Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 834: be identified

At this moment, as long as there is no problem with the mind, I am afraid that I can guess the reason.

After all, the words have already been said so clearly.

"Fu...Mr. Fu, my child is young and ignorant. If I offend you, I, the father, will make amends to you first. You have a large number of adults, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach. I hope Haihan !"

Attitude has been very humble.

Even, if possible, Mr. Ning wanted to kneel down and apologize in person.

The Fu family, who provoked it?

Kneeling down to beg forgiveness, that is very fortunate.

It's just a pity....

"Mr. Ning is joking, other things, Fu is naturally capable of Haihan.

However, since ancient times, only the hatred of killing his father and the hatred of taking his wife are shared. Fu does not have such a big measure. President Ning, what do you think? "

The hatred of killing the father and the hatred of the wife?

It is impossible to kill the father. Mr. Fu and his wife died in a car accident many years ago. How old will their children be?

As for the hatred of wives...


Thinking of this, Mr. Ning's beer belly, which looked like she was nine months pregnant, trembled:

"Mr. Fu, did you make a mistake?"

how can that be possible?

Totally impossible!

For a time, my heart clenched.

. . . . . .

the other side.

Su Zhixiao briefly said a few words to the person on the phone, in fact, it was like "um", "ah", "understood", and then hung up the phone.

Looking at the group of young masters on the opposite side, especially this young master Ning, who had the guts to take care of him, his smile became even deeper in an instant.

He raised his hand and gestured, and sure enough, the phone in the Ning Gongzi's pocket rang rapidly.

Maybe there are still some who haven't recovered, and have not made any movements.

Su Zhixiao had to remind:

"pick up."

"Oh, answer the phone, answer."

After finally regaining his senses, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and connected:


"Don't call me dad, from today on, I don't have your son!"


Drunk not lightly, his head slammed, and he was much more sober.

"Dad, I'm fine, why are you so angry?"

"Furious? The company was destroyed by you, and I still owe a lot of money. Now I want to go to the sky, you are too embarrassed to ask what's wrong?

You only have one chance now, go to Mrs. Fu and ask her to forgive you, otherwise, you will not come back. "

Ning's explosive roar could be clearly felt by the people here even through the telephone line.

The words "Ningyuan Group is gone" were heard very clearly by everyone.

To say that although Ningyuan Group is not ranked in the upper-class circle, it has always been in the middle reaches, and its branches are also spread over more than half of the country.

But who is Mrs. Fu?

Why ask her?

A group of sons are completely at a loss at this moment:

"We didn't offend any lady surnamed Fu, did we?"

"I do not."

"Me neither."

"Then what?"

At this moment, Su Zhixiao said again:

"That, sorry, correct me, Mrs. Fu is not her own surname Fu."

Teacher Ye, who was pulled behind, also rarely laughed out loud at this time.

This smile can make the group of young masters on the opposite side very angry:

"Ye Jinshu, who are you laughing at?"

"Oh, laugh at some stupid and ignorant guy!"

It was rare for Teacher Ye to come up with such a curse word, and it was probably the limit of Teacher Ye.

On the other hand, Young Master Ning suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Zhixiao:

"It's you?"

It's a smart one.

Being identified, Su Zhixiao himself didn't feel anything. As early as when he made that call, he had expected the current situation.

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