Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 863: sell, kill

In the kitchen, the door of the freezer compartment of the refrigerator has been opened, and all three drawers have been pulled open.

The contents inside were taken out one by one.

Su Zhixiao, Lao Zhao, and Bai Yu squatted on the ground, opened all the bags, and checked them carefully.

Xiao Guo was in front of the long table, taking photos of various places in the kitchen and the pressure cooker with his mobile phone, and he took dozens of photos.

As for the courier man, he was finally released.

After all, if something is really found, it is very likely that he will be severely shadowed for the rest of his life.

The entire kitchen was occupied by most of it at the moment.

The three were divided, and each had a large booth in front of them.

In the living room, upstairs and downstairs, the whole building was surveyed.

Outside the house, there are more villagers watching.

Since it is not known exactly what happened, the rumors are one after the other.

Fortunately, the old man and the old lady have been sent to the bureau.

The rest of the criminal police team also arrived at this moment, Captain Luo, Li Yu, and Qian Fei.

The vigilant police opened the cordon to release.

Three people enter:

"Where are they?" asked Qianfei Barabara.

Li Yu glanced carefully:

"The kitchen, over there!"

It's a bit of a worry.

A few people passed, and Xiao Guo was the first to see people:

"Team Luo, are you here?" shouted.

Luo Yifan nodded:

"Have you found anything?"

Su Zhixiao and the others have already turned over more than half of the bag, and now there is only a small part left.

Li Yu and Qian Fei immediately became smart and stepped forward to help.

Finally, something strange was found in a bag.

"Sister Su, Brother Zhao, look!" Bai Yu's eyes widened.

The bag contained a bag of bones, the kind that have been boiled and then frozen.

Su Zhixiao touched it with his fingers, frowned slightly, and then poured out all the bones in the bag.

When they saw those bones, everyone present trembled.

Although not necessarily all of them graduated from forensic medicine, they all came from the police academy, and they have a lot of experience. At a glance, you can tell whether this is an animal bone or a human bone.

Ribs, pelvis, or skull.

And these poured out on the ground are indeed human skulls!

In itself, the human skull is very hard. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be broken unless a sledgehammer is used to hammer the wall.

However, if you go through a special method, it will be simple.

For example, with highly corrosive liquids.

Another example is the pressure cooker that every household has!

Cooking in a pressure cooker for a few hours, no matter how hard the bones are, they will become soft.

I found one bag, and then I found the second bag very smoothly, with a total of three bags.


All the people of the criminal police team are evacuated, and the police in the area will be in charge of the scene.

On the way back, everyone didn't speak much, and they were really uninterested.

Twenty minutes later, he finally returned to the bureau.

The interrogation room had already begun the interrogation.

And the old man and the old lady didn't resist, answering whatever they asked, and even more frankly explaining what they had done before.

Obviously, the old couple didn't plan to hide it, and they were ready to be found by the police.

In the words of the old couple, they have already avenged their daughter, and they are very satisfied!

Even if it is shot now, I have no opinion.

Moreover, according to the explanation of the old couple, they not only mutilated the sons of Pei Qi and Ren Yingying, abused, beat, killed, dismembered, and then threw the corpse...

The daughters of Pei Qi and Ren Yingying were also sold by the old couple.

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