Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 6: The man who treated the police station as a five-star hotel


Cui Xingran explained:

"It should have been caused by hitting the rocks at the bottom of the lake in the water, no problem."

Su Zhixiao is also the last to confirm, since traces were found in the body of the person concerned, it is bound to find out the specific reason, no evidence can be let go, and the deceased cannot be allowed to die in vain!

At this moment, the door of the office was knocked:

"Officer Cui, someone has come to take fingerprints again."

Cui Xingran suddenly wailed:

"I know, I'll be here soon."

The little policewoman who notified her left, and Su Zhixiao was about to go back to the office. Who knows, Cui Xingran stopped him the next second:

"Sister Su, do me a favor!"


"Help me record fingerprints, you can see it, I really can't go away."

Su Zhixiao wanted to refuse, but it was obvious that Cui Xingran was really busy: "Okay." Hearing Su Zhixiao agree, Cui Xingran was so happy that he almost jumped up:

"Thank you, thank you, and invite Sister Su to eat hot pot during the holidays!"

At this time, in the reception room.

Fu Jiyan leaned back on the chair lazily. He didn't have the slightest sense of sitting in the police station. He was as relaxed and comfortable as sitting on the sofa in a five-star hotel.

Zheng Bingyang stood aside, and his agent Zhou Huan was also there. Su Zhixiao carried the thing for taking fingerprints and pushed open the door.

When he saw the people inside, his face twitched uncontrollably.

I never thought that the person who came to take fingerprints at this moment was actually him?

After all, with the strength of the Fu family, this one doesn't need to come here in person, right?

After many years in the police, expression management is still in place.

Zhou Huan immediately became dog-legged:

"Hello, sister-in-law, I'll help you."

"No, thanks."

As Fu Jiyan's agent and partner, Zhou Huan naturally knew Su Zhixiao, and of course Zhou Huan also participated in their marriage five years ago.

But Zheng Bingyang didn't know, he only started working with Fu Jiyan as an assistant two years ago.

No, after hearing Zhou Huan's 'sister-in-law', the whole person was stunned.


"Brother Yan? This... police officer is... yours...?"

It's not what you think it is, is it?

On the chair, the man glanced at his assistant:

"do you have any opinion?"

Holy shit!

Who dares to have an opinion on this?

Zheng Bingyang swallowed a few saliva before shouting after Zhou Huan:

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

The voice boss, the shouting Su Zhixiao paused for a moment, then smiled at Zheng Bingyang who was naive:

"Just call me Officer Su."

The title of sister-in-law, let's call someone else.

As far as the current relationship between the two is concerned, they haven't seen each other several times a year, and there's nothing to say when they meet each other. The most important thing is that there should have been a tacit agreement between the two of them long ago, and no one should cross the line except for the children.

Zheng Bingyang looked silly, but he wasn't really stupid, so he shouldn't make a sound.

Fortunately, Zhou Huan is still here.

"Sister-in-law, did you directly press this to record your fingerprints?"

"Yes, footprints too, just step on them."

"Okay, then I'll come first."

Zhou Huan moved quickly. After pressing his fingerprints, he stepped on the footprints again, and dragged Zheng Bingyang:

"Little Zheng, hurry up."

The operation was fairly simple. After the two of them were done, Zhou Huan had already dragged Zheng Bingyang out of the reception room, and even helped to close the door intimately. Suddenly, there were only two people left in the reception room.

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