Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 68: Su Zhixiao was borrowed for the first time

However, neither of them expected that Su Zhixiao would be called to the director's office by a phone call just after dinner in the cafeteria.

In the office, Bureau Wang and the leader of the Anti-Narcotics Division have been waiting for a long time.

"Officer Wang, Team He."

"Xiao Su is here? Sit here."

Su Zhixiao was a little confused, but the chief boss had spoken, and of course he hurriedly sat on the chair next to him.

Bureau Wang glanced at the captain of the anti-drug team:

"He team, you talk about it."

He Wen nodded and looked at Su Zhixiao:

"Officer Su, our team has an important operation tonight, and we need Officer Su's help."


Before, I was talking to Bai Yu about letting her establish a good relationship with the Drug Enforcement Division in advance, and then have the opportunity to let the Drug Enforcement Division take it out on a mission scene.

How long has it been since?

Hasn't it been an hour?

So, did you really find yourself?

This kind of thing is quite normal in the bureau.

The Drug Enforcement Section of the City Bureau is really a bunch of big men, and there is not a single female police officer. When occasionally a **** is needed for a mission, they can only borrow people from other departments.

However, it was the first time that Su Zhixiao was borrowed.

"it is good!"

Promised without hesitation.

The important actions of the Drug Enforcement Division are bound to be related to those wicked desperados, and it is possible that once they go, they will never come back.

As a policeman, whether it is a criminal policeman, an anti-narcotics policeman or any other type of policeman, as long as the people need it and the country needs it, there is nothing to hesitate!

No matter whether it is an abyss or **** waiting in front of you, you will only move forward without turning back and never back down!

He Wen explained the action deployment carefully:

"Our main task tonight is to catch the head of the drug dealer, Brother Chang, to find out the large amount of drugs that he has hidden in the northern part of Beijing, and never let these drugs endanger the citizens of northern Beijing.

According to reliable information, 'Brother Chang' will talk business with people at the 'Blue Night Bar' tonight, so we have to act immediately.

Officer Su, are you here? "

It is seven o'clock now.

On the police side, there are only two hours left, and it is not easy to deploy all kinds of things inside and outside the bar.

After all, when it comes to drug trafficking, no one dares to be careless in the slightest, otherwise, all the lives will be lost, and no one can afford this responsibility!

Su Zhixiao stood up:

"He team, I have no problem!"

He Wen hummed:

"Go to Roselle and leave in twenty minutes."


After coming out of the director's office, Su Zhixiao went directly to the anti-drug team:

"Officer Luo."

Rosette was busy packing things, and raised his head:

"Hey, Officer Su, why are you here?"

"He team asked me to come to you."

In an instant, a group of big men from the anti-drug team looked over:

"So, Officer Su is going to fight with us tonight? That feeling is good, Rosay, don't let Officer Su wait, why don't you hurry up?"

Roselle hurriedly put down what was in his hand and smiled hehely:

"Cough, Officer Su, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were the one from Team He who went out to borrow it.

Well, I need to change my outfit, even if the clothes are borrowed, the comfort will not be so good. "

What I didn't say is that these clothes have been borrowed for a long time, and I don't know how many missions have been done.

"There's not that much to mind, hurry up, Officer Luo."

Haven't eaten pork and never seen a pig run?

They are all from the Municipal Bureau, and of course you can occasionally hear about such situations.

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