Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 487: Ancestor, let's keep a low profile

If it's delicious....

Certainly will not refuse!


Both smiling eyes narrowed.

Rare kind.

Teacher Zhou and Teacher Hua couldn't wait to take this cute little guy back to their home.

This idea is really risky.

You can only think about it in your mind.

But dare not really put into action.

At that time, I am afraid that the movie emperor Fu Da can come to the door with a knife!

No, no, no, there is a high probability of carrying a KAR98K.

The kid was tossing the little jiojio, but fortunately, he was leaning on his dad behind him, so he wouldn't fall.

He raised it with great energy, and without hesitation, he mentioned it on the brick of the earthen stove.


"Dad, it hurts."

Fu Jiyan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly:

"Don't you like kicking?

Pain deserves it! "

See, is this what a dad can say?

There's nothing that can't be said, the hairy child just can't get used to it!

Do you really think everyone in the world can get used to him?

At home, up to his great-grandfather, then his uncle, including his mother, are all used to him.

There is no way, as a biological father, I can only play a red face.

After all, everyone else in the family is playing white faces.

Furthermore, this kid is deliberately hypocritical, with so many layers wrapped around his feet, how could it still hurt?

Oh, if your father can't even see through this, there's no need to mess around.

The little boy pouted pitifully, looked up at his father again, and finally turned around obediently, digging his little head into his father's arms.

Well, lying down.

quite enjoy.

Fu Jiyan rolled his eyes:

"Fu Zhizhou, sit down."

You are like this, how does your father add firewood to the fire?

The child was stunned and stayed on.

"Gu Jianyi, come here."

Gu Jianyi was picking vegetables and washing vegetables not far from the window, and when he heard Brother Yan calling him again, he quickly responded:

"Ah? Just come."

Get up and go into the kitchen.

"Brother Yan, what's wrong?"

"Take him out."

The two little claws of the child were gripping tightly at the moment, clearly not happy.

However, his father forcibly peeled it off and threw the person into Gu Jianyi's arms.

Crying is useless.

Gu Jianyi now has a sense of sight holding a bomb.

The little man's golden beans in his arms kept falling.

"Small porridge, will my uncle take you to play with water? It's fun."

Play with water?

Another unreliable master!

But Yingdi Fu didn't stop him, he just reminded:

"Put him a raincoat."

"Okay Brother Yan, I know."

The child was taken out of the kitchen.

After that, I put on my raincoat and came out again.

The golden beans on his face were long gone, and they jumped up again.

"Uncle Gu, hurry up."

I really want to play in the water!

Probably, all children can't resist this, right?

Even an adult, who dares to say that he never played in the water when he was a child?

You can't stop being beaten every day, okay?

"I'm coming."

Gu Jian rushed out of the house.

By the well, the children had a great time playing.

He almost fell into the water basin, but fortunately, Gu Jianyi moved faster and held him back.

"Ancestor, let's keep a low profile."

I didn't dare to let the children continue to play in the big water basin.

"Would you like to press the water? Look, if you press down like this, the water will come out of this mouth. It's very fun~"

The child tilted his head and seemed to think about it seriously before agreeing:


One big and one small were very happy to play. Not far away, Ye Su and Xiao Leiming each came back with a **** and a shovel.

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