Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 88: What if it was a wild man?

Hearing that the woman was about to hang up, on the other side of the phone, she finally became serious:

"Wait, there's something wrong."


The tone was really unfriendly.


Do you need to be kind to a jerk-headed man?

"I won't be able to make it back tomorrow, the original plan was to send the cub to Grandpa after you go to work.

But, unfortunately, Grandpa and his old friends have already set off for the countryside. "

The more I talked about it, the more guilty I became.

The old man went to the country?

No wonder Uncle Duo returned to the old house this morning to pick up his luggage.

He moved his lips, and his heart was full of fire:

"Fu Jiyan, come, tell me, what will happen to my son tomorrow?"

If the kindergarten is not on vacation, the children can still go to school during the day, and there are Aunt Feng and Xiao Tao at home at night, and it's fine.

But now the school holiday time has not been determined, who knows how long it will be?

Let a three-year-old child be at home alone day and night, even if there is a servant to accompany, but a relative is not there, what will the child think?

He will be afraid, will feel abandoned by everyone, will cry, will make trouble. . . .

"Huo family, how is it?"

There is really no better way. After all, the Huo family is also the ancestral family of the little brat.


Su Zhixiao didn't even think about it, and directly refused!

Although he has not prevented his son from contacting the Huo family over the years, he will not agree to send his son to the Huo family even if he is killed!

However, when it comes to the Huo family, Su Zhixiao immediately thought of a certain place.

"You don't need to worry about this." It was a lot easier at once.

On the phone, Fu Jiyan laughed:

"Okay, then Officer Su, you can do it."


"Wait, who didn't you say you were with?"

This corner, is it turning around and back again?

That is, this is a question that must be asked clearly!

In case, what if a wild man?

"Officer Su, you should be clear, I want to know, it's just a matter of time."

"Fu Jiyan, are you threatening me?" His face turned cold.

"No, how can this be a threat? As a husband, caring about his wife should be fine, right? Officer Su?"

It's not that I can't hear the seriousness of the other party on the phone, or else, I won't be holding on to it for a long time.

Su Zhixiao didn't want to cause any trouble, and took a few deep breaths:

"Huo Yu, are you alright?"

Not giving the other party a chance to answer at all, this time he really hung up the phone.

So, I didn't hear the movement over the phone.

Fu Jiyan still had his cell phone in his hand, and Zheng Bingyang was walking beside him with two suitcases. Who knows, just at this moment, a question suddenly sounded, still wearing a loudspeaker.

"Fu Yingdi, you have been married a long time ago, right? So, you have been deceiving your fans all these years? Why did you hide the fact of your marriage?"

It happened so suddenly that the soul asked three times as soon as he opened his mouth, which shocked everyone.

In the airport, there are already many people, and at this moment, even passers-by stopped and looked here.

After all, the name Fu Jiyan, even people who don't chase stars, know it.

"What's the matter? The hidden marriage of a male star was exploded?"

"That's not true, but, of course, people have the right to choose to say or not to say about this marriage.

It is these people in the entertainment industry that make such a fuss. "

"There's a big difference. Celebrities are public figures, not like ordinary people. They rely on the support of fans. You said that it was suddenly revealed that they were married. Can girlfriend fans accept it? Isn't it crazy?"

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