Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 54: I don't want to have a second time

The Beijing North Affiliated Experimental Kindergarten, formerly known as the Beijing Bei University Affiliated Kindergarten, is the No. 1 public kindergarten in the country.

Yes, the Fu family's children did not attend those private aristocratic schools.

Private aristocratic schools are no exception, and you can go to if you have money.

But the Beijing-North Affiliated Experimental Kindergarten, regardless of the name, is not just a person who has money to enter!

In this place, if a brick is smashed at random, even if the conditions are the worst, the family must have a deputy director-level family background.

Imagine that children from ordinary families may get college, and more have to wait for social work and have the ability to slowly start to contact this circle.

But some people have been in this circle since they were about three years old.

After adulthood, these are all proper connections!

No matter how much money, can there be a network of connections that start from kindergarten, all the way to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university?

It can't be measured by money at all!

The kindergarten is in the urban area, and it takes nearly 40 minutes to drive from the old house.

It was the first time for Fu Jiyan to send his son to school. Now, he doesn't want to have a second time at all.

"Get out of the car quickly." He urged, looking impatient.

In the back seat, the little man pouted pitifully, looked at his father in front of him resentfully from the rearview mirror, and shook the small body in the safety seat.


Fu Jiyan reacted and was speechless:

"Wait." He said towards the back seat.

Afterwards, he picked up the hat and mask from the co-pilot and put them on one by one before opening the door to get out of the car.

At this time, the road outside the kindergarten was full of cars, and the road was completely blocked.

Fu Jiyan's outfit with a hat and a mask and sunglasses really attracted the attention of those around him.

After all, it's such a hot day.

Fortunately, someone made a quick action, opened the car door, and directly took out the little person in the safety seat and put it on the ground.

'boom! 'Close the door.

"I'm here watching you come in."

If I really want someone to take my son in, that scene, think about it, let's forget it.

If you are recognized by a person's sharp eyes, it may be...

The children are obviously very unhappy. It is obvious that other children are led by their parents into the kindergarten. There's still a long way to go!

But when facing her mother, she can still act coquettishly and cute, and her mother always escorts herself in the door.

Dad, it's just... a little cowardly, I dare not make so many demands.

He snorted softly twice, his face full of anger:


Obediently walked towards the gate by yourself, not much, and met the children in the same class halfway.

"Fu Zhizhou, are you coming to school?"


"Aren't you sick?"


"Oh, oh, you haven't been here for so long, we all miss you."

The two children chatted chatteringly and seemed to have a good relationship.

Fu Jiyan leaned against the car door, and waited until the two little radishes entered the school gate before getting in the car, starting the car and leaving.

But as soon as he got in the car, his face suddenly turned cold, he put on a Bluetooth headset in one hand, and then dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected:

"Ayan, are you here yet?"

"ten minutes."

"It's not a big deal, don't worry too much."

"Well, hang up."


Hexing Entertainment Company.

After Fu Jiyan parked the car, he directly took the elevator for the president to go upstairs.

Upstairs, in the president's office, Pei Tianting and Zhou Huan had been waiting for a long time, and they all looked anxious.

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