Obviously, he did not intend to send his son to school in person.

He turned around and entered the gate of the family home, then went upstairs.

After entering the house, go straight to the room.

Although Su Zhixiao fell asleep again, if anyone around him could still feel it, he opened his eyes and tried to see clearly:

"Fu Jiyan, didn't you send your son to school?"

Why did you come back so soon?

It doesn't feel like a few minutes!

This feeling is indeed correct.

"Someone sent him!"

He circled the person in his arms again, and put a long leg on it.

Su Zhixiao snorted softly:

"It's heavy, take it down."

"This is heavy? Then..."

Halfway through the words, his mouth was already covered by his wife.

"To shut up!"

How can you not know that this fellow is not serious when he opens his mouth?

The man raised his lips, stretched out his hand and easily removed the hand from his lips, not forgetting to kiss him twice.

It can make Su Zhixiao excited.

"Fu Jiyan!"

"Do you like calling your husband's name so much?"

Su Zhixiao closed his eyes:

"If you can't sleep and panic, go downstairs and run a few laps, don't disturb my sleep."

"Who said I couldn't sleep, I didn't sleep for three hours last night."


"Don't sleep at night, what are you doing?"


The man sneered:

"What can I do? It's not that the little brat is too weak, and he can suffer from heat stroke."


"Well, I went to the hospital and came back at one o'clock, and then he wanted me to tell him a story!"

Just dreaming!

Do you think your father is the kind of person who can tell stories?

Su Zhixiao laughed:

"Did you talk?"


Then, he cried. "

A mother might be speechless, right?

Look at these two?

Is it biological?

"Fu Jiyan, can't you tell him a story? According to the storybook, can't you?"

Don't kids like listening to bedtime stories?

When in the old house, it will not fall for a night.

So that it becomes a habit.

The man cut off:

"Why do I have to tell him stories? Just because he's my son?"

This, for a while, really can't find a reason.

never mind.

"Did you deliver supper to the police force last night?"

"Aban ordered it, and he also sent it."

That's not what you ordered, Aban will do it?

Su Zhixiao still smiled involuntarily.

The man asked aloud:

"not going to work today?"

"Yes, you don't need to punch in, you can come later, what time is it now?"

"Eight o'clock."

"Then I have to make it to ten o'clock."

"Well, go to sleep, I'll call you later."


At nine forty, the man got up from the study and went back to the room.

Squatting beside the bed, he first poked his wife's face with a 'bad' finger.

Afterwards, he pinched the tip of the woman's nose even more wickedly.

Feeling unable to breathe, Su Zhixiao suddenly opened his eyes.

Someone quickly let go of his hand, and his body backed away in time, narrowly avoiding the kick from his wife.

"Fu Jiyan!"


"Wife, it's nine forty, are you still up?"


Su Zhixiao didn't have time to bother with someone, sat up, lifted the quilt, got out of bed and ran outside.

As for someone, of course, they continued to go back to the study.

Otherwise, people should have gone to the company a long time ago, just to wake up their wives at some point. No, they released Zhou Da's agent again.

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