Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 78: Haven't seen a woman?

To my surprise, it was already half past ten in the morning.

Damn, I'm late for work!

No, people will be late for at most ten minutes, which is nearly half a day, and they must be treated as absenteeism.

Quickly sent a WeChat voice to Bai Yu:

"Xiaoyu, take a leave for me, I'll make up the slip when I come tomorrow."

It only took a few seconds for the voice to be sent, and there was a reply:

"Sister Su, didn't you ask for leave early in the morning?"


Su Zhixiao listened to Bai Yu's voice again to make sure that he heard it right.

Did you take a leave early in the morning?

How come there is no impression at all?


Shouldn't it be...that **** asked for it?

The truth, that's what it is!

Reaching out and rubbing his eyebrows, the phone fell on the carpet.

Until the child seemed impatient waiting outside, knocked on the door and asked:

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Not yet, baby go downstairs in the living room to wait for mother, mother may take a while."

Hearing the sound of his son going down the stairs, Su Zhixiao got off the bed, and the series of movements was not much different from that of a zombie.

Bending down, he picked up the large bath towel on the carpet and wrapped it around him before pulling out the drawer of the bedside table.

Sure enough, there are still several external medicines in it, and one of the newly opened ones has been used for more than half.

Remembering what the man said on the phone just now, his face became hot.

and many more.

what is that?

Under the ointment is a document in a file bag, what the **** calls a 'surprise'?

Su Zhixiao took out the document bag and opened it.

When he saw the contents of the document inside, his face was shocked, but shocked.

Why does the 'divorce petition' submitted to the court appear here?

He quickly opened it, and sure enough, the content inside was typed by himself, word by word, of course it would not be unfamiliar.

It's just that someone listed in the line "The husband and wife have been separated for a long time for four years. Now the relationship between the husband and wife has been completely and completely broken, and the husband and wife relationship exists in name only." Now I file a lawsuit with the court, demanding a divorce from the defendant, Mr. Fu Jiyan. ’ Below, a horizontal line is emphasized.

And there is a fresh handwritten note in the blank space next to it: what the plaintiff said is not true, the defendant does not agree!

This arrogant tone, arrogant font, even if it turns into ashes, you can recognize who wrote it!

Su Zhixiao was so angry that he wanted to bite.

If the **** was really in front of him at this moment, he would really rush to him unceremoniously and kill him!


But thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

After all, last night, the two did have a relationship.

After four years of separation, they were completely ruined in one night.

Change who, who is not angry?

Pissed off!

The so-called 'surprise'?

Oh, it's almost scary!


Suddenly, a text message alert sounded.

Su Zhixiao pulled back his thoughts, picked up the phone at his feet and opened it.

Travel for a few days and return in five days at the latest.

--Signature: You man!

Very good, slipped very fast!

However, there is an old saying: if you can hide the monk, you can't hide from the temple!

After turning off the screen and leaving the phone on the bed, I went to the bathroom.


After half an hour, Su Zhixiao came out of the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, I finally feel alive again.

However, when I looked in the mirror, I noticed that there were blue and purple W marks and fingerprints all over the body, especially the x-mouth and the base of the legs, which were a little shocking.


How can it be as if the animal has never seen a woman?

Why is it so painful?

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