Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 42: Goodbye to the daddy inside

Not long after Guo Yishuo came back, he whispered in Luo Yifan's ear what he saw in the surveillance.

In the end, I scratched my hair in confusion:

"Team Luo, the one in there, doesn't seem to have any problems.

I mean, what does he want? "

Who knows this?

I am afraid that only the one inside has a clear mind.

Although Luo Yifan has his own opinions, as the captain of the criminal police, he must speak with solid evidence, and his brows can't help frowning again:

"See you again."


In the interrogation room, someone doesn't seem to be as arrogant as before, and the whole thing is dazed. Hearing someone coming in, he didn't lift his eyelids.

Luo Yifan sat down:

"We have already seen the surveillance. You were in the Family House of the Municipal Bureau from 8:30 to 10:20 last night. After you left the Family House, you returned to Xiangzhou International's house and didn't leave until this morning."

"So, can Fu go back?"

"Don't worry, although the alibi is valid, Mr. Fu still thinks about it carefully, what was the content of the 23-second call?

Mr. Fu remembers it early and leaves here early! "

"do not know!"

He lowered his eyes and tapped his fingers on the armrest.

I'm really not in a hurry.

What else can Luo Yifan and Guo Yishuo do?

Rubbing his eyebrows, he asked again:

"Is Mr. Fu's phone set to record calls?"

"I don't know."


Except I don't know, I just don't know, it's really an uncle!

After all, for this person, even the director of the city bureau, he really couldn't afford to offend him.

Luo Yifan closed his eyes and looked at Guo Yishuo:

"Check it out."


Guo Yishuo was operating the mobile phone in the evidence bag. The phone was turned on, but the password was needed to unlock it.

"Mr. Fu, password?"

"Six six."

Just this time.

Soon, the screen was unlocked successfully, and Guo Yishuo naturally wouldn't look at the others, he searched for a while:

"Team Luo, found it, there is a recording, at 9:36 last night, Yang Xiying's number."

Luo Yifan glanced at Fu Jiyan:

"Release it."

"Okay Team Luo."

Just after the call recording was released, there was still a noise in the early stage, and it was only heard after a few seconds.


You can be so arrogant as soon as you open your mouth, who else is there besides this lord in front of you?

Soon, Yang Xiying's voice sounded:

"Brother Yan, it's me, Yang Xiying."

"Is something wrong?"

"No... that is, Brother Yan, I like you, really, I have liked you for many years.

When I entered the entertainment industry, I wanted to be closer to you.

I am very happy to be able to film together this time.

However, unexpectedly...

Brother Yan, I'm sorry, I may have caused you some trouble.

I can't help it, I can't resist..."

Yang Xiying said every word clearly, but the man over the phone did not hear a single word of these words.

When Fu Jiyan heard a name he didn't know, he had to hang up.

It just so happened that the bodyguard would knock on the door after delivering the meal. He didn't pay attention to whether he hung up or not, so he threw the phone aside on the sofa and opened the door.

After putting away the food, pick up the phone, the call is over.

Therefore, what Fu Jiyan has always said to the police is true.

The call recording was not set up by Fu Jiyan himself, and he has never used it before, so it is definitely not clear.

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