Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 51: Madam looking for you desperately

Su Zhixiao is not very worried about someone, but at this moment, he can't help but frown a little.

Who are the people behind Yang Xiying?

The female star of the fire can also be forced to jump off the building to commit suicide. Among them...you can probably guess so many points.

As for the police, they must know more and more comprehensively than ordinary people about some dark sides of society.

Especially in the entertainment industry, the water is not so deep!

The two were talking when Lao Zhao's phone rang:

"Team Luo? Okay, okay, I got it."

The call ended in less than ten seconds in total:

"Xiao Su, the captain asked me to go to Hexing again and leave."

Su Zhixiao nodded:

"go quickly."

It's about other people, and Lao Zhao will definitely ask Su Zhixiao to go with him.

Of course, Su Zhixiao didn't think there was anything wrong. The national law expressly stipulated that close relatives must avoid suspicion!

After Lao Zhao left, Su Zhixiao returned to the forensic doctor's office:

"Little Yu?"

After looking around, I found that Bai Yu was not here.

Suddenly, I was idle, and I was a little overwhelmed.

Then he took out his phone from his pocket and made a call.

The phone was quickly connected:


The whole person leaned against the window, watching the traffic of people on the main road downstairs, his voice could not help softening a lot:

"Baby, what are you doing?"

On the phone, there were two sounds of biting the straw, and then I heard the child say:

"Mom, the porridge is basking in the sun."

Su Zhixiao raised his eyes up and down, and the red sun was so bright that people couldn't help but feel empty.

Sunshine at this time?

"Baby, who is with you?"

Children will definitely not be out in the sun alone, so unreliable, naturally they will not be servants of the old house.

The child on the phone whispered:

"It's Fu Jiyan."


The child only knew that his father was fine when he woke up this morning, but for some reason, after going out and coming back, he seemed very unhappy.

Then, he even threatened to let his own son stand in the sun and watch him play to vent.

Fortunately, the servants can always add water and freshly squeezed juice to the children. Otherwise, in such a hot sun, I am afraid that I will faint from heat stroke after standing for a long time.

The two beeps that rang on the phone just now were the children drinking juice through a straw.

Su Zhixiao listened to his son's babble, and suddenly became angry:

"Let him answer the phone!"

The little clever ghost may have heard the anger in his mother's tone, and the little short legs hurriedly ran towards his father, not forgetting to shout:

"Dad, Mom, let you answer the phone!"

Fu Jiyan was a little stunned, probably because he didn't expect that woman would take the initiative to call him.

It wasn't until the little clever ghost in front of him put the phone in his hand that he regained his senses a little, put the club directly on the lawn next to him, and picked up the phone:

"Find me?"


"Fu Jiyan, you want to bask yourself in such a big sun. Why are you dragging my son to bask in the sun? Are you caught in the door?"

It can be heard that Su Zhixiao is really angry, so this tone is not as soft and soft as when Ding Dian treated his own son before. Now it is almost the same to say ****.

Probably, this is the first time someone has been scolded in such a way, with some cracks on his face.


"What are you? Fu Jiyan, let me warn you, if my son is exposed to something, my mother will fight for you!"

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