Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 485: Ayan, are you omnipotent?

"Dad, I'm going too."

In the end, it was a completely unfamiliar place, and Gu Jianyi was unfamiliar, so the child would rather follow his father.

Although my father always despised him.

However, he was rejected by his father:

"It's raining outside, what are you going to do? Stay here.

Fu Zhizhou, if you are disobedient, how about I have someone send you back immediately? "


The children immediately put away their thoughts of going out:

"Dad, porridge is waiting for you here."

Baby, can't I handle you?

Do you really think your father is eating dry rice?

In the room, only Gu Jianyi and the little friend were left soon.

Eyes wide open.

Gu Jianyi scratched the back of his head for a while, then took out his phone:

"Do you watch cartoons?"

"Look!" The child nodded.

"What cartoon do you want to watch?"

"Peppa Pig!"

"Okay, uncle will search for you."

After that, Gu Jianyi sat beside the bed with a very enjoyable little person lying in his arms, and the two looked at Peppa Pig together.

Don't say it, the more you look, the better you are.

This cartoon is actually better than many TV shows!

On the other side, in the yard, by the well.

The dignified movie emperor Fu, sitting on the small bench, was working hard to brush his son's shoes and socks.

After communication, someone agreed with the program team to record this scene into the camera.

Therefore, there are quite a few people around the well!

A small number of female staff members are envious: look at others, the Grand Slam actor, can't he still brush his son's shoes and socks?

Think about your own pig...

Forget it, don’t think about it, the more you think about it, the more you get angry.

The shoes are stained with mud on the outside, and they will be clean after wiping a few times.

The socks were also washed twice with plain water and wrung out.

He just stood up and went to the kitchen with his shoes and socks.

In the kitchen, Teacher Zhou was preparing the ingredients for cooking when someone came in:


"Is there anything to cook in a cauldron? I'll make the fire."

Can't you dry your shoes and socks while the fire is burning?

Otherwise, you have to use a hair dryer.

How long does it take to blow dry?

On the other hand, this earthen stove can dry it all in a while.

Big fire!

Zhou Tu's actions of cutting the millet peppers stopped:

"Are you still burning fire?"

It looked unbelievable.


The corners of Zhou Tu's mouth trembled:

"Can repair cars, motorcycles, refrigerators, oh, yes, and rice machines...

Now, there will be fires.

Ayan, can you tell me what else is wrong? "


Someone had already sat on the small bench behind the earthen stove and responded:

"Can't cook!"

I really don't know how to cook or cook.

However, if it is to be roasted in the wild, it can definitely be done.

Zhou Tu sighed a few times. At this time, Hua Ziye came in from outside:

"What are you talking about?" asked.

Zhou Tu recounted the matter, and Hua Ziye was also very surprised:

"Ayan, are you omnipotent?"

Several people have cooperated several times over the years, and Zhou Tu and Hua Ziye are very well-received in terms of reputation and style in the circle, never offend anyone, and can build a good relationship with everyone.

Fu Jiyan could still talk to the two of them, and they were quite familiar with each other.

"No, I can't cook."


Hua Ziye laughed out loud:

"Old Versailles."

Zhou Tu also nodded in agreement, and then said:

"Boil some water, and burn the chicken feathers for a while,"

Hua Ziye said quickly:

"I'm going to fetch water."

As for someone, of course the fire has to start.

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